You Also Can't Keep Your Doctor


Well-Known Member
Well, of course, those who are offended by this article will say that it is only anecdotal... as this allows them to dismiss it out of hand.
They do not even have to read it.
Some lose and some win.
Only time will tell how this shakes out.

Regardless, I found this to be a poignant testament to the monstrosity that the ACA is, and always will be...harebrained at best!:leaf:


Nov. 3, 2013 6:37 p.m. ET
Everyone now is clamoring about Affordable Care Act winners and losers. I am one of the losers.
My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.
My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits.

Two things have been essential in my fight to survive stage-4 cancer. The first are doctors and health teams in California and Texas: at the medical center of the University of California, San Diego, and its Moores Cancer Center; Stanford University's Cancer Institute; and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.Countless hours searching for non-exchange plans have uncovered nothing that compares well with my existing coverage. But the greatest source of frustration is Covered California, the state'sAffordable Care Act health-insurance exchange and, by some reports, one of the best such exchanges in the country. After four weeks of researching plans on the website, talking directly to government exchange counselors, insurance companies and medical providers, my insurance broker and I are as confused as ever. Time is running out and we still don't have a clue how to best proceed.
The second element essential to my fight is a United Healthcare PPO (preferred provider organization) health-insurance policy.
Since March 2007 United Healthcare has paid $1.2 million to help keep me alive, and it has never once questioned any treatment or procedure recommended by my medical team. The company pays a fair price to the doctors and hospitals, on time, and is responsive to the emergency treatment requirements of late-stage cancer. Its caring people in the claims office have been readily available to talk to me and my providers.
But in January, United Healthcare sent me a letter announcing that they were pulling out of the individual California market. The company suggested I look to Covered California starting in October.
You would think it would be simple to find a health-exchange plan that allows me, living in San Diego, to continue to see my primary oncologist at Stanford University and my primary care doctors at the University of California, San Diego. Not so. UCSD has agreed to accept only one Covered California plan—a very restrictive Anthem EPO Plan. EPO stands for exclusive provider organization, which means the plan has a small network of doctors and facilities and no out-of-network coverage (as in a preferred-provider organization plan) except for emergencies. Stanford accepts an Anthem PPO plan but it is not available for purchase in San Diego (only Anthem HMO and EPO plans are available in San Diego).
So if I go with a health-exchange plan, I must choose between Stanford and UCSD. Stanford has kept me alive—but UCSD has provided emergency and local treatment support during wretched periods of this disease, and it is where my primary-care doctors are.
Before the Affordable Care Act, health-insurance policies could not be sold across state lines; now policies sold on the Affordable Care Act exchanges may not be offered across county lines.
What happened to the president's promise, "You can keep your health plan"? Or to the promise that "You can keep your doctor"? Thanks to the law, I have been forced to give up a world-class health plan. The exchange would force me to give up a world-class physician.
For a cancer patient, medical coverage is a matter of life and death. Take away people's ability to control their medical-coverage choices and they may die. I guess that's a highly effective way to control medical costs. Perhaps that's the point.
Ms. Sundby lives in California.
The whole plan is to just let people die, the biggest problems we face are almost all solved by population reduction.
dude you have my deepest sympathy.. as i am not a cancer patient or in any life threatening condition, i truly feel your pain.. i too will lose my primary dr.'s and have to start all over with the bs. process of finding a new dr and going through the years of explanations that you do with each office visit and then to have it all taken away and to start over .. but in your case you could end up dead..(sorry to be blunt) but it is no concern to anyone but the little people that have to go through this and have to start over finding proper and crucial medical care.. thats if the dr you need to see will even treat you for the existing illness your going through now.. i have never wish bad things on anyone but this OBAMA CARE SHIT .. someone needs to either do a KENNEDY on his ass or impeach him for trying to take away our first amendment... THIS IS NOW A OBAMA COUNTRY NOT THE FREEDOM OF THE UNITED STATES.. WE MIGHT AS WELL MOVE TO CANADA EYYYY
with presidents like NObama and Nixon were all lucky were not living like the sheep being hearded to where they want us to be and give us what they want to give us.. there is no more freedom of speech or liberty to do as an american.. they take your guns and say that we will take care of you when they can't even take care of themselves .. this is why i live on the side of my mountain and will shoot to kill anyone who enters my domain with out reason for entry... i live like the old west. i kill my meat i grow my own foods and brew and grow my own meds and drink.. i have the coldest clearest water from a hand dipped well with out a well pump.. i am so far behind the curve with this so called new NOBAMA world i cant and don't want to catch up.. my opinion is that when they get rid of the fucker then we can try to start over.. bring back BILL.. or hell atleast Hillary.. i stayed employed the whole time clinton was in office. (working for myself), after bill got let go all my work went down hill. so fuck obama and all his bullshit try to make the world better.. ..he has totally fucked the AMERICAN people
mass suicide. Who will want to live here in 10 years if this is what we are going to get?

my doctor isnt going anywhere
He actually plays an unreal Bones, I was skeptical when I heard but he pulled it off.

i wouldnt know, i'm arching the new star treks.

saw the first one and it was CRAP, so i want to raise the corpses of Gene Roddenberry, Deforest Kelly, James Doohan and William Shatner's Girdle and unleash the fury of The Guild of Calamitous Intent on the producers.
i wouldnt know, i'm arching the new star treks.

saw the first one and it was CRAP, so i want to raise the corpses of Gene Roddenberry, Deforest Kelly, James Doohan and William Shatner's Girdle and unleash the fury of The Guild of Calamitous Intent on the producers.

I think the director was lost.
Edie Littlefeild lost her insurance company becuase her company quit selling insurance on the individual market in California
Edie Littlefeild lost her insurance company becuase her company quit selling insurance on the individual market in California

Wow, you must have actually read the article because it says that exact same thing you just noted.

Now if your solitary brain cell could only figure out WHY.
Edie Littlefeild lost her insurance company becuase her company quit selling insurance on the individual market in California

Her existing healthcare plan is going to be cancelled because before Obamacare, health insurance policies were not allowed be sold across state lines, now policies may not be offered across county lines.

Insurance companies didn't make that law, guess who did?

Thanks Obama.
dude you have my deepest sympathy.. as i am not a cancer patient or in any life threatening condition, i truly feel your pain.. i too will lose my primary dr.'s and have to start all over with the bs. process of finding a new dr and going through the years of explanations that you do with each office visit and then to have it all taken away and to start over .. but in your case you could end up dead..(sorry to be blunt) but it is no concern to anyone but the little people that have to go through this and have to start over finding proper and crucial medical care.. thats if the dr you need to see will even treat you for the existing illness your going through now.. i have never wish bad things on anyone but this OBAMA CARE SHIT .. someone needs to either do a KENNEDY on his ass or impeach him for trying to take away our first amendment... THIS IS NOW A OBAMA COUNTRY NOT THE FREEDOM OF THE UNITED STATES.. WE MIGHT AS WELL MOVE TO CANADA EYYYY

Seems then that you have a rather obvious choice - Move or find a new doctor. Or is your doctor the only one in the country capable of treating your maladies? Shit happens. I wonder often what it would have been like during WWII when people were issued ration cards for fuel and sugar. Oh, you think we aren't in a war? Ask anyone who has been denied coverage because of a pre existing condition, like high blood pressure. Tell me then, would you consider the trouble it takes to find a new doctor if you knew that your trouble might save another's life?