Why was it " A good Shooting "?
They didn't jump at his command & he got pissed at their audacity .
Cop's say jump & if you dont jump fast enough then they ( The Cop's ) escalate things & are allowed to use their own discretion as to how much force to use & when to escalate to deadly force , based upon their perception of threat to their person or to the public , sure leaves alot of room for error .
Why did the cop reverse his vehicle to re engage a pair of j walkers in the 1st place ? Was his choice to confront the men a 2nd time based on protecting & serving the public ? or is it more likely a choice made out of anger after they didnt respond quickly enough to his command that they get off the street ?
What woulda happened if the cop had the ability to control his emotions after seeing 2 , & i quote from the op only " Black Thugs " blow him off about j walking ? a human being would still be alive , it was j walking that started it all for gods sake , the cop's commando training over rode his ability to see the whole issue as a minor infraction not warranting further escalation .
I dont think racism was a factor at all , color is irrelevant & we are all subhuman to them , i think its a case of how dare you not OBEY my COMMANDS & a power trip , when he looked in his mirror & saw them in the street still he got pissed , threw it in reverse & started talkin shit to them , which escalated everything .