Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

I had a trumptard patient today. I asked if he had a cough. He said yes and I told him you need to wear - mask . “ I don’t like wearing no mask” He told me he got tested for the Covid 19 last week when he went in to the ER because of a cough and lack of oxygen. He told me he was negative . He told me he was a big Trump supporter trump doing a great job...and began an very elaborate story about how the Covid Virus was created back in 2008 and that a video on YouTube Proves it and started playing it on his phone for me. It had Some geek with a bow tie doing a bang up job trying to look professional, smart and convincing. It reminded me of this
Hey., but OKlaHoMa is has done DONE good only 1 more dead since yestaday and my hospital has ZERO positives in-house today.
Hey I'm trying hot cold for fun and health!
That’s awesome !! please let us know if it works!!
I scream a lot... Just kidding I was reading how to do it safely and I'm following best practices. I'm thinking of rigging up a sauna in the basement though, it's a nice place to have sit and roast, followed up with a cold shower. For now it will be a session on the bike and a hot/cold shower. It's evidence based Amber.
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They did a youtube search on you know what, as soon as it left donald's lips and guess who pops up on the first page of the results of the Youtube search, medcram, because they were one of the very few who have been quietly discussing it for awhile. This site provides unique access to the medical world for lay people, but it's the presidential advisers, that's where the beans were spilled to Donald, someone made the mistake of mentioning it to him. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with Ivermectin. He didn't start the treating of patients with malaria medication, it was a trend in the medical community and still is.

Watch it if ya want foggy, it's nerd entertainment to me and might be of interest to some, I'm not surprised that he's being referenced by the right wing loonies, though through no fault of his own. I can detect no bias, only a discussion among professionals, many doctors go to this site too and you would hear howls if he was unprofessional or political in anyway. I suspect he's a democrat, most scientists and doctors are these days.

If you do discover he's hooked up with the trump crowd I'd like to know.
This is basically an uploading of content website right? Doctor is posting about this topic. I took to look at it today, and it is hilarious.
We can't allow that to censor our civil discourse, this is science and medicine, the Trumpers abused it like anything else they touch and the Russian trolls exploit anything they can find. Caution is required, but mere suspicions and false accusations (or inferences) are just as harmful and one of the desired outcomes of the Russian trolls, they also seek to delegitimize honest information and sow distrust. To make us afraid to speak our minds and confuse us is always one of the goals. This appears to be working in regard to this particular website and youtube channel, there is guilt by association and a hindering of the free exchange of ideas and information. A lot of Trumpers latched on to this youtube channel when Trump mentioned you know what and I'm sure it's getting lots of unwelcome attention. I'm also sure they are hearing about it from many sources including professional ones.

Not many troll sites offer medical certifications...

The solutions to this problem of disinformation will be found after the US election and not before, no amount of disinformation, bullshit or spin can save Donald's ass now and it's becoming more apparent with every news conference he has.

Ive tried to be be very polite. Civil discourse is not being censored by anyone I have seen. If people are going too far, just ignore them. But you should take the time to not be so uncivil when you get worked up too, because it causes you to not be able to think right. I try to not get as invested in things that I really don't have any reasonable way to have learned enough about the subject that the 10,000 of thousands of people that are in those fields understand to know if they are bullshitting us or not.

Ok, so let's check this guy out, because at the end of the day what we know about him is he is posting videos on his own website about this virus and brings up the same drugs Dear Leader is pushing:

So from your post I get the dudes name to google. Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 6.56.57 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 6.59.39 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-04-09 at 7.12.13 PM.png

I accidentally found this guys too on a earlier search with just the same last name. Weird how close he looks like the other guy and has the same websites and university in his account, but could just be same family.

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 6.47.22 PM.png

Anyways, looking at the University they got their education from:

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 6.38.11 PM.png

Nice, looks like a cool campus. But turns out they are a religious university that firmly believes that we are currently living in end times (so who really cares about global warming and pollution issues, am I right), but also believe that Democrats murder children (really almost the worst possible thing anyone could do in this world is hurt children, so what is a little tax evasion and selling out the country to foreign dictators with that as the alternative).

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 6.38.35 PM.png

For real Trump even made fun of Ben Carson for being one. Funny how everything ties back to Trump.
Ben Carson has surged into a lead in Iowa and is climbing nationally thanks to his appeal to evangelicals. But could his own beliefs as a Seventh-day Adventist make him anathema to many of those same voters?

