And I thank you for that!!
as someone from the philly area.... anybody who really can afford to blow their money on soda, is just simply grabbing it from the next town over. anyone complaining about it just needs to rethink their lives. i know you got a soda addiction but according to you at 200k a year you can afford it.. for people stuck on ebt.. this is a really good time to rethink their spending.
I wonder if raising the prices of cigarettes (tax) actually reduced purchases by the poor.
Raising the price of cigarettes just made people roll their own. Back when I smoked, I bought filter tubes & bags of tobacco online -- cheap. The only difference between pipe & cigarette tobacco was the label on the bag. This is important because cigarette tobacco is taxed at a MUCH higher rate than pipe tobacco. Injector-style rolling machines work really well and I could crank them out perfect every time. Couldn't tell one of my cigs from a store-bought -- for a little less than $2 per pack.
I wonder if raising the prices of cigarettes (tax) actually reduced purchases by the poor. I honestly don't know, but it seems like a good behavior barometer.

I wonder if soda has had its formulation changed to specifically increase addiction, as cigarettes have been so engineered?

“The mathematical model maps out the ingredients to the sensory perceptions these ingredients create,” he told me, “so I can just dial a new product. This is the engineering approach.”

SRH- You're saying although you quit, you suspect the poor of PA likely did not quit?
absolutely i suspect that.. its a vice. i actually bought a vape to curb the habit. but not everyone can do that..vapes are pricey. easier to spend 3 bucks more at a time then 50 bucks in one shot.
Raising the price of cigarettes just made people roll their own. Back when I smoked, I bought filter tubes & bags of tobacco online -- cheap. The only difference between pipe & cigarette tobacco was the label on the bag. This is important because cigarette tobacco is taxed at a MUCH higher rate than pipe tobacco. Injector-style rolling machines work really well and I could crank them out perfect every time. Couldn't tell one of my cigs from a store-bought -- for a little less than $2 per pack.
I haven't seen the stats but do know quite a few that quit due to price. However, I think I know even more who just switched over to rollies. I don't smoke much, one or two here and there if I'm catching a buzz, but I'd take a marb light over a rollie any day of the week. Pipe tobacco tends to have a sweet cloying smell I just cant get past.
as someone from the philly area.... anybody who really can afford to blow their money on soda, is just simply grabbing it from the next town over. anyone complaining about it just needs to rethink their lives. i know you got a soda addiction but according to you at 200k a year you can afford it.. for people stuck on ebt.. this is a really good time to rethink their spending.

I dont live in the PA area and I am not poor so I am not subject to the tax. Your poor neighbors are. But I can see you care fuck all for them... Real compassionate....
I favor the Indian Reservations for Tobacco.:)
the favoring one type of smoke over another was my issue
i tried rolling my own cigs way back when.. the tube and the filler machine thing. then i decided id just smoke what i want.. marb reds.. i figured if i dont want to pay for what i want its not worth smoking. here i am now lol
I haven't seen the stats but do know quite a few that quit due to price. However, I think I know even more who just switched over to rollies. I don't smoke much, one or two here and there if I'm catching a buzz, but I'd take a marb light over a rollie any day of the week. Pipe tobacco tends to have a sweet cloying smell I just cant get past.
Yeah, you've gotta be careful. Some pipe tobacco really is pipe tobacco and isn't good for cigarettes. They brand I liked was Kentucky Select. It smoked exactly like high quality cigarette tobacco.
yup.. i should really care about people who want to drink fucking soda when there are starving people in the streets this winter.

Yeah, show me an article about the number of people that starved to death in PA.... Now that is fucking funny!!!!

Maybe we should put a huge tax on food so we can make sure more people dont starve eh? Do it for the chidrun.....
Yeah, show me an article about the number of people that starved to death in PA.... Now that is fucking funny!!!!

Maybe we should put a huge tax on food so we can make sure more people dont starve eh? Do it for the chidrun.....
starving to death.. now your jumping there buddy. but look up how many homeless people there are in philly. its a major city jackass. last night everything froze over here. who gives a fuck if someone in the city cant afford a fucking soda.
If this was really about health, then why not start adding crazy taxes to meat/dairy/animal product. Bureaucrats and politicians should not be telling you what to eat/drink/smoke. Also, I read smokers cost health care system less, since they die early, yet we still have cigarette tax.

tagging @sunni
Meat, dairy and animal products are not the demons they've been made out to be. The problem is what humans feed / inject these animals. Natural dairy and animal protein is fine. Balance is the key