Socialist hellhole California moves from 8th to 6th largest economy in the world, surpassing France


Then refute them in the same manner, but it is harder than finding a graphic from tumblr.

Grow a pair (of brain cells).
Paddy, when someone (Bucky in another thread) getting a rash of feces about not being able to do bubble but says he gave all his shake to get turned into BHO for $300 and then brags about making $2K, it ain't a personal grow.
The boy pretty much admitted it himself by not trying that dodge 1st (remember the1 yr of legit employment magically turning into a decade?)

You fail as a cheer leader. Please turn in your pom poms after thorough disinfection.

Do you know anything about Bucky? Did you believe what he told you when he took your virginity?

Taking one for the team does not mean being the idiocy train FOR the team.

BTW, the mirror is on that wall over there if you want to reflect in the "brilliant stupidity of it all".

Loooooooooo-ser who doesn't grow dope, but hangs on a dope growing website.
The only people stupid enough to say something like that here would be an officer or agent.

Do you ever get laid?


Forget about "meltdown: imminent", this poor schlop has one every other post, steadily building towards the big one....
funny thing is that i probably pay more on my straight income since i am 1099 then he does. he's a fucking drywall mudder, those guys are low skill and don't make a whole lot.

You can suppose all you want Pequod (extra-special double golden slasher points IF you know what that is AND can understand why it was chosen), but it smacks faintly of a darned (look it up) marionette.

I do what I have to to get a job done. The home remodeling I do on the side for friends looking to save a bit of cash in these present days of bailout, easing, or whatever political euphemism is popular for getting anally reamed.

The Barak legacy is that "Hope For Change" people now know means holding a cup on a street corner.
Do you ever get laid?


Forget about "meltdown: imminent", this poor schlop has one every other post, steadily building towards the big one....

I tried not to be a dick to you since you're newer than I and I PM'd you offering growing advice AND telling you that Bucky (since you boys are sooooo close) would be a good resource.

I thought it strange you being such good friends, you should know that, unless you are not willing to pay the ferryman the coin he requires.
Can't blame you, you can only give up virginity once.

But now I don't have to consider you a thinking rational being anymore and relegate you to the cheer leading squad.
Just do better than Paddy, even with his last anal utterance he's still edging you out.

If "every other post" means that they're not all, "Yeah, what he said. Hehehehehehehe <-- insert Beevis and Butthead sound bite" you're correct.

Wanna step up and show you have more brain cells than Paddy?

I tried not to be a dick to you since you're newer than I and I PM'd you offering growing advice AND telling you that Bucky (since you boys are sooooo close) would be a good resource.

I thought it strange you being such good friends, you should know that, unless you are not willing to pay the ferryman the coin he requires.
Can't blame you, you can only give up virginity once.

But now I don't have to consider you a thinking rational being anymore and relegate you to the cheer leading squad.
Just do better than Paddy, even with his last anal utterance he's still edging you out.

If "every other post" means that they're not all, "Yeah, what he said. Hehehehehehehe <-- insert Beevis and Butthead sound bite" you're correct.

Wanna step up and show you have more brain cells than Paddy?

You could have simply said "Nope, I never get laid, and when I AM present for some semblance of sexual contact it's typically a dude that looks like Shaq going ball-deep in my wife while I look on and weep", there was NO need for further text walls. Cuck-a-doodle-do, sweetie!

images (38).jpeg
Shoooot, the 'choomer' thing is still here? After his tiny wiener admission the other night I thought for sure he was on his way out.....ah well, if those rambling text walls of his are any indicator it shouldn't be much longer....

View attachment 3717985

The tiny dick thing?

Oh God (or Dog for Bucky), if you think a post on an internet website gets me into a stir cumming (not a typo, think about it) from such as yourself and Bucky, I'll have to think you've never seen a 3 Stooges short.

Good news is they're casting for a remake and you're a shoe in!

I got over the stooges in favor of real life examples like yours and Buckys since the internet is rife w/ intolerant dems who through threat of force want to tell me how my money should be spent.

Now why don't you be a good little cheer leader and do that "monkeys grooming each other" thing w/ Bucky and you can both revel in the taste of ejecta.
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You could have simply said "Nope, I never get laid, and when I AM present for some semblance of sexual contact it's typically a dude that looks like Shaq going ball-deep in my wife while I look on and weep", there was NO need for further text walls. Cuck-a-doodle-do, sweetie!

