Boycott China.


Well-Known Member
Let's go, you have no response to the arguments here so let's just have this devolve into YOU'RE RACIST because I criticized the CCP for being the most racist government in the world and for its policies that caused a pandemic.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
We actually have about 70,000 years before it's due again if you go by the average, last 3 eruptions occurred over 2.1 million years, that's a 700,000 year average between them, the last was 630,000 years ago.
And Tyler has the solution to stop it if I remember correctly ....... where is he, I so enjoyed his profound commentary lol.


Well-Known Member
Let's go, you have no response to the arguments here so let's just have this devolve into YOU'RE RACIST because I criticized the CCP for being the most racist government in the world and for its policies that caused a pandemic.
more racist than America? In History? Oh man


Well-Known Member
more racist than America? In History? Oh man
The People's Republic of China, right now, is by far the most racist country in the world. It is the only country with a government that has currently implemented systematically racist policies against it's own minorities. It is the only country in the world where the media has full blessing of the state (as it can't do anything with out that, ever) to spread racist nonsense about foreigners bringing the virus into China and to beware of foreigners. It is the only country where restaurants and retail establishments are directed, by municipal local commy party bosses to put up signs directing that foreigners may not enter.

That's just the small stuff that is ostensibly about SARS-CoV-2. PRC is systematically destroyign Uighur culture and dismantling Uighur families. Uighurs convicted of petty crimes are regularly dissappeared so that their organs can be transplanted to rich and elite (read: relatives of CCP members) Han Chinese people. Tibetans may not practice their religion, by decree of the CCP, nor may they speak their native tongue.

The People's Republic of China is by far, the most racist country in the world.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Yet again, the Chinese Communist Party is to blame for mass death. It's time to hold them to account.
We need to put a stop to them because if we dont they might do something else. Do you think Trumps trade tarrifs had something to do with this? Did the CCP weaponize this virus to fuck us over? They are the masters of biological warfare. Its apparent they dont give a fuck about their people or the environment.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
America sent all it's manufacturing to China and else where out of the greed by corporate executives to increase profits and there by getting larger executive pay, not because people in America were pining for cheap crap.
Well I agree about the corporations but really as cunty as they are it was allowed to happen and the the world as a whole is to complacent to do much about it because yes they like cheap shit lol. The let’s have free trade to boost everyone’s life was a farce. Only now are trade deals somewhat including fair wage clauses but it’s mostly optics to give warm fuzzy feelings to those involved. I don’t want to argue about who’s to blame really but the actions taken in light of the pandemic (aka Chinese flue :() is the telling part and we have all failed miserably.


Well-Known Member
We need to put a stop to them because if we dont they might do something else. Do you think Trumps trade tarrifs had something to do with this? Did the CCP weaponize this virus to fuck us over? They are the masters of biological warfare. Its apparent they dont give a fuck about their people or the environment.
No, I think they're just corrupt and inept. The local commy party boss in Wuhan silenced that doctor who mentioned SARS on his Weibo group in order to save his career and the economy. The cover-up allowed the international spread.


Well-Known Member
Keeping live animals in unkept conditions with out oversight is not nature..... just sayin.
Right there I know your true nature. You are a racist douche-

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I thought Uncabucka was the worst.

I had hopes for you but not everything goes to plan.

You still got both legs Right?

You'll need those to run from the Covis hoards.


Well-Known Member
Right there I know your true nature. You are a racist douche-

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I thought Uncabucka was the worst.

I had hopes for you but not everything goes to plan.

You still got both legs Right?

You'll need those to run from the Covis hoards.
You're almost as dumb as our local PLA paid troll dafreak. I have had plenty of disagreements with Budley but he has said nothing racist.

Just because you disagree with something doesn't make it racist. Does the word racist mean something else in Mandarin?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I must have missed that one, was it as good as his fire bombing plan?
Fuck no, even better. Drill enough holes to relieve the pressure lol. In all fairness he read a paper by the musings of one NASA dude and took it as true but then wouldn’t admit it was untrue ...... you know typical t lol. I’m thinking the shul is his mouth piece now with her hoping the virus will wipe out her perceived enemies (pretty much all men incl.).


Well-Known Member
Fuck no, even better. Drill enough holes to relieve the pressure lol. In all fairness he read a paper by the musings of one NASA dude and took it as true but then wouldn’t admit it was untrue ...... you know typical t lol. I’m thinking the shul is his mouth piece now with her hoping the virus will wipe out her perceived enemies (pretty much all men incl.).
Yeah he was a hoot.


Well-Known Member
No, I think they're just corrupt and inept. The local commy party boss in Wuhan silenced that doctor who mentioned SARS on his Weibo group in order to save his career and the economy. The cover-up allowed the international spread.
You are truly the most racist conspirious spreader of false news I've ever had the displeasure of meeting ever on the web.


Well-Known Member
You are truly the most racist conspirious spreader of false news I've ever had the displeasure of meeting ever on the web.
Get back behind the firewall. The real internet is full of shit you're not allowed to see in the People's Republic of China. Go back to your CCP fairytales.


Well-Known Member
No question, the Chinese communist party is a blight on the world...among many other govt's ...However, some of the ignorant comments of some of the people on this board are astonishing. As a Westerner, (Canada) it's tough to watch the world go in the direction it has. Humans, at the top of the food chain; we seem to thrive on waste and gluttony..For those to point fingers at Asian culture..( Shark fin soup), while we have Donald Trump junior stompin' around the globe blasting bullets into any rare critter just for cant help but wonder about the sense of hypocrisy...
Ten years ago, the world seem like a safer place...more unified and collaborative. Now we've got another dominant world leader with the manners of a teenage bully...
The world seems to be "going to hell in a handbasket"..Can't say I'm too excited for the prospects for my kids...


P.S. I too think cutting parts off of critters is extremely cruel and wasteful...just had to point out..those examples we have in the West arent much better...and when you have 1.4 million people to feed...its a different ballgame.

PSS This is coming from a White guy!