New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

Only if you are taking the cops word for it. I do not and think the only way to truth is a trial. Did they ever find prints on the gun ?
Multiple eyewitnesses stated that at one point Brown had the gun fully turned towards Wilsons hip while it was still in the holster.
yes... now only if we get to hear it at trial
What do you think a grand jury is for? If he is indicted there will be a trial. They are getting lots of information that we aren't. This isn't a lynching, its due process. It's racist to assume that because the cop was white that he is guilty. He has the right to defend himself just the same as a black person, especially when it's his job to enforce the law and is met with opposition every day.

It's irrelevant to say that all cops lie, because the decision won't be based on the officer's testimony.
IMO 99.999% of all police shootings nationwide are unjustifiable , i hate cops & their whole " im in charge here ! " way of conducting business with citi!zens .

Here's a thought , why do people who resist arrest have to die ? Once more for the record i hate all cops & will never side with police , no matter the subject , cop's lost their creditably as PEACE officers when they adopted Sweep & Clear methods that were proven unsound in Vietnam & Iraq , vs old fashioned scene investigation that worked forever .

God damm i miss the 60's .
What do you think a grand jury is for? If he is indicted there will be a trial. They are getting lots of information that we aren't. This isn't a lynching, its due process. It's racist to assume that because the cop was white that he is guilty. He has the right to defend himself just the same as a black person, especially when it's his job to enforce the law and is met with opposition every day.

It's irrelevant to say that all cops lie, because the decision won't be based on the officer's testimony.
when did i bring up race? This is about a cop shooting someone who has surrendered
It was a good shoot.
Has nothing to do with Trayvon Martin who was murdered
It also has nothing to do with Liberals

Why was it " A good Shooting "?

They didn't jump at his command & he got pissed at their audacity .

Cop's say jump & if you dont jump fast enough then they ( The Cop's ) escalate things & are allowed to use their own discretion as to how much force to use & when to escalate to deadly force , based upon their perception of threat to their person or to the public , sure leaves alot of room for error .

Why did the cop reverse his vehicle to re engage a pair of j walkers in the 1st place ? Was his choice to confront the men a 2nd time based on protecting & serving the public ? or is it more likely a choice made out of anger after they didnt respond quickly enough to his command that they get off the street ?

What woulda happened if the cop had the ability to control his emotions after seeing 2 , & i quote from the op only " Black Thugs " blow him off about j walking ? a human being would still be alive , it was j walking that started it all for gods sake , the cop's commando training over rode his ability to see the whole issue as a minor infraction not warranting further escalation .

I dont think racism was a factor at all , color is irrelevant & we are all subhuman to them , i think its a case of how dare you not OBEY my COMMANDS & a power trip , when he looked in his mirror & saw them in the street still he got pissed , threw it in reverse & started talkin shit to them , which escalated everything .
Why was it " A good Shooting "?

They didn't jump at his command & he got pissed at their audacity .

Cop's say jump & if you dont jump fast enough then they ( The Cop's ) escalate things & are allowed to use their own discretion as to how much force to use & when to escalate to deadly force , based upon their perception of threat to their person or to the public , sure leaves alot of room for error .

Why did the cop reverse his vehicle to re engage a pair of j walkers in the 1st place ? Was his choice to confront the men a 2nd time based on protecting & serving the public ? or is it more likely a choice made out of anger after they didnt respond quickly enough to his command that they get off the street ?

What woulda happened if the cop had the ability to control his emotions after seeing 2 , & i quote from the op only " Black Thugs " blow him off about j walking ? a human being would still be alive , it was j walking that started it all for gods sake , the cop's commando training over rode his ability to see the whole issue as a minor infraction not warranting further escalation .

I dont think racism was a factor at all , color is irrelevant & we are all subhuman to them , i think its a case of how dare you not OBEY my COMMANDS & a power trip , when he looked in his mirror & saw them in the street still he got pissed , threw it in reverse & started talkin shit to them , which escalated everything .
No it was endangering the cops life that got him killed
Why was it " A good Shooting "?

