Obama's Choice, FDR or Reagan (or a different president all together)

I don't have any, well any that he knows about, lets just say that, The pittance i would pay on my meager income is offset by claiming my grandkids, as in fact we are supporting and providing them a home. I always paid my taxes, I didn't like it either, but I paid them none-the-less. I also paid into SS for 50+ years, so I feel I earned that money also. Pay up sucker, pay up.

You got the wrong person Med, I didn't steal the money from Social Security, and I doubt that the person that did come up with that idiotic idea would admit to it in public. Some one would probably see if they couldn't find his IP address, find his IP Provider, and then his name, address, and a photo, and then go do a little hunting.

Not that I blame them. The largest mistake our government ever made was thinking that it'd be okay for it to stick its hands into the SS Cookie Jar.