You know you're stoned when.......

you look at an infant on a TV show and realize there must be a whole industry in Hollywood devoted to churning out babies to be on TV
...when you get up to go to Kitchen, and you're like "F@#k why did I come in here?"... go back to living room, go to press Play, only to realize the Reason you just went to kitchen was because you had left Remote Control in there on a Previous Kitchen Trip!!!
Posted this before but, when you get let out of work early on Friday. You smoke
a bowl and go get fast food for lunch. Great tunes are playing so your jammin'
but it's cold outside so your window is up. Your moving up in line to order and your
air drumming is on point! Then you realize your 1 car from the window and never ordered
at the microphone..... fuuuucccckkkk.... Embarrassment and no food....
Posted this before but, when you get let out of work early on Friday. You smoke
a bowl and go get fast food for lunch. Great tunes are playing so your jammin'
but it's cold outside so your window is up. Your moving up in line to order and your
air drumming is on point! Then you realize your 1 car from the window and never ordered
at the microphone..... fuuuucccckkkk.... Embarrassment and no food....
be like yeah i need my burger and i made a mistake
When ya smell colors, taste music, see smells, hear bugs walkin across the floor, float to the bathroom to take a pee and your pee sparkles, when ya talk to animals and they talk back, When ya read RIU post to the tune of old Pink Floyd songs

Ya'll must be smokin that Indica weed 8)
When you wake up in a VA hospital emergency room in Syracuse with a BAC of .35 five hours after drinking a fifth on top of benzos in under an hour and your entire body has scrapes, burns, cuts, and dried blood all over it.

..Oh, wait, no, that's hung over and totally fucked, not high.