find your government reps

The list of Republican actions you labeled racist undermines your claim. You should face the simple reality of the situation: Obama had no executive experience whatsoever when he took office, having never led anything, and he barely had federal government experience. Obama was elected because he was personally popular, not because he distinguished himself as a leader or capable government servant. Obama is no good at politics, and that's why he's been so viciously opposed. It has nothing to do with race. If he were white and conducting himself in exactly the same way, the Republicans would oppose him just as viciously.

You see racists like McCarthy saw communists. Most of us don't inhabit such warped little realities.

none of your analysis is worth even reading, you clearly feel that obama took a white candidate's spot in the oval office.

just the same way you ASSUMED a black person took your place at a "top national university".

you are a joke.
none of your analysis is worth even reading, you clearly feel that obama took a white candidate's spot in the oval office.

just the same way you ASSUMED a black person took your place at a "top national university".

you are a joke.

Obama couldn't have won the Democratic primary if he were white. It's a fact. The split in the black vote wouldn't have been as drastic, and given that it was such a significant portion of the vote in so many delegate rich states, Obama would have won far fewer states and garnered less fundraising and electoral momentum. I agree that Obama would have gained with white men, but come on now, we're talking about the Democratic party, Buck, not the Republican party--there actually aren't that many white men voting, so that's not nearly as significant as you'd like it to be. Lots of new black voters registered to vote and black voter turnout was abnormally high because people were excited about voting for a black candidate. It's hard to fault them for that.

If you're going to shoot off your tired retort that Obama also won the whitest states, as if that somehow proves your case, I'll kill that right now: the whitest states are some of the least populous and least delegate rich states, which means the blackest states were far more important.

That said, I certainly don't care, and that Hillary lost means nothing to me. I'm merely explaining why Obama could not have otherwise won the nomination. I only advanced this thesis when you accused Republicans of voting based on race. My point was that black voters also voted based on race in the 2008 primary and I wanted you to condemn the act equally with the other supposedly race-based voting you were condemning.

Likewise, when I complain about race-based affirmative action my point is that it should be based on socio-economic status. Right now, you can be from a black millionaire family and have every advantage in the world but still get special consideration based on your race in college admissions. It's totally unfair and senseless and ignores that many white people are just as disadvantaged minority groups. A lot of minorities were admitted to schools over me despite their significantly inferior credentials. It's a fact, despite your desire to transform it into some kind of racist sentiment.
Obama couldn't have won the Democratic primary if he were white. It's a fact. The split in the black vote wouldn't have been as drastic, and given that it was such a significant portion of the vote in so many delegate rich states, Obama would have won far fewer states and garnered less fundraising and electoral momentum. I agree that Obama would have gained with white men, but come on now, we're talking about the Democratic party, Buck, not the Republican party--there actually aren't that many white men voting, so that's not nearly as significant as you'd like it to be. Lots of new black voters registered to vote and black voter turnout was abnormally high because people were excited about voting for a black candidate. It's hard to fault them for that.

If you're going to shoot off your tired retort that Obama also won the whitest states, as if that somehow proves your case, I'll kill that right now: the whitest states are some of the least populous and least delegate rich states, which means the blackest states were far more important.

That said, I certainly don't care, and that Hillary lost means nothing to me. I'm merely explaining why Obama could not have otherwise won the nomination. I only advanced this thesis when you accused Republicans of voting based on race. My point was that black voters also voted based on race in the 2008 primary and I wanted you to condemn the act equally with the other supposedly race-based voting you were condemning.

Likewise, when I complain about race-based affirmative action my point is that it should be based on socio-economic status. Right now, you can be from a black millionaire family and have every advantage in the world but still get special consideration based on your race in college admissions. It's totally unfair and senseless and ignores that many white people are just as disadvantaged minority groups. A lot of minorities were admitted to schools over me despite their significantly inferior credentials. It's a fact, despite your desire to transform it into some kind of racist sentiment.

a simply horrible analysis.

it would take me a long time to go through it line by line, as you build on false premise after false premise.

are you bignbushy's little brother or something? i really think you are.
Obama also won the whitest states, as if that somehow proves your case...the whitest states are some of the least populous and least delegate rich states, which means the blackest states were far more important.

yeah, i'll go ahead and kill this right now: even the blackest states that are delegate rich are still overwhelmingly white.

and as we all know, obama won the ten whitest states in america. he could not have done this if he were white, according to you.

nor could he have possibly won over the enormous bunch of white voters in the blackest delegate rich states if he were white.

before too long, you'll be telling us that the admissions office not only told you the specific race and SES of the person they chose over you, but that it was actually obama.

i can just feel your hate boner from here.
ya know what else happens every day?

commercial air travel.

contrails happen when a jet passes through a moisture laden layer of still cold air, which is EXACTLY where pilots prefer to fly, to reduce turbulence, prevent navigational drift from crosswinds, and so they can put on the autopilot, and get a hummer from a stewardess.

what do you think about 9/11 kynes?? is just another conspiracy theory right??? you are not gong to convince me chemtrails are not real, because they are very real and people like you are very blind...but seriously 9/11, i gotta hear your take on this one
yeah, i'll go ahead and kill this right now: even the blackest states that are delegate rich are still overwhelmingly white.

and as we all know, obama won the ten whitest states in america. he could not have done this if he were white, according to you.

nor could he have possibly won over the enormous bunch of white voters in the blackest delegate rich states if he were white.

before too long, you'll be telling us that the admissions office not only told you the specific race and SES of the person they chose over you, but that it was actually obama.

i can just feel your hate boner from here.

you dont talk unless it has to do with race, OR you are flaming someone else's opinion!!!! STFU RUI does not want you
none of your analysis is worth even reading, you clearly feel that obama took a white candidate's spot in the oval office.

just the same way you ASSUMED a black person took your place at a "top national university".

you are a joke.

