mexico & guatmela finance the US invasion

What opportunities are here in the USA?

(Other than getting a bunch of FREE shit from the democrats?)
Theres plenty of opportunity. Jobs that aren't available to them in there home countries.
I think i read that states that vote republican tend to receive more welfare benefits then the ones that voted democrat... So who is th real welfare recipients?
all the studies are about what illegals put into the system, none about what they take. funny how people look at "studies" and think they're your eyes, it's all around you. how do illegals get into unions....because there are so many fucking thieves running our country. close the borders n send all illegals back with all of their children that i pay for!!!!!!!
The intent is to overwelm the welfare/SS system to usher in full comnumism , it's caled a Cloward-Piven theory
And several members of congress already believe that this is what obuma's trying to do

Hmmm... is there any way we can repurpose this particular strategy to get cannabis legalized? (and by that i don't mean "like alcohol," and do mean "not illegal to grow, use, privately buy or sell, and only taxed if sold commercially or internationally")

edit: think of all the potential pro-cannabis voters those illegal immigrant child refugees could become...
Hmmm... is there any way we can repurpose this particular strategy to get cannabis legalized? (and by that i don't mean "like alcohol," and do mean "not illegal to grow, use, privately buy or sell, and only taxed if sold commercially or internationally")

edit: think of all the potential pro-cannabis voters those illegal immigrant child refugees could become...
South Americans grow shitty mall dope tho...
South Americans grow shitty mall dope tho...
Not sure how South Americans' horticulture skills are relevant to anything i'd be growing...

I just think the idea of all those kids growing into a whole bunch more pro-cannabis voters could be transmuted into a good thing. Take a rough situation and make something good out of it, you know? Those imported kids will be going to public schools. Not like they'll never encounter good bud and develop an affinity for it.

Surely there's a way to turn TPTB's "think of the children!" tactics against them (TPTB, not the children)... perhaps use their own political weaknesses to compel them to allow an overburdening of their own systems, so that it becomes untenable to continue prohibiting cannabis. Idk, there's a lot of details that would need to be worked out... but i liked the fundamental idea proposed under the name "Cloward-Piven." I've been saying for years, WW3 will be an economic/infrastructure war, unlike anything the world has previously seen. No one wants to nuke shit; everyone wants to gain control of the world's most massively exploitable resource: desperate humans. It's better to control functional humans than to destroy them.

Hell, we may not even have to do anything. Just sit back and wait for TPTB to make them feel cheated, violated and discriminated against. Then they'll be pissed and scared and ready to listen to "alternative views" which agree with their already developing disdain for the gov't's ill-treatment of its own citizens, including them, who came here seeking a bit of sanctuary and a chance at a better life. Just gotta wait for the gov't to blow it (they will), creating that window of opportunity to guide them in the right direction. ^^

Let them come.