Don't fk with China, you'll lose

Running away every time somebody calls him on his lies while claiming nobody will discuss issues takes up the extra time. But methinks he can do some of that from the La Quinta parking lot while his "lady" earns his meff money.

I see what you did there.

I've repeatedly posted documentation and links to support my arguments. You either ignore or denigrate them without evidence.

You don't deserve the effort anymore.
Like the time you asserted that the Carter Foundation "certified" Maduro's election? Or maybe the time you claimed that the "vast majority of Venezuelans support Maduro"? Or was it that "early version" of an NPR story that shamelessly led you to believe that the military was having a political purge?

Oh wait, you refused to post those sources.

You are a joke. You are the only one who doesn't get it.
Like the time you asserted that the Carter Foundation "certified" Maduro's election? Or maybe the time you claimed that the "vast majority of Venezuelans support Maduro"? Or was it that "early version" of an NPR story that shamelessly led you to believe that the military was having a political purge?

Oh wait, you refused to post those sources.

You are a joke. You are the only one who doesn't get it.
Yes, the majority of Venezuelans support Maduro. I know you worship MSNBC but you really should get out more.
Yes, the majority of Venezuelans support Maduro. I know you worship MSNBC but you really should get out more.
Quote your source, boob. You have been asked to dozens of times.

And while you are at it, post your source that I worship MSNBC. Give me an example of me ever quoting them or linking them. I never watch or read MSNBC.

You really are something. What about the Carter Foundation? You posted that piece of "homework" without even checking the home page of the Carter Foundation's website.

Gee, why does nobody believe your sources?
I’ve seen your mugshots and convictions

Only trumptards call those things fake news
What a nutcase. I asked him what misrepresentations I have made and he replies...

"I've repeatedly posted documentation and links to support my arguments. You either ignore or denigrate them without evidence.

You don't deserve the effort anymore."

He doesn't get it. He says he has supported his arguments. Yeah, so has every piece of shit Trumper that came along with an article out of Breitbart. So has every neo-nazi that ever vomited up a stormfront link or 4chan meme.

Tty is so conceited (as is his buddy and feeble minded companion) as to think that if they can find anything on the internet to support their opinion, it somehow becomes valid regardless of the veracity of the source.

It isn't enough to support your "argument" and it never has been. There's more to it than that.

The longer this whole thing goes on the more certain I am that people like Tty, Schuylaar and Pad are just the flip side of the same coin that gave us Trump.
Yes, the majority of Venezuelans support Maduro. I know you worship MSNBC but you really should get out more.
You are just parroting Maduro's own news sites. Maduro has full authority to clamp down on the independent press and he's using it. Anything that comes from his controlled news sites is suspect.

When protesters against Maduro show, they show up in the thousands.

When counter-protesters show up it's in the hundreds. It doesn't look like Maduro has the backing you claim but then again, anybody who tries to report other than what Maduro wants is threatened or arrested.

I'd suggest you get out more but I don't want you to beat any more women. So stay home with your dog.
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I believe their goal all along was to get Trump elected.
You might be right. I mean, in the same sense that Manson wanted a race war in order to create the chaos necessary for people to get to the point where they would follow him.

The psychology behind this sort of shit seems to be fairly common in sociopaths like @ttystikk.

I was reading an article in the NYT about the sex-slavery cult NXIVM. It sounds like the leader and Tty might share similar traits - except the NXIVM leader had the capabilities to carry it out whereas Tty is feckless.

Those women, who referred to Mr. Raniere as “master” or “grandmaster,” were subjected to sadistic punishments that included being whipped with a leather strap, she said.


The overriding emphasis of the group, she said, was to venerate Mr. Raniere and to foster an atmosphere of “total obedience and secrecy.”


Ms. Salzman, whose mother co-founded the group, offered an insider’s description of the mechanisms Mr. Raniere and his most loyal followers used to humiliate and subjugate women, many of whom, according to prosecutors, were coerced into sexual relationships with him.

There were plans to build a “dungeon” in the basement, she said. That room was to include a cage in which someone who was willing to “surrender,” in the interest of personal growth, might be locked for hours or days or longer, Ms. Salzman said.


Prosecutors projected onto a screen excerpts from the manuscript, which urged readers to “contemplate why your master is better than all other people.”

Any of that sound familiar? It takes a real sick person to abuse people in order to feel special.
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Like your reporter who did "on the ground reporting of how things were peaceful and tranquil in Venuzuela"...only he was 250 fucking miles away from where the protest were happening?

Yeah. Such legitimacy. Such bravery. Such wow.
So no news from the rest of Venezuela counts?
That pap -- approved by Maduro or the reporter gets it in the neck -- is what you think of as news?

Sociopaths like tty will say anything to try to pump up their self image. He's failing but he can't stop.
Updated in the Venezuela thread; seems the NYT caught a strange and unusual case of telling the truth for a change.

You believe your own propaganda- that's always a telling mistake, and you make it far too often.
That pap -- approved by Maduro or the reporter gets it in the neck -- is what you think of as news?

Sociopaths like tty will say anything to try to pump up their self image. He's failing but he can't stop.
You lie.

Not a surprise; lies are all you and your fellow trumpers have left.