Wrong its what the democrats have always been doing lets not forget Monsanto's Hillary clinton campaign lolInsurance companies
Big Pharma
These are entities that both clinton and trump would more align themselves with rather than change. Like the banking industry. Too powerful to fight. I won't be surprised if more riots and violence happens. I hope it does.
Wouldn't it be cool if the government were afraid of the citizens?
i know someones cob grow pathetic isn't it and that s suppose to be what about a pound haha
dude, he said it quite clearly during the third debate.You can't even give me the facts to support yourself lol. And you're still relying on politicians doing what they say they will do, cmon now retard I'm sure you're smarter than that
Congress didn't fund Obamacare according to the original legislation. Prices went up to make up for shortfalls. Not hard to understand unless you have a bolt stuck in between your ears.Wrong its what the democrats have always been doing lets not forget Monsanto's Hillary clinton campaign lol
Its simple break down where there contributions came from Right now all of them are shitting there pants probably Hillary has been getting Death treats already if they do not pay back there contributions from her lies of telling them once she is in she will pass what ever law they wanted ..
Obamacare and insurance companies work hand n hand could that be why the rates have increased over 100 percent ?? for some you know everyone has to make money in this Pyramid.
Trump took no money from these people remember they were all on a smear campaign .
and now every last one of them are shitting there pants and probably bothering obama to get some things put in place before Trump takes the whitehouse
dude, he said it quite clearly during the third debate.
WALLACE: But what I'm asking you, sir, is, do you want to see the court overturn -- you just said you want to see the court protect the Second Amendment. Do you want to see the court overturn Roe v. Wade?
TRUMP: Well, if we put another two or perhaps three justice on, that's really what's going to be -- that will happen. And that'll happen automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the court. I will say this: It will go back to the states, and the states will then make a determination.
If a person is against an abortion then they have the right to not have one. Your so-called libertarian philosophy would preclude the state from forcing this kind of decision on them. Roe V Wade was not about states rights, it was about people's rights and a woman's right to make her own medical decisions. Personal rights.He said he is going to take the power to decide away from the federal government and give it to the states. That makes him a libertarian in my book... Nice job Trump. Now we got 50 choices instead of 1 dictatorship.
Awmm let me see here who won the presdiential election ??? Democrats or Republican ??? congress is republican, senate is republicanTrump is not a Republican. The house and senate can block almost anything he wants to do. I am interested how he gets them to work with him and work together.
this is the first time i have to agree with you , Since when is it Gov or state that decides for you to carry or not carry a FECES that has no right being its not even born yetIf a person is against an abortion then they have the right to not have one. Your so-called libertarian philosophy would preclude the state from forcing this kind of decision on them. Roe V Wade was not about states rights, it was about people's rights and a woman's right to make her own medical decisions. Personal rights.