Obama's Choice, FDR or Reagan (or a different president all together)


I did say in my original post on Obama... "No doubt he would've done the same." As I recall, Bush actually asked Obama if he wanted him to go ahead and release the second part of tarp. I think more than anything the election swayed Bush's team to act more than maybe at a different time. Regardless, you will hear nothing about deficits in the coming year. All that matters is to get the system back on line, regardless of cost.

As to why the left is so hell-bent on repeating the mistakes of socialism. You need to look at that within the context of equality. There is no higher goal to a leftist than equality (in all its forms). The only way to get even close to making everyone as equal as possible is to tear down the top, rather than lift the bottom up. When you lift the bottom up, you still have inequality; perhaps even greater than where you began from. So, to a leftist, that defeats the whole point. Also, when you lift the bottom up, they are less reliant on the government. The answer to which system works the best depends on your world-view. A leftist, whose goal is equality, could care less about the efficient allocation of resources if it leads to inequality - which it does under a market system. So, to a leftist, that system doesn't work because of the inherent inequalities that arise. The only solution therefore, is to attack achievement. This is the justification of progressive taxation - "its fair." To really piss off a leftist, ask them to define their notion of what exactly is fair. Further, make the claim that their entire notion of "fairness" is an arbitrarily contrived notion based almost entirely on class and race. Never do efficiency or maximization or liberty or the constitution even enter the thought process.

It is amazing, recently China has lowered corporate tax rates when the full severity of this economic morass was finally shown to all. They could give a damn about class and equality, they're more interested keeping people employed and fed.

Yeah, but you see, the Chinese have this cultural tendency to get really pissy and revolt when things hit the fan, and being in power when there's 1 Billion people calling for your head isn't fun. You'll run out of missiles, bombs and bullets long before they run out of screaming bodies waiting for their chance to tear you a new one.

Unlike here, where for some stupid reason everyone expects government to have a solution (which it has consistently proven (at least 4x since 1800) it doesn't.)

Though I have seen the effect you're mentioning about asking a leftist what their definition of fair is. They either give a really fucked up answer that doesn't fit any logical definition of fair (equal amounts) or try to change the subject to deal with how the affluent are evil, and the poor virtuous.

I have yet to see anything virtuous about being poor, in my experience it sucks...

Though I have noticed that leftists tend to be the most obnoxious self-centered jack asses. I guess they are too incompetent to practice what they preach.
Yeah, but you see, the Chinese have this cultural tendency to get really pissy and revolt when things hit the fan, and being in power when there's 1 Billion people calling for your head isn't fun. You'll run out of missiles, bombs and bullets long before they run out of screaming bodies waiting for their chance to tear you a new one.

Unlike here, where for some stupid reason everyone expects government to have a solution (which it has consistently proven (at least 4x since 1800) it doesn't.)

Though I have seen the effect you're mentioning about asking a leftist what their definition of fair is. They either give a really fucked up answer that doesn't fit any logical definition of fair (equal amounts) or try to change the subject to deal with how the affluent are evil, and the poor virtuous.

I have yet to see anything virtuous about being poor, in my experience it sucks...

Though I have noticed that leftists tend to be the most obnoxious self-centered jack asses. I guess they are too incompetent to practice what they preach.
When one man is oppressed, we are not free. When one man has no opportunity, those that do should be sharing. Opportunity is not shared equally, The poorest genious in the ghetto has not the chance of the dullard from billionaires, to wit: George Walker Bush, son of a billionaire and a journeyman dullard., rises to the presidency on no merit of his own, but daddys money and influence, while many more intelligent Ghetto dwellers are left to live in squalor. The more intelligent ones, denied opportunity in the educated class, go on to become drug dealers and gang bangers and prison inmates. This is not a left or right situation but a rich and poor one. It is definently about class and not left or right I'm pretty sure that under an Obama presidency you will see much more equality among the classes, that might mean that the rich have to pay more, Boo-hoo, so sorry. Instead of building that 60 room mansion, maybe they will have to cut back to only 50 rooms.
When one man is oppressed, we are not free. When one man has no opportunity, those that do should be sharing. Opportunity is not shared equally, The poorest genious in the ghetto has not the chance of the dullard from billionaires, to wit: George Walker Bush, son of a billionaire and a journeyman dullard., rises to the presidency on no merit of his own, but daddys money and influence, while many more intelligent Ghetto dwellers are left to live in squalor. The more intelligent ones, denied opportunity in the educated class, go on to become drug dealers and gang bangers and prison inmates. This is not a left or right situation but a rich and poor one. It is definently about class and not left or right I'm pretty sure that under an Obama presidency you will see much more equality among the classes, that might mean that the rich have to pay more, Boo-hoo, so sorry. Instead of building that 60 room mansion, maybe they will have to cut back to only 50 rooms.

Hmm, how about instead of 3 Houses, with 12 rooms cutting back to 1.

Hypocrisy, though you should be lucky there are not any hardcore liberals. You'd be accused of heresy and they'd be trying to burnt you at the stake.

Though speaking of oppression, and squalor. Equality of Outcome only guarantees Everyone (except the government employees) are equally poor, equally oppressed by the government employees, while stuck paying the salaries of the government employees, while wondering why government seems to be doing everything for the government employees and the people that are willing to kiss their backsides the most.

Equality of Opportunity is a much better method to go by, and by that, everyone has equality of opportunity, some just have parents that used their outcomes to help their children start a little higher on the ladder. Hardly a great crime of oppression.

