Boycott China.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What about all the walking wounded living on the streets that die from neglect or just take the easy way out?

Us Canadians have nothing to brag about as we treat our heroes no better than the US does.

SHAME, f'n SHAME, on all of us!

They deserve so much better!

You were doing so well until you got to the "hero" part.



Well-Known Member
Sure the wet markets are an issue, and they should be banned, but that's just one way novel viruses can arise. Bill Gates warned the world 5 years ago to be ready. You should be more angry with global leadership, and your own government specifically for not taking the issue seriously. Especially your for profit health care system, you'd get far better returns worrying about that than worrying about China. It happened, and a pandemic will happen again along with that other pesky issue called climate change.

If we had to worry about every time a nation made a bad decision we could sit around and point fingers all night. Like I said get Trump to allocate some of that military money or some of thqt corporate welfare fund into health care and pandemic preparedness and you'll see far more results than boycotting Walmart.
We cannot change the past only learn from it, all governments except a few who experienced pandemics like Korea were even close to being prepared. Trump is a "unique" phenomena shall we say and the sociopath is doing a spectacular job of dereliction of duty, unfitness and incompetence, no nation could do better under such horrible leadership. What brought America to this point is the topic of ongoing discussion here and I'm sure the Americans will clean up their mess after a million dead or so, they are paying for Trump bigly.

Pointing fingers at this stage of the game does no good, they are even going easy on Donald because he's so sensitive and might shut everything down if they upset the child. Like wise pissing off China at this particular point in history is unwise too, since they control the production of PPE and pharmaceutical feed stocks. They too have learned a lesson from this shit and their accounting for it will come later, like Trumps. Right now it's a fight for survival, both for us, our parents and grandparents, everything must be thrown into the battle and all options exercised.

The whole world is undergoing upheaval now, from me on a remote island in Nova Scotia, to Abandon on the other side of the planet, all are sharing the common dread, if not for ourselves, then for those we love. We are all in this together and that makes us strong, we are human after all.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
No, but it makes it easier to get treatment?
No not when our hospitals become overwhelmed which would take about 20 icu cases at my local hospital. Most countries were complacent in putting in place measures to keep this at bay, some more than others. We were allowing 1500-2000 Chinese and countless other countries in daily (Toronto alone) well after the magnitude of this became known.... “let’s wait for all hell to break loose”, with no meaningful testing/screening I might add. I “hazard to guess” that sadly life will go back to the norm even with some calling for boycotts etc.


Well-Known Member
I “hazard to guess” that sadly life will go back to the norm even with some calling for boycotts etc.
They know we can’t boycott China. China spent years making sure this didn’t happen by supplying the world cheaply. It found its place and successfully did it. They are the place people go when they want things made cheap.


Well-Known Member
They know we can’t boycott China. China spent years making sure this didn’t happen by supplying the world cheaply. It found its place and successfully did it. They are the place people go when they want things made cheap.
China was convenient because after Americans realized the level of pollution that our industries were causing, businesses decided to go get that dirt cheap unlimited labor and non existent pollution laws and Chinese-subsidized buying power.

That was all way cheaper than retrofitting our existing infrastructure, paying higher wages with less buying power of every dollar, dealing with pollution and safety laws, etc, so businesses went over there and Americans got a lot of stuff made for dirt cheap.

But this virus, and the understanding that we cannot go on trusting old supply lines, might be what leads to American businesses moving their industry back home. But it might end up with a whole lot of infrastructure (Robotics, building upgrades) and high end jobs but not a lot of line jobs.

It is crazy to think about how this might change everything.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
China was convenient because after Americans realized the level of pollution that our industries were causing, businesses decided to go get that dirt cheap unlimited labor and non existent pollution laws and Chinese-subsidized buying power.

That was all way cheaper than retrofitting our existing infrastructure, paying higher wages with less buying power of every dollar, dealing with pollution and safety laws, etc, so businesses went over there and Americans got a lot of stuff made for dirt cheap.

But this virus, and the understanding that we cannot go on trusting old supply lines, might be what leads to American businesses moving their industry back home. But it might end up with a whole lot of infrastructure (Robotics, building upgrades) and high end jobs but not a lot of line jobs.

It is crazy to think about how this might change everything.
True that. It will be interesting. I would have thought an alien attack was more likely than this, at least there would have been something to shoot at that we could all agree on, well most......maybe lol.


Well-Known Member
True that. It will be interesting. I would have thought an alien attack was more likely than this, at least there would have been something to shoot at that we could all agree on, well most......maybe lol.
Just watching Justin on TV competently answering all questions calmly in two languages, demonstrating knowledge and giving good advice. What a contrast will Trump and the chaotic American response. Their death rate is 3 times ours per capita, sofar... we will find out if the curve flattens in a week, or say the experts. We might end up sending massive aid to the Americans in a month if the situation is safe enough here, we can help michigan and New York and need to do what we must to do so, after our own house is in order though.


Well-Known Member
China was convenient because after Americans realized the level of pollution that our industries were causing, businesses decided to go get that dirt cheap unlimited labor and non existent pollution laws and Chinese-subsidized buying power.

That was all way cheaper than retrofitting our existing infrastructure, paying higher wages with less buying power of every dollar, dealing with pollution and safety laws, etc, so businesses went over there and Americans got a lot of stuff made for dirt cheap.

But this virus, and the understanding that we cannot go on trusting old supply lines, might be what leads to American businesses moving their industry back home. But it might end up with a whole lot of infrastructure (Robotics, building upgrades) and high end jobs but not a lot of line jobs.

