
I used Roots Organics complete line for a few years and quality was top notch. It's really good stuff. It's really easy to use since it takes ALOT of it to burn your plants versus using synthetics which can burn your plants easy if you aren't familiar with the particular nutes you're using. Less is more when it comes to nutes. Now if you end up choosing 1000's you will need more nutes than you would using 600's.

As far as container size, the larger the better but I am currently running 1.5 gallon containers with 4+ foot tall plants and I'm pulling 2-2.5 OZ per plant. I admit the plants are way too big for such small containers but I've been able to make it work by feeding EVERY watering day instead of following the standard feed-water-feed-water-feed-water, I go feed-feed-feed-water-feed-feed-water, and I also kick the nute strength up much higher. One thing that sucks though, is that they need water every other day because they drink it up so quick. My conditions aren't ideal by any means though. Also, the larger the container = the more forgiving in regards to nutrient sensitivity.

You shouldn't need any supplemental cal or mag if you're using the complete line. You might need to add some Ca and Mg on a few strains like OG's but most strains should be fine with RO water and the Roots Organics line.

Make sure if you choose to use coco, you wash it out completely to leech out all the salts present in the package. Basically just wash it out like you would wash vegetables in a sink for cooking. Put it in a strainer or colander and run water through it until it comes out @ the same ppm you put in.

It's cool to see you aren't being so cocky now man. You will find that you get MUCH more help and respect when you keep it real and keep it humble.

I'm confident now that you do have what it takes to be a successful grower eventually. I suppose it's possible for you to blow your friends away on your first try but it's a VERY VERY slim chance. However, I have faith that you will be growing huge beautiful plants by this time next year, maybe even sooner.

Just remember: the thing that separates the successful growers from the failures, is the authentic love for what we do. People who don't truly love growing are the ones who can't push through the tough times when you're suddenly hit with crazy problem after crazy problem after crazy problem. The ones who truly love what we do are the ones that will confront a problem and push through with a mindstate of "I can do this because it means the world to me" instead of "FUCK IT man, I just can't handle all of this stress anymore".

Nobody likes a quitter :P
See this is prime example of where you can't just take one persons word on a grow, everyone has their tricks and techniques, they have their own knowledge that has been passed on by others or learned from trial and error. I'm not here to argue with silusbotwin or tell him he is wrong about the calmag usage, as he is successful without it, but I have never used Roots Organic so I can't confirm or deny its need. I am a General Hydroponics person (currently trying to use up the AN samples I got, as they are new in Australia and I got given Sensi Grow as a sample for my local shop), and I know that all my coco grows thanked me for adding CaliMagic to the mix.

So read read read all you can from all sources, watch youtube videos for different techniques (try to avoid the marketing bullshit from different Nutrient companies), but I will leave you with this and happy so answer any questions I can:
3 Essentials for successful grow:

1. Must have direct lighting
2. leaves must have CO2 (ie good air exchange and/or CO2 dosing)
3. Roots must have good oxygen
Ok well in switching to soilless i think. 2 600 watt conversions. Mh to hps. 12 plants. 8 by 5 room. But if I'm using soilless I was suggested at least 5 gallon pots. Will 5 gallon buckets work or is it supposed to drain?

I respect this guy and he is just starting a journal. We are very similar in our methods but I have judged he is further along in knowledge on the hempy method and doing a proper grow than I. Give it a look.


Easy cheap and great product? What's wrong with that?
It's so hard. Hydro seemed easier to me honestly. Thats how all my friends grow too. So if i go in soil then they won't be any help to me. They all do dro. That's why I wasn't worried. Cuz I know lots of ppl. And have lots of friends who would of helped me. But I've seen them fail at first too u know. Low yields and shitty bud. It's a hard choice. Go cheap and better chances or go big and possibly less chances of success. I don't mind spending money. I just want to grow sum good ass weed for myself. I guess I don't care how much I yield at the moment. Long as it's bomb. Thats my new attitude. Seems like the yield will come in time once I got growing basics down. I just wanna make sure the bud I grow is fire. I'm sick of smoking regular dank. I just wanna cure my weed properly and have my own trim to make my own edibles and oil. Lol that's all I care about. I'm sorry for being stubborn. The joke prolly wudda been on me. Jorge said organics is best? What's your thoughts on that? Ever tried organic growing?
What's your idea of good ass weed? Have any pics of your friends stuff?

