What did you accomplish today?

I burnt brush all day yesterday, on the hottest day we've had so far. I'm missing hair on one arm from getting to close to the fire, my neck is, literally, purple from a sunburn, I dropped a big fucking log on my foot so now it's all swollen and I can't get my boots on, I punctured my thumb on a stick, I lost the joint I had and I'm pretty sure I had heat stroke by the time I was done. My back tightened up the minute I got in the shower and I couldn't move for what had to have been 10 minutes, and I swear every muscle in my body cramped up at some point over the next couple hours.

Now, I've never used cannabis topicals, but I had some infused coconut oil I wasn't using, because edibles don't do shit to me, so I pretty much basted myself with it and and within about a half hour I felt fine. I applied it once more before going to bed. The sunburn didn't even bother me at all last night, I slept great. I thought it would be good for the muscle pain, didn't really think it would do much for the sunburn but it did. My knees didn't even hurt when I got up, which I can't remember the last time that happened. Looks like my next batch of trim is getting used to make some type of salve/ointment/cream. Gotta go find some recipes.
I also realized how addicted to fucking cigarettes I actually am as well. I'm sick as a dog with allergies, but still crawl out on the porch to smoke (WTF) so I'm guna quit smoking again ....I already smoke Marlboro 72 ultra lights as it is, I started smoking them so I would quit ....about 2 years ago ......so il join the Gary Goodson wagon and start trying to quit for real ......gotta buy a skate board first though ((flicks ash off cigarette while sneeze coughing from allergies))

Good night guys and gals

As a real friend, you can use my very own personal antismoking aid(s). Heck I'll even use the supplied sanitary wipe first.

Sneeze on it and I'll have to charge, tho