Donald Trump seemed to question the Republican neurosurgeon's faith over the weekend.

"I'm Presbyterian," Trump said at a Saturday rally in Florida. "Boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don't know about. I just don't know about."

Trump later denied he was trying to send up a "dog whistle" questioning Carson's faith, but he seemed to be trying to exploit the fact that the faith largely remains a mystery to many Americans.

Just look at the top Google trends for Seventh-day Adventists. Questions people are Googling: Are they a cult? Are they Mormon? Are they anti-Catholic? Are they Protestant? Are they vegetarian?
And don’t shoot low. Get it reallly really reallllllly HOT and then really really really COLD!!
There is a proper range for both and a person should ease into it and avoid the shock as much as they can, exercise enhances the effect. As I said it's evidence based, but they are small correlation studies. There is a study in Washington state that is recruiting covid10 patients for a trial right now.
This, like an exercise program should be run by a doctor if there are any health issues, I you are gonna object to this, ya might as well object to exercise as being too risky too.
There is a proper range for both and a person should ease into it and avoid the shock as much as they can, exercise enhances the effect. As I said it's evidence based, but they are small correlation studies. There is a study in Washington state that is recruiting covid10 patients for a trial right now.
This, like an exercise program should be run by a doctor if there are any health issues, I you are gonna object to this, ya might as well object to exercise as being too risky too.
7th Day Adventists for Science.
This is basically an uploading of content website right? Doctor is posting about this topic. I took to look at it today, and it is hilarious.

Ive tried to be be very polite. Civil discourse is not being censored by anyone I have seen. If people are going too far, just ignore them. But you should take the time to not be so uncivil when you get worked up too, because it causes you to not be able to think right. I try to not get as invested in things that I really don't have any reasonable way to have learned enough about the subject that the 10,000 of thousands of people that are in those fields understand to know if they are bullshitting us or not.

Ok, so let's check this guy out, because at the end of the day what we know about him is he is posting videos on his own website about this virus and brings up the same drugs Dear Leader is pushing:

So from your post I get the dudes name to google. View attachment 4528649

View attachment 4528650View attachment 4528658

I accidentally found this guys too on a earlier search with just the same last name. Weird how close he looks like the other guy and has the same websites and university in his account, but could just be same family.

View attachment 4528662

Anyways, looking at the University they got their education from:

View attachment 4528653

Nice, looks like a cool campus. But turns out they are a religious university that firmly believes that we are currently living in end times (so who really cares about global warming and pollution issues, am I right), but also believe that Democrats murder children (really almost the worst possible thing anyone could do in this world is hurt children, so what is a little tax evasion and selling out the country to foreign dictators with that as the alternative).

View attachment 4528655

For real Trump even made fun of Ben Carson for being one. Funny how everything ties back to Trump.
Thanks for this.

I like their motto: There is no limit to what we can do.

On second thought, sounds kind of ominous
This is basically an uploading of content website right? Doctor is posting about this topic. I took to look at it today, and it is hilarious.

Ive tried to be be very polite. Civil discourse is not being censored by anyone I have seen. If people are going too far, just ignore them. But you should take the time to not be so uncivil when you get worked up too, because it causes you to not be able to think right. I try to not get as invested in things that I really don't have any reasonable way to have learned enough about the subject that the 10,000 of thousands of people that are in those fields understand to know if they are bullshitting us or not.

Ok, so let's check this guy out, because at the end of the day what we know about him is he is posting videos on his own website about this virus and brings up the same drugs Dear Leader is pushing:

So from your post I get the dudes name to google. View attachment 4528649

View attachment 4528650View attachment 4528658

I accidentally found this guys too on a earlier search with just the same last name. Weird how close he looks like the other guy and has the same websites and university in his account, but could just be same family.

View attachment 4528662

Anyways, looking at the University they got their education from:

View attachment 4528653

Nice, looks like a cool campus. But turns out they are a religious university that firmly believes that we are currently living in end times (so who really cares about global warming and pollution issues, am I right), but also believe that Democrats murder children (really almost the worst possible thing anyone could do in this world is hurt children, so what is a little tax evasion and selling out the country to foreign dictators with that as the alternative).