Growing weed is like anything in the world. If you want to be good at it u must do lot's of research and also apply what you have learned to real life situations. Growing is a bitch because what works for some plants may not work for others. All plants are different, different strains! even when they are the same strain they could be different phenos! Or the same pheno expressing different traits...bottom line is don't act like you already grew the shit, you definitely won't get the quality you desire and if you do your not aiming high enough. You're not getting 4 pounds...That's like never playing basketball in your life and thinking your going to be able to beat LeBron James in a 1 on 1 game....to be honest u could be running 4 1000watt lights in 4 separate tents and still not pull 4 lbs... you will most likely pull a lb a 1000 watt like everyone else that did good for their first grow...Also u should stop being such a follower. Fuck your friends. Grow whatever u want...
I agree to a certain extent. The difference between hempY and DWC/Drip is that you gotta stay on top of PH in DWC. Every day Ya gotta test it and add stuff to get it back in the range. Then check it and add again til Ya get it right. You get used to it and it's not that time consuming but in the hempy you really only have to check it going in when Ya feed and check the run off. It's just so easy and your using the same nutes only less and saving $$$.

Most of the DWC probs I see on RIU are noobs who DIY with storage containers covered with cardboard, duck tape and all that other crap. I bought a powergrower single unit and it really is easy if you follow directions. Me being a bit on the conservative and mixing 25% or so and working my way up. Other than the daily hassle of jacking with PH DWC worked fine.

I would say if OP wants to go DWC/Drip get a good PROFESSIONALLY MADE multi unit set up with a reservoir. Still gonna have to PH every day and you WILL USE A HELLUVA LOT MORE NUTES IN THAT SYSTEM AS OPPOSED TO HEMPY. And if you like jacking your grow every day YOULL LOVE DWC. Note I never had water temp problems in DWC because I got central heat and air and use LED with good ventilation so my shit didn't get hot. Just PH right and use a good 3 part nute. Not that crazy 7 to 11 part stuff on your first grow.

Just saying.

I've not experienced the ph swings in DWC and I've done many DIY too. There doesn't have to be a difference between DIY and store bought if you buy the right stuff.
I don't have the room in my house to do sea of green if that's what tour leaning at carolina. I have one dedicated room start to finish. I want bigger larger yields. My buddy wants to teach me scrogging cuz it works best for him. He's got a veg room and 2 flower rooms and been doing it for years. I trust him 100 percent. Hi buds better than any of my other friends and hate to say it to all you AN haters. But he uses ph perfect advanced nutrients. My buddy's general hydro is weak in ebb n flow compared to my buddy's AN room. I dunno. Another buddy mixes different lines together and comes out with good shit though.
I use general hydro's three part and I can careless what anyone tries to say about Canna or Advanced, there not any better if you know what you're doing. I've ran the gauntlet with other nutes and saw no change. And I've brought my bud to Cali, once when I moved, and for the most part it was better than the crap some of those clubs in the central valley had.

I know the marketing states,"we specially designed for bud plants, GH is for all plants!" well guess what? Marijuana just happens to be a plant, not some magic species that has to have secret ingredients. But like others state, Adv.Nutes work and is a descent product, but it is not required or even needed to pulls some bad ass buds. Cheers.
Hey Nick I don't want to beat a dead horse but you've really done a 180 here. Good job dude! Can you see how much there is to learn? I've been growing for 15+ years and I'm still learning.
Be careful there Goodson. I got called a douche by Heygurll because I said I've been using the same technics for 10+ years to increase my odds of females from the seeds I germinate, and he/she started trolling me. Saying that by my stating I've been doing something for 10+ years, people will know I'm a douche. Made me laugh, and I giggled again when I saw your post. It's almost like these kids don't think that one day they'll grow up too. Cheers.
Be careful there Goodson. I got called a douche by Heygurll because I said I've been using the same technics for 10+ years to increase my odds of females from the seeds I germinate, and he/she started trolling me. Saying that by my stating I've been doing something for 10+ years, people will know I'm a douche. Made me laugh, and I giggled again when I saw your post. It's almost like these kids don't think that one day they'll grow up too. Cheers.
So what happens after 40 years of growing LOL
Be careful there Goodson. I got called a douche by Heygurll because I said I've been using the same technics for 10+ years to increase my odds of females from the seeds I germinate, and he/she started trolling me. Saying that by my stating I've been doing something for 10+ years, people will know I'm a douche. Made me laugh, and I giggled again when I saw your post. It's almost like these kids don't think that one day they'll grow up too. Cheers.

Thanks for the heads up man. Maybe people are right though? How long you've been doing something is NOT a qualifier or a direct reflection of how good you are at it. So I guess when people (including me) say things like my post above it really means nothing.

