Why do Americans want a WW3?

sock puppets
white supremacist
your mum's a...

fellas, if you can't debate may i suggest you stay off forums where people share opinions.

Opinions that may differ from yours.

Same old insults all the time.

Don't you get bored?

So you don't like it here?

You aren't going to tell us what to do. Not now, not ever.
When you say "at the top", m guessing you mean in a military sense? And yes this is true. America spends a ton of money on arms to stay in front whilst other countries spend it on healthcare and schools etc.

What troubles me is the scared attitude that "someone is after us". Their not. The vast majority of people just want food on the table and a peaceful place to live. How many countries have tried to invade America in the last 40 years? How many countries has America invaded?

I dont live in America. I live in a less war like country (that tends to follow your military machine into every stupid conflict you lot create) with much more freedom and allot less scared citizens. Truth be told I probably could not live the lifestyle i do if i lived in America. Your avg wages suck, your healthcare is to expensive, you dont get many holidays and sick days, and there are way to many people.

by "at the top" i mean #1. its globally accepted that the US is the #1 country in the world. the heavyweight champ ufc/boxing is #1. the cubs are world series champs #1. the dollar is the preferred currency of the world, #1. these are examples of what i mean.

when you are the best, or "at the top", people want to come after you. its just human. someone wants to beat the heavyweight champ. another country wants their currency to be worth more (all of them, except china probably), the entire MLB wants to take the cubs down. you follow?

military is just our shield, our security, and absolutely it is to threaten anyone anywhere from thinking they can fuck with this. its no different than the locks we put on the doors of our house. except the military can secure locations and kill if needed, the house being the entire US. which is why no one has invaded in the last "40 years." no one wants to break into this house (america) because they know it has a deadly alarm.

ISIS and liberals are the ones intent on attempting destroying america as we know it. ISIS wont be happy until america looks like syria. and the libs wont be happy until america looks cuba or venezuela.
by "at the top" i mean #1. its globally accepted that the US is the #1 country in the world. the heavyweight champ ufc/boxing is #1. the cubs are world series champs #1. the dollar is the preferred currency of the world, #1. these are examples of what i mean.

when you are the best, or "at the top", people want to come after you. its just human. someone wants to beat the heavyweight champ. another country wants their currency to be worth more (all of them, except china probably), the entire MLB wants to take the cubs down. you follow?

military is just our shield, our security, and absolutely it is to threaten anyone anywhere from thinking they can fuck with this. its no different than the locks we put on the doors of our house. except the military can secure locations and kill if needed, the house being the entire US. which is why no one has invaded in the last "40 years." no one wants to break into this house (america) because they know it has a deadly alarm.

ISIS and liberals are the ones intent on attempting destroying america as we know it. ISIS wont be happy until america looks like syria. and the libs wont be happy until america looks cuba or venezuela.

What are you doing flipping burgers? Please, go join the military and save us all.
dude, you're about a month late to that topic. you sure look like an idiot, nice! i cant wait to not hire loser fucks like you

you don't do any hiring, you already slipped up and told us you have to buy health insurance from your employer.

i've never seen the position of assistant manager at mcdonald's go to someone's head like it has with you.
So you don't like it here?

You aren't going to tell us what to do. Not now, not ever.
dont need to tell you what to do. we just sit back and watch you all panic and wet your diapers and laugh. we could lead you to the gold at the end of the rainbow, but since we're on "different teams" you wouldnt follow. Then bitch and demand a "fair share" of the gold after doing ZERO work. thats how you guys roll. worthless.
they usually are dude. mostly repeated party lines, memes, and personal insults in response to most questions no matter how easy to answer. just angry "victims" trying to goad someone into what i dont know. most of them couldnt find their way out of wet paper bag unless a democrat made a law for it.
extra special losers like sloppy cumbucket ttystikk are foreign borns living in the US bitching about how much the country doesnt give them more things for free. people like that deserve a 3rd world life, they have NO idea how good they have it here

Sorry, you don't strive to better your life. Explains you settling for such a mediocre existence, burger flipper.
dont need to tell you what to do. we just sit back and watch you all panic and wet your diapers and laugh. we could lead you to the gold at the end of the rainbow, but since we're on "different teams" you wouldnt follow. Then bitch and demand a "fair share" of the gold after doing ZERO work. thats how you guys roll. worthless.

Tangy is retired, something you will never experience, moron.
I'm not a fan war... if all of us that are religious would pray to hippie jesus, hippie allah, or hippie jewish God we'd all be a lot more cooler and tolerant with each other. that's all
Lol, what topic, the one where you are to pussy to do anything but beat the war drum? Nice double negative, moron.
the one where i said several times i own the bitch. and do not hire idiots like you. now get back to work before you get written up
back to russia... it could be argued that Russia just duped trump into a much bigger proxy war. The global powers are playing chess and trump brought his unopened checkers game
back to russia... it could be argued that Russia just duped trump into a much bigger proxy war. The global powers are playing chess and trump brought his unopened checkers game
anything is possible, but what is likely is much different. so, the whole world "super powers" are all working together on some conspiracy against Turmp? i put the odds of that somewhere around .00001%.

next question.