You know you're stoned when.......

When you wake up in a VA hospital emergency room in Syracuse with a BAC of .35 five hours after drinking a fifth on top of benzos in under an hour and your entire body has scrapes, burns, cuts, and dried blood all over it.

..Oh, wait, no, that's hung over and totally fucked, not high.
You totally just sparked the idea for a benzo thread lol that's a typical benzo night man everything and anything will go wrong on that shit
When ya smell colors, taste music, see smells, hear bugs walkin across the floor, float to the bathroom to take a pee and your pee sparkles, when ya talk to animals and they talk back, When ya read RIU post to the tune of old Pink Floyd songs

Ya'll must be smokin that Indica weed 8)
Or doing acid.
...when you accidentally rent Pot Zombies on Amazon Prime for $2.99. Even worse is then googling it to see if it is even worth watching and finding out it is a available free on Youtube.

Well I paid for it so I'm watching it. Here is the trailer:
10 dabsdeep... you go to "pull choke" the rig, but luckily you sense the heat mere millimeters from your thumb and index finger..."Yeah, I think I'm good now..."
does anyone else wonder if the hot curly haired woman from arcade fire has a big hairy crazy French bush or so bare and spit shined that you can see your reflection? watching Austin city Limits and that's on my mind
This post is how I know I'm haf