scumrot derelict
Well-Known Member
Dawkins defines the "symptoms" of being infected by the "virus of religion", providing examples for most of them, and tries to define a connection between the elements of religion and its survival value (invoking Zahavi's handicap principle of sexual selection, applied to believers of a religion). Dawkins also describes religious beliefs as "mind-parasites", and as "gangs [that] will come to constitute a package, which may be sufficiently stable to deserve a collective name such as Roman Catholicism ... or ... component parts to a single virus".
The influence of religion on politics is not a phenomenon that is confined solely to the Christian world. But, it's impossible for any political theorist to ignore the role of Christianity in the public lives of Christians. Its huge impact upon the politics of Christian nations can be attributed to the strong inclination of the population towards it, and the powerful voice that it is given by them.
It's pretty obvious that any legal system requires a government to adopt it and the apparatus of a state to implement and enforce it.
So,, do you think a person having faith in something, even a political ideal, could be interpreted as a symptom of mental illness?
Viruses of the Mind - Wikipedia

The influence of religion on politics is not a phenomenon that is confined solely to the Christian world. But, it's impossible for any political theorist to ignore the role of Christianity in the public lives of Christians. Its huge impact upon the politics of Christian nations can be attributed to the strong inclination of the population towards it, and the powerful voice that it is given by them.
It's pretty obvious that any legal system requires a government to adopt it and the apparatus of a state to implement and enforce it.
So,, do you think a person having faith in something, even a political ideal, could be interpreted as a symptom of mental illness?