Example: my mom has been cooking my whole life and let me tell you she is a terrible cook. Lol so she could say she has been cooking for 50+ years and what does that mean when she's been making crappy food since I can remember.
Sorry mom...

The good news is I'm not So far up my own butt that I can't see where people might be coming from. I'm not saying you are brother. I'm just trying to look at it objectively.
Thanks for the heads up man. Maybe people are right though? How long you've been doing something is NOT a qualifier or a direct reflection of how good you are at it. So I guess when people (including me) say things like my post above it really means nothing.

Example: my mom has been cooking my whole life and let me tell you she is a terrible cook. Lol so she could say she has been cooking for 50+ years and what does that mean when she's been making crappy food since I can remember.
Sorry mom...

The good news is I'm not So far up my own butt that I can't see where people might be coming from. I'm not saying you are brother. I'm just trying to look at it objectively.
Yeah I tend to tell folks I've been growin for 40 years if they ask, for other stuff I let my pics do the takin :bigjoint:
Saving myself 300 bux only bUT prolly saving allot of headaches. I hope this is the right choice. Getting two 600s instead of one 1000. Now I got more bux for a better ac, dehumidifier, and humidifier. Canna has a starter pack for coco. Get 6 5 gallon grow bags. Canna coco. Coco a&b. Cannaboost. Cannazyme. Pk 13/14. And canna rhizotonic. Comes in a starter kit for only 171.16. Buying two of them kits to grow 12 under my two 600s in a 5 by 8 room. I think I got this now. Thanks for all your help and support. Means allot to me.
Getting 9 grand back on my taxes. Soon as that happens it's on. I figured this year I shud invest into something. And growing weed is something that has interested me since I took my first puff. Turning dreams into reality :)
Thanks for the heads up man. Maybe people are right though? How long you've been doing something is NOT a qualifier or a direct reflection of how good you are at it. So I guess when people (including me) say things like my post above it really means nothing.

Example: my mom has been cooking my whole life and let me tell you she is a terrible cook. Lol so she could say she has been cooking for 50+ years and what does that mean when she's been making crappy food since I can remember.
Sorry mom...

The good news is I'm not So far up my own butt that I can't see where people might be coming from. I'm not saying you are brother. I'm just trying to look at it objectively.
So what happens after 40 years of growing LOL
This guy gets it. lmfao. RM3, I respect the shit outta you, you grow dank on the reg man. TBH i had no clue how long you have been growing, i don't care, it doesn't matter. I could see you know your shit much more than I.. For all I know you could have been a newb and I still would be inclined to listen to you. I look at everything and everyone with a little bit of what I call scientifically suspended disbelief.

Be careful there Goodson. I got called a douche by Heygurll because I said I've been using the same technics for 10+ years to increase my odds of females from the seeds I germinate, and he/she started trolling me. Saying that by my stating I've been doing something for 10+ years, people will know I'm a douche. Made me laugh, and I giggled again when I saw your post. It's almost like these kids don't think that one day they'll grow up too. Cheers.
Butthurt much? I mean i let it slide you changed the entire meaning of your post in two edited words (which would have made the next posts pointless) but really man. I know people with 10+ years experience who brag about their shitty weed. When offered free worm castings, one had no fucking clue if it was good for plants or what it did. So I rescinded the offer and let them continue using ornamental fertilizer. I had also offered to teach him (or provide primarily riu links) but he again quoted the 10 years of growing weed. You remind me of him. So, why don't you grow up?

For anyone wanting to read what thread he and i are talking about, feel free. Note the original message I replied to/quoted, and then this edited version that is a complete 180 with just 2 more well placed words (and a forgotten removal of an "s".) Immature fuck, i'll stoop to your level again. This site just brings it out in me. https://www.rollitup.org/t/can-tell-if-seed-is-male-or-female.856991/page-2
Last edited:
Saving myself 300 bux only bUT prolly saving allot of headaches. I hope this is the right choice. Getting two 600s instead of one 1000. Now I got more bux for a better ac, dehumidifier, and humidifier. Canna has a starter pack for coco. Get 6 5 gallon grow bags. Canna coco. Coco a&b. Cannaboost. Cannazyme. Pk 13/14. And canna rhizotonic. Comes in a starter kit for only 171.16. Buying two of them kits to grow 12 under my two 600s in a 5 by 8 room. I think I got this now. Thanks for all your help and support. Means allot to me.