The president is just a puppet?
i think this distills your bullshit down rather nicely. i may make one more point though still.

The ten whitest states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Iowa, North Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and Kentucky. Their total share of the US population? About 5%.

The ten blackest states: Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland, South Carolina, Alabama, North Caolina, Delaware, Virginia, and Tenessee. Their share of the US population? About 20%. The exit polls broke down voters by race in only half the states. Share of the Democratic primary vote that was black in 2008: Georgia - 51%, Tennessee - 29%, Alabama - 31%, South Caolina - 55%, Louisiana - 48%. Obama didn't win in these states because he won white voters, he won because he took 80-90%+ of the black vote. In Georgia, South Carolina, and Louisiana, the black vote was the majority or close to it. Those three states alone are more populous than the ten whitest states, worth 188 pledged delegates. Obama only had 102 more pledged delegates than Hillary. Had he not taken the lead in the pledged delegate count, he never would have taken the lead in the superdelegate count. Obama won 126 delegates in those three states.

If you pretend Obama is a white man and assume he gets significantly more white male votes while splitting the black vote more equally with Hillary, Hillary wins. Hillary's greatest advantage was her strength with women, who constituted around 60% of the electorate in the Democratic primary. Black voters constituted around 20% of the primary electorate. Even if you assume that Obama trounces Hillary with white men, winning 65% of them, he still loses.
The ten blackest states: Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland, South Carolina, Alabama, North Caolina, Delaware, Virginia, and Tenessee.

those states are not "delegate rich". you have an argument on stilts now. you shifted your argument from "a significant proportion of the delegate rich states" to "the ten blackest states".

for all i know, obama won the ten blackest states.

i do know that obama won the ten whitest states as well.

i bet he also did pretty well in the most "delegate rich" states as well, black or white.

try to keep your eye on the ball here, junior.
those states are not "delegate rich". you have an argument on stilts now. you shifted your argument from "a significant proportion of the delegate rich states" to "the ten blackest states".

for all i know, obama won the ten blackest states.

i do know that obama won the ten whitest states as well.

i bet he also did pretty well in the most "delegate rich" states as well, black or white.

try to keep your eye on the ball here, junior.

Compared to the ten whitest states, the ten blackest states are worth significantly more delegates. Go figure, they're 20% of the population versus 5%. That's all I mean by "delegate rich."

Obama and Hillary were only 2.8% apart in the pledged delegate count, so it didn't take much of a change to tip the balance. Indeed, you're right, Obama won all ten of the blackest states. If you equalize the black vote, he no longer leads in delegates, even garnering a larger share of the white male vote, which is a relatively small portion of the Democratic primary electorate In a mix that's 60% women, 20% black, and 15% other minorities, you can see why getting substantially more white male votes doesn't tip the balance.

Sans his hefty black vote totals, Obama can only win by getting 65%+ of the white male vote. Given the split in white women, which was nowhere near that high, I see no reason to believe white men would have overwhelmingly voted for a white Obama in that manner. I agree that the outcomes of some state races might be different with Obama taking a larger share of the white vote, but in aggregate Hillary walks away with more pledged delegates. Given her husband's popularity with black voters, I suspect Hillary would have commanded more of the black vote than Obama could have, which means she would have won in many or most of those blackest states, and heftily improved her pledged delegate count regardless.,_2008

hillary clinton cleaned up in tennessee, one of the blackest states in the union.

she couldn't have done that if she were white!


Scratch my remark above and replace it with 9 out of 10. Regardless, equalizing the black vote leaves Obama with fewer pledged delegates from Tennessee. With black voters constituting 30%+ of the primary electorate, the difference is quite significant when the separation is just 102 delegates.
Compared to the ten whitest states, the ten blackest states are worth significantly more delegates.

you were talking about "delegate rich" states though, you blithering nincompoop.

hillary won ALL of those states, save obama's home state.

Go figure, they're 20% of the population versus 5%. That's all I mean by "delegate rich."

don't try to be a little weasel here.

hillary won all the delegate rich states. obama cleaned up on the little states, whether they were black OR white.

Indeed, you're right, Obama won all ten of the blackest states.

nope, that's a lie from you, you fucking weasel.

hillary cleaned up tennessee, one of the blackest states in the union. she couldn't have done that if she were white, according to you.

the Democratic primary electorate ... a mix that's... 20% black, and 15% other minorities, you can see why getting substantially more white ... votes doesn't tip the balance.

i noticed how you once again tried to shift your argument to an even narrower position of "white males". do white women not count as white? do you count women as niggers too? did a woman take your place at devry?

Given her husband's popularity with black voters

her husband was a democrat. that's why clinton got 90% of the black vote, you dittering nimrod.

hillary might have won had she done better in the ten whitest states. it was probably hillary's blackness that held her back in those states, eh?

goddamn, this is too facile.
Scratch my remark above and replace it with 9 out of 10. Regardless, equalizing the black vote leaves Obama with fewer pledged delegates from Tennessee. With black voters constituting 30%+ of the primary electorate, the difference is quite significant when the separation is just 102 delegates.

hillary couldn't have won one of the blackest states if she weren't black though.