New Member
Somebody give meds some crayons....
It's nappy time maybe....


And I love every minute of it. As you have said, I am not a researcher. I post my opinions based on my experience in life. Do I know everything? Hell no. In fact to quote my Dad, "the more you know, the more you know you don't know. This is not a serious life or desth conflict resolution forum. It's a political forum, based on, you guessed it, opinion. Bombastic or not, that's how I roll. I see you have much more important things in life than this forum. Good luck and good riddance. I'd invite you to post some of your wit, but you have used most of it to discredit me.Med the difference is that I do the research, you go off half cocked with bombastic retorts 98% of the time.
Sure I cut and paste, but at least I did the research.
And I love every minute of it. As you have said, I am not a researcher. I post my opinions based on my experience in life. Do I know everything? Hell no. In fact to quote my Dad, "the more you know, the more you know you don't know. This is not a serious life or desth conflict resolution forum. It's a political forum, based on, you guessed it, opinion. Bombastic or not, that's how I roll. I see you have much more important things in life than this forum. Good luck and good riddance. I'd invite you to post some of your wit, but you have used most of it to discredit me.
I've stayed out of the fray on this on for 2 reasons.
1) Even though I respect him, Buchanan is a fucking idiot.
(On his latest WW2 book - google Hitchens and Victor davis Hanson, awesome vid that blows his whole book out of the water.)
2) The title should've been BUSH'S choice FDR or Reagan........
Obama has no choice BUT to go along with this comedy. No doubt he would've done the same though.
This is the problem with Fiat finance.....
Everything is a disaster. Everything has the ability to bring down the entire system, and to an extent, that is true.....cause its all fiction. But, the flip side is what we have today. Because we've bailed out every single little blip in finance we've emboldened bankers to the point that they've completely forgotten their role in society (and this is crucial, by bailing out every little hiccup in finance we've spoiled bankers. Bankers need a good scare every now and then - that's what keeps them honest. A panic does that, for sure, but at the expense of the tax payers, and that is the real crime) and skewed history to the point that we could prove the fantasy was real!
This entire debate is meaningless. The Politburo is now the last bastion of capitalism. GO EAST YOUNG CAPITALIST! We are merely wards of the state. So, figure out which interest group you belong to and start lobbying for more milk for your teet. After all, that too is the invisible hand at work!
You have all the answers eh jax? what's your Genious (180 IQ) solution? I'd really like to hear what a genious has to say about solving this dillema. Arguing with a genious is so tedious, wow poetry.From what I have been able to disseminate from Obama's words... (so far that's all he is...words) is that he wishes to slow the economic train down so everyone can get on board. Problem is the train is on a steep incline right now, and if the engine is slowed too much, we may not be able to get over the hill.
Well, isn't that what you expect of Obama?? I'd have to guess a genious like you could fix anything. Come on over to my house and fix my unfound water leak that is costing me a 100.00 a month water bill. I've already checked all the usual susapects.Okay, CrackerJax will now smoke a bowl and fix the economy in 12 months.....
Whew!! It's a mighty big bowl.... I'll post when I come down a bit, this is serious stuff....
I'm leaning towards a sprinkler control valve box by my garage. It leaked there before and ran under my garage. I think there is a huge cavern under my garage. I doubt if I went to the intake tower (Lake mead) and poured dye into it it would arrive at my place. And everything that is visible I have checked, It is under the earth someplace. I guess I'll start digging by the sprinkler box first. I'll keep you informed, BTW, I'm pretty lazy, don't hold your breath,~LOL~.Have you tried pouring dye into your water supply? That usually finds it....seriously.
Cheesy, if Obama didn't have a choice but to go along with it, why was he begging Bush to push for the release of the rest of the TARP Funds?
The man (Obama) is a socialist... hell, at this rate China is going to be a free society and the US is going to be a socialist society. Hopefully before it gets too bad I'll be in the East Bloc. They've experimented with Socialism, and learned that it sucked. Why the hell are so many idiots so hell bent on repeating their mistakes?