Boycott China.


Well-Known Member
I ate everything I killed except the raccoons lol, actually like most wild game meat if cooked right. I had family that hunted so that's how I got into it.
You should buy the 'Road Kill Cook Book'. Never be enslaved by your local butcher again!

We got fresh road kill a few years back. Steaming hot Newfie Speed bump at the end of my driveway!


Yum yum!

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radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Ive never killed a large animal. I've def enjoyed shooting pests like rats, squirrels, house sparrows. But i still love to catch a huge striped bass, kill, dress and temptingly prepare a rabbit or pheasant. The closest thing to a real woods from here is 40 or 50 miles


Well-Known Member
Ive never killed a large animal. I've def enjoyed shooting pests like rats, squirrels, house sparrows. But i still love to catch a huge striped bass, kill, dress and temptingly prepare a rabbit or pheasant. The closest thing to a real woods from here is 40 or 50 miles
That sux. Half of my 7.5 acres is woods. 7.44 acres to be honest but 7.5 is easier to type. ;)

Now I have to round down to 7.4. My estate is shrinking by the sentence. lol



Well-Known Member
I too am from Alberta..Calgary.

Amazing how we all turn into a bunch when the Shit hits the fan..huh!?

Quebec, with 25% of the people gets over 50% of the equalization payments here in Canada...AND...those payment where calculated in such a way not to included the revenue generated by hydro Quebec which generated about $14 billion a year...:(
Everyone benefited from the good jobs and revenue Oil and Gas created...Then sources beyond our borders sabotaged us from that fellow Canadians now point fingers at one another...All while the US, being unified jumps to the top of the heap..producing more Oil and Gas than any other country....All while Leonardo DiCaprio and Jane Fonda circle the Oil sands in helicopters here in Alberta and point fingers...Why are they not protesting their own Oil Sands in California, their backyard, which have been proven to be far less clean?

...and my white guy comment was merely to emphasize that some of us do understand these inequalities and bias'



Well-Known Member
Is that a calf? Or a cow?
Was a momma with two kids wandering around the area for a couple years. They all succumbed to the highway. I went out in the yard once and fired my 16 gauge over their heads and they didn't even flinch. Could have loaded a slug and took one out easy but not my thing.

Might be my thing soon if we can't buy meat! :)


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How many deaths is the US and it's war machine responsible for over the years do you suppose?
That's a good question. Could be tabulated lots of ways. There's the direct deaths and then there's deaths of attrition, lingering nuclear fallout, malnutrition etc. Not to mention the cost the war machine places on American serfs who just want to live and let live and not be forced to support an Empire. Lots of ripples.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
So Abandon your suggested boycott, while noble, won’t work. As you can see the world has no desire to give up all things China which is pretty much all things :(. I do think that when this is all over it will be time to reflect on the value we place on “things” and how it impacts the world and it’s people. Hopefully this virus will show how equally vulnerable we really are. The magnitude of this and how it has effected every corner of the globe is not the fault of the Chinese goverment, we all knew it was bad when the news started to come out but “we” all ignored it. We ignored it to not piss off the one country that provided us with our bobbles.And we are still ignoring it in the name of commerce. Just look at Ontario and what they’ve said is an essential service. I am proud of the fact my company only sells Canadian made products, it’s a start.


Well-Known Member
I too am from Alberta..Calgary.

Amazing how we all turn into a bunch when the Shit hits the fan..huh!?

Quebec, with 25% of the people gets over 50% of the equalization payments here in Canada...AND...those payment where calculated in such a way not to included the revenue generated by hydro Quebec which generated about $14 billion a year...:(
Everyone benefited from the good jobs and revenue Oil and Gas created...Then sources beyond our borders sabotaged us from that fellow Canadians now point fingers at one another...All while the US, being unified jumps to the top of the heap..producing more Oil and Gas than any other country....All while Leonardo DiCaprio and Jane Fonda circle the Oil sands in helicopters here in Alberta and point fingers...Why are they not protesting their own Oil Sands in California, their backyard, which have been proven to be far less clean?

...and my white guy comment was merely to emphasize that some of us do understand these inequalities and bias'

I was driving cab in Calgary from '76 - '82 then moved back to BC when my mother sent my baby momma a ticket to come visit from Ont with her 1st grandson. 9 years of hell ensued before she flew the coop and left me a single dad.

Pierre Eliot Trudeau Rips Off Canada! PetroCan. I was running cab all thru that. lol

Good times for a single hot dude then. Stopped keeping track after the 200th pussy. perv.gif


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I don't think the OP is able to boycott China himself. Heck, I doubt he can go without his cellphone for a week.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Was a momma with two kids wandering around the area for a couple years. They all succumbed to the highway. I went out in the yard once and fired my 16 gauge over their heads and they didn't even flinch. Could have loaded a slug and took one out easy but not my thing.

Might be my thing soon if we can't buy meat! :)

If you do, kill a calf or bull, the calf survival rate is very low so impact would be minimal. A deer would provide way more protein jsyk.


Well-Known Member
That's a good question. Could be tabulated lots of ways. There's the direct deaths and then there's deaths of attrition, lingering nuclear fallout, malnutrition etc. Not to mention the cost the war machine places on American serfs who just want to live and let live and not be forced to support an Empire. Lots of ripples.
What about all the walking wounded living on the streets that die from neglect or just take the easy way out?

Us Canadians have nothing to brag about as we treat our heroes no better than the US does.

SHAME, f'n SHAME, on all of us!

They deserve so much better!


Well-Known Member

I hear ya bud..Life is a game of snakes and ladders for sure...
A little humor to cheer everyone up...

hope this cooy/paste works