Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity

Obama proposes to cut MORE from entitlement spending than the Republicans did...
Yeah, Democrats are the problem. They are why we don't have Citizens United repealed. Democrats are why we don't have universal healthcare coverage. Republicans had nothing to do with it.

The "cut" was a change to cost of living index. But if you only read headlines, you wouldn't know that.

And Republicans weren't serious about dismantling medicare and medicaid.

Yeah, Democrats are the problem.
You won't get any support from me. I've been saying they're part of the problem for years. It's the core reason I'm a Bernie backer.

And that is why Trump has all but locked in Citizen's United for the next generation.

Good luck ever getting Bernie elected.

And I sincerely mean that, good luck with that.
Can you name one Democratic Senator who was or is opposed to repeal of CU?

He wasn't asking a serious question. He had no way of supporting his dumbshit comments so he resorted to a childish stab. Unfortunately for him, I'm proud to be proven wrong, it means I've learned something. While this idiot remains proudly retarded.
And that is why Trump has all but locked in Citizen's United for the next generation.

Good luck ever getting Bernie elected.

And I sincerely mean that, good luck with that.
As I just said in another thread, I don't care about the person or the party. I care about the issues. I'm a Bernie backer because of his stands on the issues and I'll support anyone with the same positions who can convince me of their sincerity.

There's getting to be a lot of us.
Bernard is so good at convincing white males, if only he cared more about other people enough to try to reach them...

Apparently he's good at convincing black males, hispanics, and females, too!
If only you cared as much about issues as you do identity politics...

"I think all people fighting for equality and human rights should shut the fuck up and let their personal struggles take a back seat to the election of this lying piece of shit politician who never had any other job."

"I think all people fighting for equality and human rights should shut the fuck up and let their personal struggles take a back seat to the election of this lying piece of shit politician who never had any other job."

Exactly what a cheap shot artist would say.
What does that have to do with the price of apples in India? Stay on topic sport. Support your bullshit. Trickle down has never worked, and never will.
Right sport! Defend YOUR bullshit, who said anything about trickle down economics? That's a strawman you made.
Right sport! Defend YOUR bullshit, who said anything about trickle down economics? That's a strawman you made.

Circles. You like circles. And you like talking in them.

Tell me again how it's a smart idea to just "let people pay more taxes" if they want. -- Unsurprisingly you completely miss the point of regulation. Because you're not bright enough to comprehend such simple concepts. -- And I suspect your incredibly tiny penis is incredibly tiny. And very not bulbous. Amirite?
Circles. You like circles. And you like talking in them.

Tell me again how it's a smart idea to just "let people pay more taxes" if they want. -- Unsurprisingly you completely miss the point of regulation. Because you're not bright enough to comprehend such simple concepts. -- And I suspect your incredibly tiny penis is incredibly tiny. And very not bulbous. Amirite?
You don't have to "let" people pay more taxes, stupid. I didn't propose it as any kind of tax plan just a way for people who want to pay more can lead by example, they can still push for higher taxes. But as my other post shows what good is that if its only spent on the military. I see by your profile your one of the trolls that prowl the politics thread so in you go to the ignore box with the rest of your pathetic troll friends.