They didn't jump at his command & he got pissed at their audacity .

Cop's say jump & if you dont jump fast enough then they ( The Cop's ) escalate things & are allowed to use their own discretion as to how much force to use & when to escalate to deadly force , based upon their perception of threat to their person or to the public , sure leaves alot of room for error .

Why did the cop reverse his vehicle to re engage a pair of j walkers in the 1st place ? Was his choice to confront the men a 2nd time based on protecting & serving the public ? or is it more likely a choice made out of anger after they didnt respond quickly enough to his command that they get off the street ?

What woulda happened if the cop had the ability to control his emotions after seeing 2 , & i quote from the op only " Black Thugs " blow him off about j walking ? a human being would still be alive , it was j walking that started it all for gods sake , the cop's commando training over rode his ability to see the whole issue as a minor infraction not warranting further escalation .

I dont think racism was a factor at all , color is irrelevant & we are all subhuman to them , i think its a case of how dare you not OBEY my COMMANDS & a power trip , when he looked in his mirror & saw them in the street still he got pissed , threw it in reverse & started talkin shit to them , which escalated everything .
What a crock of shit.
A major newspaper is leaking evidence .

blacks will riot when the cop is exonerated. Justice doesnt matter, vengeance is what they want. For a dead black thug.

As well they should , every race should riot after the blue shield wraps this cop in the flag & glorifies his actions as justified , every American who's been shit on by the justice corporation should want vengeance .

You have obviously had very little interaction with cop's or the " Justice " system , ever tried to get police cruiser cam footage to use in your own defense ? or any other footage ? I think not because police depts everywhere refuse to allow any video evidence out of their hands without a demand order from a judge , then your lucky if it wasnt lost or a recording error .

Isnt it just a bit convient the newspaper has access to video from the store showing the pair robbing the place , the ( Leaked ) information is a purposefull piece of propaganda supplied to the paper by the police to connect the shooting with the robbery , and to show the public that 2 Black Thugs are now off the streets .

Suburbia will sleep better after the ( Leaked ) info makes their minds up for them .
Deal with it.
These are the results when you endanger a cops life. Over anything

Oh and please don't try to guess what my interactions with cops are like.

Why should anybody have to deal with it as you say , also when did a cops life become more important than a citizens life ?

Every murder a rotten cop commits its allways the same where their saftey was the concern , who protects us from cops ?

If your interactions with cops has been good then great for you but if you've experienced as many out of control cops as i have you might take the blinders off & see how bad our cops have got in the last 50 yrs , ive seen a massive change in how cops treat citizens ,they are not good people end of story.

Ive traveled outside the USA quite a bit & find it amazing where other countries police interact so differently with citizens compared to the US .
Why should anybody have to deal with it as you say , also when did a cops life become more important than a citizens life ?

Every murder a rotten cop commits its allways the same where their saftey was the concern , who protects us from cops ?

If your interactions with cops has been good then great for you but if you've experienced as many out of control cops as i have you might take the blinders off & see how bad our cops have got in the last 50 yrs , ive seen a massive change in how cops treat citizens ,they are not good people end of story.

Ive traveled outside the USA quite a bit & find it amazing where other countries police interact so differently with citizens compared to the US .
Ok, we'll widen the advice to the general public.

Don't go for ANYONES gun.
Why should anybody have to deal with it as you say , also when did a cops life become more important than a citizens life ?

Every murder a rotten cop commits its allways the same where their saftey was the concern , who protects us from cops ?

If your interactions with cops has been good then great for you but if you've experienced as many out of control cops as i have you might take the blinders off & see how bad our cops have got in the last 50 yrs , ive seen a massive change in how cops treat citizens ,they are not good people end of story.

Ive traveled outside the USA quite a bit & find it amazing where other countries police interact so differently with citizens compared to the US .
I'm not a cop. You go for my gun, im going to fucking kill you
Lots of cop takedowns on the Internet.
Can anyone show me one where the cop didn't tell the suspect to get down on the ground?