I'm not going to defend this any further past this post because I'm obviously just wasting my breath, and I have no reason to prove anything to you douche nozzles.
Keep in mind I never said I had no experience, I've worked in the service industry for almost 10 years. I've worked my way up in the company I'm currently with in 2 years. I work 50 hours a week for that pay.
In addition, there is a massive difference between a fast food gm and a fast casual gm. We prep everything fresh every morning for 4 hours. I could rainbow cut your nose off with a bread knife before you could ask what a rainbow cut is. I have skills past hitting the bong and turning up a grill.
I am a general manager, but I work side by side on the line with all of my employees to ensure nothing but a perfect meal is served from the first customer to the last. Therefore, I still consider myself a "burger flipper" even though I do much more than just flip burgers.
Don't be mad because you have a worthless degree and a shitload of debt you'll never pay off.
@Uncle Buck I've invited you in to my home (and you bitched out for fear that your tongue could catch up to you). I live less than an hour from you, I have no reason to lie on rollitup.
I'd still meet your sour old ass for a beer/coffee if you wanted, but I doubt you'll crawl out of your 8th wife's ass for that.