Can you move a grandfathered MMAR license, no here's the proof

i think it
Hey Brother...sorry you got singled out....that sucks...
You were legal right? was court a huge charade??? were you railroaded?
Not sure if we heard your story or not before...anyways I think it sucks
it got remanded 3-4 times,then the judge scolded the detectives on charging a legal grower and threw it out.....u should have seen the cops face when i picked my grow equipment up at the cop station....he was pissed!fuck him.....i took my shit,gave him a wink and left!
Mr. Cheese, love your statements. Boy as the thread continues GB123 & VANECHRIS, or not looking too good are they. Simply "pathological" thinking I see from him too.
Before you start bashing long time members about strawman bs your buddy cheese was busted with an address change and the charges were droped in court..... so I wouldn't say Chris and gb are wrong
Nope, grade 3 would be me simply ignoring anything youve had to say without reading it and telling you to STFU. Which I can do if you like, no skin off my ass to put some self righteous shit on ignore.

Hey Calyx..I find it easier if you show simple pictures to educate the young...
I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt....i must be the grand goof....
I say a thread today with the masked maurader brought back up from some time ago...should have figured...
The teenage children of LP's......probably keep getting their internet shut off....
cause mom and dad didn't pay up....
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Thanks hippy...Its nice to be in with a group of like circumstance...and apparently we all back each other up....
Have you noticed the pattern with some of the posters...
who comes to a new board....and starts talking shit to long time members...on day two...they call everyone here a goof...
Legit patients try an put some effort to be part of the community..long before they start picking fights...
There are many many good people here... some just read and occasionally participate...
others are more vocal...either way....I will say it again .great bunch here....

Thanks every one....and Zoic you needed to come to our meet and greet
you would fit right in I would bet.