Don't fk with China, you'll lose

“China was an underdeveloped nation with a large population of poor people willing to work for a fraction of the hourly wages of American workers. And then corporations came along and presented China with an attractive offer: We would like to build manufacturing plants in China and hire droves of your unemployed people to work there. What was China supposed to do? Naturally, China said yes.

This is hardly stealing.

It is true that these new jobs in China were intended to displace American workers. But does that concern belong to China? Does China have the responsibility to care for the well-being of American workers? Is China supposed to prioritize American workers over its own workers?”

Finally someone with a widespread audience says it. The wealthy caused this voluntarily. Now it’s time to pay a bigger price and the same wealthy want YOU to carry the load and to fight their fight. This as they scurry to Vietnam, Malaysia, Mauritius and a litany of foreign ports of call. Your kids will be asked to stick up for the same wealthy when the prices inevitably rise.
This exactly what happened. My hometown was destroyed. High unemployment, tens of thousands of jobs lost. I can't stand to see the place any more. Crime has taken over. Things were stolen from people that I never thought could be.
But just days ago you spoke of holding Democrats responsible for the decline of unions.

You really need to decide which thought guide to use and stick with them.
Did it ever occur to you that since the same monied interests bankroll both parties that they would be advancing the same agenda?

Probably not.
the alt-left is worse than the alt-right in many ways...smh
Smug self righteousness is a trap.

The Democrats aren't interested in helping the 90% because that's not where their campaign donations come from.

I go where the facts lead. Sometimes that leads me to unpopular conclusions. What's curious is those tend to be the most useful ones.
Smug self righteousness is a trap.

The Democrats aren't interested in helping the 90% because that's not where their campaign donations come from.

I go where the facts lead. Sometimes that leads me to unpopular conclusions. What's curious is those tend to be the most useful ones.
I know I'm much better off with a democrat than republican in office....alt-left'es just split the party and guarantee republicans a chance. If your not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Did it ever occur to you that since the same monied interests bankroll both parties that they would be advancing the same agenda?

Probably not.

Smug self righteousness is a trap.

The Democrats aren't interested in helping the 90% because that's not where their campaign donations come from.

I go where the facts lead. Sometimes that leads me to unpopular conclusions. What's curious is those tend to be the most useful ones.

It doesn't seem like the same agenda to me and it seems like the Democrats are indeed interested in helping the 90%

Democrats have an ambitious plan to save American labor unions
Republicans will hate it.

U.S. Workers Are Standing Up for Their Rights. A New Law Would Back Them Up.
It doesn't seem like the same agenda to me and it seems like the Democrats are indeed interested in helping the 90%

Democrats have an ambitious plan to save American labor unions
Republicans will hate it.

U.S. Workers Are Standing Up for Their Rights. A New Law Would Back Them Up.
Let's see them DO IT. This would not be the first time they made such promises.
Smug self righteousness is a trap.

The Democrats aren't interested in helping the 90% because that's not where their campaign donations come from.

I go where the facts lead. Sometimes that leads me to unpopular conclusions. What's curious is those tend to be the most useful ones.
Well I am guessing that you would be the authority on smug self-righteousness.

Remember this week when you told me to "stay in my lane"? What exactly is your lane?
No I’m referring to their surrender mentality.
France gave the US good advice about not invading Iraq, though. It was the kind of advice a good friend would give. The US acted like the dumb chick who got angry when a good friend advised she wait a while before letting a known abusive asshole move in with her.

McCain surrendered. He wasn't French. Were all those US POWs in the 20th century wars supposed to kill themselves instead? The premise of your statement is that of an idiot's. Not that I'm calling you an idiot. I'd need more information before I would call you an idiot.
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No I’m referring to their surrender mentality.
But they won against the English and gave you your independence. They didn't surrender. In fact France historically are not surrenders. They ruled so much of the world for a reason.
Just because they disagreed with your/our illegal, unjust attack on Iraq doesn't make them surrenders. It makes the people who believed that Murdock spewing rubbish need a history lesson.
But they won against the English and gave you your independence. They didn't surrender. In fact France historically are not surrenders. They ruled so much of the world for a reason.
Just because they disagreed with your/our illegal, unjust attack on Iraq doesn't make them surrenders. It makes the people who believed that Murdock spewing rubbish need a history lesson.
You called it right. The Neocons of Bush Jr's early presidency were the ones who coined the term surrender monkeys for the French to disparage people who advised against attacking Iraq. They were right too. Practically all the recent disasters in the Middle East stem in part from Bush's adventure in Iraq. They are doing the same with Iran and are rattling sabers at China too.

Idiot Republicans vilified McCain for surrendering as well. Between the French for capitulating to Germany in 1940, McCain surrendering in Vietnam and Republicans, the ones without honor have the capital R in their name.
Smug self righteousness is a trap.

The Democrats aren't interested in helping the 90% because that's not where their campaign donations come from.

I go where the facts lead. Sometimes that leads me to unpopular conclusions. What's curious is those tend to be the most useful ones.
Do you listen to Hannity? You sound exactly like a regular on his show. Some journalist who’s father was a high ranking military guy.