Of course, you wouldn't know what Oppression truly was if it beat the shit out of you in a dark alley.
Hmm, how about instead of 3 Houses, with 12 rooms cutting back to 1.

Hypocrisy, though you should be lucky there are not any hardcore liberals. You'd be accused of heresy and they'd be trying to burnt you at the stake.

Though speaking of oppression, and squalor. Equality of Outcome only guarantees Everyone (except the government employees) are equally poor, equally oppressed by the government employees, while stuck paying the salaries of the government employees, while wondering why government seems to be doing everything for the government employees and the people that are willing to kiss their backsides the most.

Equality of Opportunity is a much better method to go by, and by that, everyone has equality of opportunity, some just have parents that used their outcomes to help their children start a little higher on the ladder. Hardly a great crime of oppression.

Of course, you wouldn't know what Oppression truly was if it beat the shit out of you in a dark alley.
And again, being a defeated angry bitter right wing loser, you misread my whole post. It was all about equality of opportunity, what a dunce.
And again, being a defeated angry bitter right wing loser, you misread my whole post. It was all about equality of opportunity, what a dunce.

No it's not Med, because if it truly was about Equality of Opportunity there'd be no BS about Bush. Strange, one would think that you'd be moving on with the future, but what do I know, I'm not a bitter old fart.
No it's not Med, because if it truly was about Equality of Opportunity there'd be no BS about Bush. Strange, one would think that you'd be moving on with the future, but what do I know, I'm not a bitter old fart.
I guess that just makes you a bitter angry right wing nutjob, Oh, did I mention defeated. The politics of division have had a stake driven through their heart today. Wise the fuck up. Come over to the light and quit yer bitchin.
I guess that just makes you a bitter angry right wing nutjob, Oh, did I mention defeated. The politics of division have had a stake driven through their heart today. Wise the fuck up. Come over to the light and quit yer bitchin.

False Light from a False Lighthouse hell bent on dragging me to crash on rocks.

No thanks.
OK fine, keep your money and go off into the closet and masturbate to it. I think that is all that gets you off.

Odysseus must have been a weak man, or the Sirens must have been hot, because I'm sure their song sounded much the same as yours.

"Come join us in your doom, come join us in your doom."
Odysseus must have been a weak man, or the Sirens must have been hot, because I'm sure their song sounded much the same as yours.

"Come join us in your doom, come join us in your doom."
No doom my greedy friend. a new day is dawning. Heck, you may even end up liking it.
No doom my greedy friend. a new day is dawning. Heck, you may even end up liking it.

I've hated it since I've learned what taxes are, and now we have a fool that wants to insult me by giving a few hundred more back...

Drop in the bucket

Now, if I was to get a few thousand in credits maybe I wouldn't bitch about it, but seeings as how I've always accepted personal responsibility I don't have the kind of excuses that are needed to wiggle out of paying taxes...

Children (I'm still too young for that foolishness, and have too many places to go, and people to see to want to strap that kind of giant anchor to myself.)

A House (I don't want a mortgage, why borrow problems?)

A Business (Takes money to make money, and the government's been stealing mine and holding me down for the last two years...)

So much for your vaunted Equality of Opportunity Med, you damn fool, the system you are pushing is holding people like me back, that'd be eager to try starting their own companies, and have enough intelligence to do it, unlike the imbeciles running DC, and their idiotic friends... oh ,wait, politicians don't have friends, they have contributors...

Your ideology sucked a century ago, sucks now and will continue to suck for the rest of eternity, and let me tell you, eternity is a very damn long time.
I've hated it since I've learned what taxes are, and now we have a fool that wants to insult me by giving a few hundred more back...

Drop in the bucket

Now, if I was to get a few thousand in credits maybe I wouldn't bitch about it, but seeings as how I've always accepted personal responsibility I don't have the kind of excuses that are needed to wiggle out of paying taxes...

Children (I'm still too young for that foolishness, and have too many places to go, and people to see to want to strap that kind of giant anchor to myself.)

A House (I don't want a mortgage, why borrow problems?)

A Business (Takes money to make money, and the government's been stealing mine and holding me down for the last two years...)

So much for your vaunted Equality of Opportunity Med, you damn fool, the system you are pushing is holding people like me back, that'd be eager to try starting their own companies, and have enough intelligence to do it, unlike the imbeciles running DC, and their idiotic friends... oh ,wait, politicians don't have friends, they have contributors...

Your ideology sucked a century ago, sucks now and will continue to suck for the rest of eternity, and let me tell you, eternity is a very damn long time.
Here's my take on the above. Greed sucks and you are greedy. So even if I'm a fool, I can still see you for what you are.
Here's my take on the above. Greed sucks and you are greedy. So even if I'm a fool, I can still see you for what you are.

No, you see, Greed typically implies that you want more than what you earn. I just want to keep all of what I earn, instead of being coerced under the threat of force to surrender a giant portion of it to bureaucrats.
Turning into a psychic, or just trying to be facetious?

And what else would I say? That Caesar is welcome to rob me blind?
Maybe, that Ceasar needs the money to pay off the debt, or start a new war, who knows what Ceasar wants? It is what it is and you will not change it as nor will I.
Well, is Caesar welcome to your money?
I don't have any, well any that he knows about, lets just say that, The pittance i would pay on my meager income is offset by claiming my grandkids, as in fact we are supporting and providing them a home. I always paid my taxes, I didn't like it either, but I paid them none-the-less. I also paid into SS for 50+ years, so I feel I earned that money also. Pay up sucker, pay up.