The party of hate and violence.

I've read it in multiple places in this thread. For god sake, please learn where "America" is.
View attachment 3699299

Do they not teach basic Geography in scool these days?

This this the "US" of America:
View attachment 3699300

Sure except most of the time anyone is referring to America they are usually referring to the U.S. I think where you are it may be the norm so it strikes a nerve, but typically when someone says America they are not talking about Canada or anywhere in South America.
Regional , I suspect. I have friends in the UK and they all call the states America, and Canada, Canada.

Is it right? ...depends who you ask
America was named after Vespucci Americus, with an "A" on the end to be feminized, as he was in Brazil.

Lol, and you're wrong twice once more.

His name was Amerigo Vaspucci, you got them reversed.

And it was Amerigo not Americus. Americus is the name of a town in Georgia. Lol.
USA was formed in the idea that we are as good as everyone else

the whole idea was for normal ppl to be in charge of other normal ppl ( farmers bankers trades ppl with the power not the elite class )
since the electoral college came out does not matter the elite class took over and changed it from pop vote to who they pick .......with the advent of the telephone or the computer the whole reason for the college is moot and should be taken out of practice

as for what is going on now is your problem as a ppl ........u are so worried about what u have u are willing to give up freedoms to feel protected truth u are in more danger then ever becuase u turned into mindless sheep willing to fallow the person with the loudest voice

the founding father sawl something like this happening ....why they made the system the way they did but over the last 100 years or so the elite has been chipping away at them is getting to the point were it is time for another civil war and with the way the world is interlinked it will spread to world war

i say our first move as a nation of ppl is to gather up all the politicians and expel them from the country (as they are the elite royal class like the england) they think they are above the laws of ppl and act the way the want because they know they can get away with with it .....the 1% hoarding 60% of the money out there needs to be broken up (prices are inflated by them from hoarding the cash)

look at Clinton .........she did treason and still running for the highest office in the land because the government will not call her on the shit and charge her because she is a Clinton ........they fired the rosenburgs for less (they had only what they thought for those ppl no real proof) .......they got her dead to rights but they are not charging her with anything and still allowing her to run for office

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?
here is the flat out truth of it

everyone here bitching about the trouble u are the cause of the troubles ......get off your ass and do something about

i been waiting for enough of u ppl to wake up and get angry about this shit for years ......come on get pissed off demand accountability demand the laws be applied evenly to everyone .....until u force them to hold their word nothing is going to change

other wise keep stocking guns and ammo for one day will need them can not keep going the way it is the world can not support this number of ppl (where i live was once farms and woods now is 15000 unit homes ) as ppl spread out the land is gone from farming to shopping ....current methods can not keep going this way the dust bowl is coming back
USA was formed in the idea that we are as good as everyone else

the whole idea was for normal ppl to be in charge of other normal ppl ( farmers bankers trades ppl with the power not the elite class )
since the electoral college came out does not matter the elite class took over and changed it from pop vote to who they pick .......with the advent of the telephone or the computer the whole reason for the college is moot and should be taken out of practice

as for what is going on now is your problem as a ppl ........u are so worried about what u have u are willing to give up freedoms to feel protected truth u are in more danger then ever becuase u turned into mindless sheep willing to fallow the person with the loudest voice

the founding father sawl something like this happening ....why they made the system the way they did but over the last 100 years or so the elite has been chipping away at them is getting to the point were it is time for another civil war and with the way the world is interlinked it will spread to world war

i say our first move as a nation of ppl is to gather up all the politicians and expel them from the country (as they are the elite royal class like the england) they think they are above the laws of ppl and act the way the want because they know they can get away with with it .....the 1% hoarding 60% of the money out there needs to be broken up (prices are inflated by them from hoarding the cash)

look at Clinton .........she did treason and still running for the highest office in the land because the government will not call her on the shit and charge her because she is a Clinton ........they fired the rosenburgs for less (they had only what they thought for those ppl no real proof) .......they got her dead to rights but they are not charging her with anything and still allowing her to run for office
That's what I've been saying. Totally agree.
Executive orders. Completely cuts out Congress. These are illegal.
Did you just spit some BS out and insist that the president disregards constitutional law? I think you did.

Care to name a particular illegal executive order issued by the president? How about a particular event in which he illegally "completely cut out congress"? You made a claim, I'm not trolling you, I am seeking an explanation of your claim. You don't even have to give dates or properly name the acts or bills or orders, just describe them so that I can look them up and see if he disregarded the constitution or overstepped his office.
Did you just spit some BS out and insist that the president disregards constitutional law? I think you did.

Care to name a particular illegal executive order issued by the president? How about a particular event in which he illegally "completely cut out congress"? You made a claim, I'm not trolling you, I am seeking an explanation of your claim. You don't even have to give dates or properly name the acts or bills or orders, just describe them so that I can look them up and see if he disregarded the constitution or overstepped his office.
He's put through quite a few. Look it up. It's a very easy search.