Don't know anything about coco. But yeah you've heard from the soil experts, DWC experts and I mentioned hempy. Now it's time for you to decide how you do it. I am actually making plans to do an outdoor veggie garden in my head now for the spring. ;-) whatever you decide there will be someone around to help out around. Best of luck to ya.
This guy gets it. lmfao. RM3, I respect the shit outta you, you grow dank on the reg man. TBH i had no clue how long you have been growing, i don't care, it doesn't matter. I could see you know your shit much more than I.. For all I know you could have been a newb and I still would be inclined to listen to you. I look at everything and everyone with a little bit of what I call scientifically suspended disbelief.

Thank you, Thank you very much, in my best Elvis voice :)

Butthurt much? I mean i let it slide you changed the entire meaning of your post in two edited words (which would have made the next posts pointless) but really man. I know people with 10+ years experience who brag about their shitty weed. When offered free worm castings, one had no fucking clue if it was good for plants or what it did. So I rescinded the offer and let them continue using ornamental fertilizer. I had also offered to teach him (or provide primarily riu links) but he again quoted the 10 years of growing weed. You remind me of him. So, why don't you grow up?

For anyone wanting to read what thread he and i are talking about, feel free. Note the original message I replied to, and then the edited version that is a complete 180 with just 2 more well placed words. Immature fuck, i'll I stoop to your level again. This site just brings it out in me. https://www.rollitup.org/t/can-tell-if-seed-is-male-or-female.856991/page-2
I have no idea what you're talking about with the worm castings. If someone doesn't know what earthworm castings are, then they're an idiot. I mean, how am I supposed to respond to that?

And I don't need you to teach me anything about genetics. Yeah I forgot to add words to my original post but who doesn't make typing errors when they're stone, but I didn't 180. Hell, I didn't realize I made the mistake until you trolled me on it.

All I was saying was a person can't tell if a seed will produce a male or female by simply looking at it because regardless of its genetic make up, environmental factors can alter gender. You told me zero information that I did not already know, you just basically trolled me.

Besides I didn't think I was bragging, I simply thought I was stating that I had done it for x amount of time and that it helps me average more females. And it isn't like I made this information up, I've read it in every single growing book I've bought. Ed's, Jorge's and countless magazine articles but passing on that information makes me a douche. Positives vibes, nah what's that?

And I'm sure you do know people with 10+ years experience growing shit weed, I'm not one... so good day.
This guy gets it. lmfao. RM3, I respect the shit outta you, you grow dank on the reg man. TBH i had no clue how long you have been growing, i don't care, it doesn't matter. I could see you know your shit much more than I.. For all I know you could have been a newb and I still would be inclined to listen to you. I look at everything and everyone with a little bit of what I call scientifically suspended disbelief.

Butthurt much? I mean i let it slide you changed the entire meaning of your post in two edited words (which would have made the next posts pointless) but really man. I know people with 10+ years experience who brag about their shitty weed. When offered free worm castings, one had no fucking clue if it was good for plants or what it did. So I rescinded the offer and let them continue using ornamental fertilizer. I had also offered to teach him (or provide primarily riu links) but he again quoted the 10 years of growing weed. You remind me of him. So, why don't you grow up?

For anyone wanting to read what thread he and i are talking about, feel free. Note the original message I replied to/quoted, and then this edited version that is a complete 180 with just 2 more well placed words (and a forgotten removal of an "s".) Immature fuck, i'll stoop to your level again. This site just brings it out in me. https://www.rollitup.org/t/can-tell-if-seed-is-male-or-female.856991/page-2

Cliff notes please. I ain't reading all of that crap. Sheesh, just make a damn point already.
can't we just let the past post be past post and move on, seriously does hijacking nicksol86's forum post on his first grow really prove something or actually make people really care....I will not visit some past arguement or disagreement

nicksol, excellent choice on the 600s mate, I think you will be very happy with the choice. As far as that Canna package, personally I would just get your coco and your Base Grow nutes and learn with just the basics. All the additive nutes can be learned later on and some of them do work but only add marginal more size to the yield that its almost not worth the cost of the nutrient. Just a recommendation for coco would be for Veg.....a good Base veg nutrient (1,2, or 3 part, doesn't matter, there are lots of good choices out there) and CalMag, For Flower in coco....a good Base bloom nutrient, CalMag, and an organic molassas to carb it up at around week 5 (but this is again just optional)
So you guys mean to tell me that all i need is base nutrients. Like like micro grow and bloom for three part or a and b for two parts. (Not sure on 1 parts). But if i just use the base nutes I can grow bomb dope? Really? I don't need any other shit at all? I thought the additives were good tho for certain things like root growth, etc.. I just picked a starter kit and that's the shit that came with it. Saved me on finding individual pots or grow bags, soilless mix, and figuring out all the nutes on my own. It just seemed easier. And it had everything you needed. Why I was gunna try canna. Hmmm