Always use your damn turn signals, how the F is anyone supposed to know you're turning into your driveway? Pet peeve..people who don't use directionals.
IDK about blinker fluidAwwwww come on, man- everyone knows how expensive turn signal fluid is these days...
IDK about blinker fluidbut I just put $50 bulbs in my headlights...
F'ing ridiculous..but they are wicked bright. I was pricing out LEDs to refit my whole truck..that's not happening anytime one at a time.
when a friend asks you to guess/name that "purple-colored" classic rock band ........and you answer....Pink Floyd?
when a friend asks you to guess/name that "purple-colored" classic rock band ........and you answer....Pink Floyd?
You pack 1/2 your bowl down the bong that doesn't have the cone in it.
You only realise you've packed the bong water when you look at your chop and ask wtf happened to all the green.