View attachment 3718324

Babaloo, not everyone's wife is like yours....and it's spelled cuckold.

Oh! You were trying a funny! Sorry, it's as weak as your argumentative skills.

Try again sweetie (bet you get mad when anyone but Bucky says it).
You can suppose all you want Pequod (extra-special double golden slasher points IF you know what that is AND can understand why it was chosen), but it smacks faintly of a darned (look it up) marionette.

I do what I have to to get a job done. The home remodeling I do on the side for friends looking to save a bit of cash in these present days of bailout, easing, or whatever political euphemism is popular for getting anally reamed.

The Barak legacy is that "Hope For Change" people now know means holding a cup on a street corner.

so i do pay more taxes than you.

and yet you still complain.

go back to stocking the hostess shelf at walmart, KKKynes.
But to get this thread back on track about Cali and taxes:

Those exorbitant municipal taxes are going to the Oakland PD that does such a fine job (except were child sex is involved).

The fine politicians that propose these taxes are doign such a fine job of being law abiding.

There's just 2 cases of the fine fiscal judgement of Cali.

You want more?

so i do pay more taxes than you.

and yet you still complain.

go back to stocking the hostess shelf at walmart, KKKynes.

Your proof is what?
The ever burgeoning cornucopia of offal that you think is proof because you said it?
Post that 1099 ya galoot.
THAT is your proof, not your utterances.

Can you also make up something relevant to California and taxes?
It doesn't have to be true and given your record it would be surprising if so.

Thought not. Go play in traffic or better yet, go genuflect at the alter of Barry and Hitlery.
Hostess with the mostest?. Pink Snowballs anyone? Twinkies?

Oh wait. Hostess went banhrupt several years ago. Bye bye beloved twinkies. Bye bye 1000's of union jobs.

Oh wait. Maybe it was finally Flowers that bought them out? After the plants closed. I can't remember the specifics. I think they bought the trademarks and recipes. The brand if you will. Hmm. I don't have confidence that's 100% correct but, someone bought them out and they are back on the shelves.

So. Have you seen this yet? The first 3 minutes is the whole show. You have to watch it through at least once. After that the first 3 1/2 minutes once a year is fine. Anyone ever heard of a music genre called "dub step"? 1902. French. The percussion blows it up. I love that. 1902? Huh?
But to get this thread back on track about Cali and taxes:

Those exorbitant municipal taxes are going to the Oakland PD that does such a fine job (except were child sex is involved).

The fine politicians that propose these taxes are doign such a fine job of being law abiding.

There's just 2 cases of the fine fiscal judgement of Cali.

You want more?

Your proof is what?
The ever burgeoning cornucopia of offal that you think is proof because you said it?
Post that 1099 ya galoot.
THAT is your proof, not your utterances.

Can you also make up something relevant to California and taxes?
It doesn't have to be true and given your record it would be surprising if so.

Thought not. Go play in traffic or better yet, go genuflect at the alter of Barry and Hitlery.


you are a blowhard and your penis is tiny.
But to get this thread back on track about Cali and taxes:

Those exorbitant municipal taxes are going to the Oakland PD that does such a fine job (except were child sex is involved).

The fine politicians that propose these taxes are doign such a fine job of being law abiding.

There's just 2 cases of the fine fiscal judgement of Cali.

You want more?

Your proof is what?
The ever burgeoning cornucopia of offal that you think is proof because you said it?
Post that 1099 ya galoot.
THAT is your proof, not your utterances.

Can you also make up something relevant to California and taxes?
It doesn't have to be true and given your record it would be surprising if so.

Thought not. Go play in traffic or better yet, go genuflect at the alter of Barry and Hitlery.
Why do some stoners tend to want conflict? My stone is so chill. I'm like freeking silly putty. I bounce and contort to whatever brings the fun. Right? So I woke up confused around 7:30. It was bright out, like the dusk but, I awoke as if it were dawn. Until I saw the PM on my phone. So, why did they name that strain Amnesia? Anyway. Find your chill bro. Get your zen on. Us stoners should try and set a good example of chill. In my opinion.
Hostess with the mostest?. Pink Snowballs anyone? Twinkies?