It is crazy to think about how this might change everything.
Hopefully you’re right and we start supporting buying American and shopping at small grow stores instead of on Amazon is just one small way we can help the economy recover. Eating at family owned restaurants instead of McDonald’s. Etc.

it’s a shame small business will never see a dime of bailout money


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you’re right and we start supporting buying American and shopping at small grow stores instead of on Amazon is just one small way we can help the economy recover. Eating at family owned restaurants instead of McDonald’s. Etc.

it’s a shame small business will never see a dime of bailout money
At least getting take out from family owned restaurants, sitting in them might become something you have to explain to kids in a few years.

I know as much as it would suck to do if I was a small business owner I might just have to buy some Dear Leader merchandise and get on his propaganda email lists, because I am guessing a lot of cross checking will happen since he has stated he won't adhere to the law as written being transparent in who is getting money.


Well-Known Member
We can get treatment here in America too.

I don't think any country was properly prepared for this pandemic, it's China's government that is at fault for the outbreak. China's government should've put the world on alert right away when people started getting sick and dying, the rest of the world could've started preparing better for what was coming

It's China's governments fault. Period
Fine it was China's debate there...but now that its time, listen to all the protests as to what has to be done now...

People feel entitled to the freedoms we are accustomed to..

Unfortunately, we in the west, or perhaps fortunately....are getting a good dose of what it actually feels like to be scared for ones life...

Hopefully, this is the silver lining that tilts us in the direction of having a little more respect for one another.


Well-Known Member
Fine it was China's debate there...but now that its time, listen to all the protests as to what has to be done now...

People feel entitled to the freedoms we are accustomed to..

Unfortunately, we in the west, or perhaps fortunately....are getting a good dose of what it actually feels like to be scared for ones life...

Hopefully, this is the silver lining that tilts us in the direction of having a little more respect for one another.
I am hoping we can make big strides on the road to respecting each other again in November.


Well-Known Member
China was convenient because after Americans realized the level of pollution that our industries were causing, businesses decided to go get that dirt cheap unlimited labor and non existent pollution laws and Chinese-subsidized buying power.

That was all way cheaper than retrofitting our existing infrastructure, paying higher wages with less buying power of every dollar, dealing with pollution and safety laws, etc, so businesses went over there and Americans got a lot of stuff made for dirt cheap.

But this virus, and the understanding that we cannot go on trusting old supply lines, might be what leads to American businesses moving their industry back home. But it might end up with a whole lot of infrastructure (Robotics, building upgrades) and high end jobs but not a lot of line jobs.

It is crazy to think about how this might change everything.
The CCP sees that and is now weaponizing propaganda and trade to rally around its belt and road initiative. This is becoming a make or break issue for both the US and China. Getting all the media to focus on blaming Trump for his response rather than the CCP for actually being culpible for the pandemic was a stroke of brilliance by Xi. Well played CCP.


The problem is, you might have some people fooled that criticizing Trump and praising China are parallel positions, but the world's intel agencies and governments aren't fooled. Blaming the culpible is not a political position.


Well-Known Member
I am hoping we can make big strides on the road to respecting each other again in November.

Seriously, anyone can blame's literally the next level of crap evolves.
No question..The issue started in China, and yes, they didnt let the world know soon enough..but when you've got simpleton's like Trump declaring that business' will be back open by Easter in spite of the pandemic...You quickly realize you've got no more than an immature boy with a pea shooter calling the shots...Hell, he's trying to blame everyone...Local states have began to source their own equipment due to lack of confidence in the feds...

Deflect, deflect...deflect...poor leadership plain and simple and the world knows it.

Unfortunately, Trump's elderly base in Florida has been taking this mildly due to his prognostications and many are going to pay the price...

But then'll have those who want to go blame China..

The situation is dynamic and have a leader with petty debate about calling it Corona vs Wuhan virus...shows you his priority is election and image rather than saving lives


Well-Known Member
From where I’m sitting US and U.K. are being most irresponsible with regard to this pandemic going forward. Blame China but it’s not going to help those choking out on lung fluid. I’m suspicious of this whole Wuhan wet market meme, especially when there is uncertainty in the scientific community due to the inclusion of novel inserts from HIV virus. It is highly plausible that inter species generation naturally (albeit in unnatural close proximity) created this novel virus it is also possible to do this with animals in a lab. All the current research shows is that this is not genetically engineered, leaving two other possible causes, wet market horror show, animal experiments in a highly sophisticated bio weapons lab run by homer simpson.


Well-Known Member
I’m suspicious of this whole Wuhan wet market meme, especially when there is uncertainty in the scientific community
A peer reviewed article published in Nature, with 30 of the most relevant scholars in the field worldwide listed as those peers, making a solid conclusion...

is not a meme, or indicative of uncertainty. The virus originated in the Wuhan exotic animal wet market for bushmeat.


Well-Known Member
A peer reviewed article published in Nature, with 30 of the most relevant scholars in the field worldwide listed as those peers, making a solid conclusion...

is not a meme, or indicative of uncertainty. The virus originated in the Wuhan exotic animal wet market for bushmeat.
It demonstrates that it was highly unlikely to be genetically engineered, it doesn’t conclusively blame wet markets. I’m with you about closing down such abominations but I’m not prepared to jump to conclusions.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Are we still talking about the same article that I was told debate was over “period” lol.

“More scientific data could swing the balance of evidence to favor one hypothesis over another. Obtaining related viral sequences from animal sources would be the most definitive way of revealing viral origins. For example, a future observation of an intermediate or fully formed polybasic cleavage site in a SARS-CoV-2-like virus from animals would lend even further support to the natural-selection hypotheses