Oh wait. Hostess went banhrupt several years ago. Bye bye beloved twinkies. Bye bye 1000's of union jobs.

Oh wait. Maybe it was finally Flowers that bought them out? After the plants closed. I can't remember the specifics. I think they bought the trademarks and recipes. The brand if you will. Hmm. I don't have confidence that's 100% correct but, someone bought them out and they are back on the shelves.

It was supposed to be Bimbo bakeries of Mexico (how apropos!) but they decided to "restructure" instead and an area employer is no more.

It's still Hostess (as Hostess Brands) these days.

After I get done w/ the kids here I'll give that a listen. ;)

you are a blowhard and your penis is tiny.

....and you cannot find any evidence to refute my claims since that would take cognitive ability.

Yup. I misspell words occasionally, but I think alter is more apropos as their aim is to alter this country beyond all recognition (and fiscal solvency).

EDIT I'm surprised you didn't go after "doign" too, or did you mistake it as "doggin' " and get excited?
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Why do some stoners tend to want conflict? My stone is so chill. I'm like freeking silly putty. I bounce and contort to whatever brings the fun. Right? So I woke up confused around 7:30. It was bright out, like the dusk but, I awoke as if it were dawn. Until I saw the PM on my phone. So, why did they name that strain Amnesia? Anyway. Find your chill bro. Get your zen on. Us stoners should try and set a good example of chill. In my opinion.

Even though I don't care about your entertainment or rating system, the kumbaya thing is admirable.

The unfortunate thing is 1930's Jews and (relatively) present day Somali's, Serb/Croat's, Kurds, etc, were "pretty chill" and it didn't work out well for them when their own gov't came a callin'.

I'd love it if your world view was the way things actually are. but they ain't that way, and so I will tilt windmills in feint (Ooooo, one for Bucky! They excite him so.) hope that the uneducated (or public school educated) can learn by more than rote.

Now I'll go check out the cut you posted. :D
Even though I don't care about your entertainment or rating system, the kumbaya thing is admirable.

The unfortunate thing is 1930's Jews and (relatively) present day Somali's, Serb/Croat's, Kurds, etc, were "pretty chill" and it didn't work out well for them when their own gov't came a callin'.

I'd love it if your world view was the way things actually are. but they ain't that way, and so I will tilt windmills in feint (Ooooo, one for Bucky! They excite him so.) hope that the uneducated (or public school educated) can learn by more than rote.

Now I'll go check out the cut you posted. :D
I don't think you get it youngun. Ever wonder what it would be like to live off the grid in the grid? Connected while at the same time being disconnected? Yes I am aware of what happened in the past and even more aware of the tragedies that take place daily in the right here right now. Oh wait. That was a Van Halen song with Sammy Hagar frontin.
Anyway. What point was I trying to make? Oh yeah. You see. You don't have to aimlessly follow others. Though you do have to share the space of earth with them. You can nod your head in a kind of agreement way. To keep the peace and love and then walk away. Only you allow things in your mind. We're all gonna meet the same fate eventually brother. Do you choose to spend your time dwelling on the past? And things you cannot change? I choose to live in my mind. I see the ugly. But, and especially on weekends, I dwell on the beauty. The peace and love bro. All is good in my world. For now. Damn I gotta go to work tomorrow. Oh wait. I have a 4 day week and 4 day weekend coming up and a 4 day week the following week. That's peace and love bro. :rolleyes:
....and you cannot find any evidence to refute my claims since that would take cognitive ability.

Yup. I misspell words occasionally, but I think alter is more apropos as their aim is to alter this country beyond all recognition (and fiscal solvency).

EDIT I'm surprised you didn't go after "doign" too, or did you mistake it as "doggin' " and get excited?

how does lowering the deficit more than any other administration in history (after the republicans turned a surplus into the most massive deficit in history) fit with their plan to "altar" (LOL) this country into fiscal insolvency?

eat rotten fruit from a shitty tree.
So, back to socialist California. Would it be too much to ask for them to take the position that respecting a citizen's constitutional rights needs to be restored? While the right screams about their guns, I seem to have lost the right to travel unmolested, to bank, to be safe in my person and papers without due process... and most of the others.

And, Why aren't liberal Americans incensed about it?