View attachment 4528655

For real Trump even made fun of Ben Carson for being one. Funny how everything ties back to Trump.
I read your post and it means absolutely nothing, you're just slagging the guy because he mentioned the same thing Trump did weeks later. There is hysteria about hydroxychloroquine on both sides of the issue, for those Trumpers who believe in this shit and those who are convinced it doesn't work because it's associated with Trump. Why don't we just wait for the results of the studies, I don't know if it works and neither does anybody else at this point in time. You are on this guy because he mentioned something in a professional context that you object too and now you are feverishly searching for fault, even impugning his alma mater. Ya know Yale, Harvard, oxford and cambridge were religious institutions at one time, their primary role was to train preachers. He is a board certified physician and you are not, who are you to judge his professional credentials.

This was a piss poor job of attempting to slag this guy, wake up and realize you are being controlled by emotion here, this is just not logical or even proper. What, he's suspect because he went to Loma Linda, this is more guilt by association, is this the best you could come up with? This is not even close to credible evidence, it's something a troll would do.

I'm angry that this guy is being dragged through the mud for doing nothing more than his job and running his business. He said something I guess that is now politically incorrect and offensive to some. This is getting past ridiculous.
This is basically an uploading of content website right? Doctor is posting about this topic. I took to look at it today, and it is hilarious.
I quoted the website and made it clear that I did, watch a couple of the videos, it's best not to argue from ignorance.
I read your post and it means absolutely nothing, you're just slagging the guy because he mentioned the same thing Trump did weeks later. There is hysteria about hydroxychloroquine on both sides of the issue, for those Trumpers who believe in this shit and those who are convinced it doesn't work because it's associated with Trump. Why don't we just wait for the results of the studies, I don't know if it works and neither does anybody else at this point in time. You are on this guy because he mentioned something in a professional context that you object too and now you are feverishly searching for fault, even impugning his alma mater. Ya know Yale, Harvard, oxford and cambridge were religious institutions at one time, their primary role was to train preachers. He is a board certified physician and you are not, who are you to judge his professional credentials.

This was a piss poor job of attempting to slag this guy, wake up and realize you are being controlled by emotion here, this is just not logical or even proper. What, he's suspect because he went to Loma Linda, this is more guilt by association, is this the best you could come up with? This is not even close to credible evidence, it's something a troll would do.

I'm angry that this guy is being dragged through the mud for doing nothing more than his job and running his business. He said something I guess that is now politically incorrect and offensive to some. This is getting past ridiculous.
You blame us for questioning why you insist on posting nonsense and call it science?
You blame us for questioning why you insist on posting nonsense and call it science?
Ok, watch this video from mar 6th that started the controversy here, just skim through it if your so adverse that you can't stand to look. Perhaps you understand how RNA viruses operate, I know I found the refresher enlightening particularly the part about zinc. See how science operates in the medical world. Papers cited are in the description, if you have difficulties absorbing video information, the next video mentions chloroquine.

Coronavirus Epidemic Update 32: Important Data from South Korea, Can Zinc Help Prevent COVID-19?
I read your post and it means absolutely nothing, you're just slagging the guy because he mentioned the same thing Trump did weeks later. There is hysteria about hydroxychloroquine on both sides of the issue, for those Trumpers who believe in this shit and those who are convinced it doesn't work because it's associated with Trump. Why don't we just wait for the results of the studies, I don't know if it works and neither does anybody else at this point in time. You are on this guy because he mentioned something in a professional context that you object too and now you are feverishly searching for fault, even impugning his alma mater. Ya know Yale, Harvard, oxford and cambridge were religious institutions at one time, their primary role was to train preachers. He is a board certified physician and you are not, who are you to judge his professional credentials.
I am not 'on this guy' because he mentioned it. I was just looking at who the guy is. I have no clue why he was doing it, is this a drug he has been testing on for a while and just knows a lot about it? If it is, Trump could have easily had his troll army pump up this guys popularity by linking it around the internet and getting a shout out from Dear Leader.

Why would they do that, if not to make this one drug the main story? Because it is a story that is distracting. Because regardless you force logical conclusion of "I hope it is the case, but there is no way of knowing yet if this one thing is only a story because Trump made it about the need/hope/faith in being one of his cult, and if several other medications can treat symptoms" into being a dick that not giving 'hope' in the time of a pandemic that we could all use a little ray of hope.

This was a piss poor job of attempting to slag this guy, wake up and realize you are being controlled by emotion here, this is just not logical or even proper. What, he's suspect because he went to Loma Linda, this is more guilt by association, is this the best you could come up with? This is not even close to credible evidence, it's something a troll would do.

I strongly disagree and feel it is perfectly logical to ask the question of who the person is and what makes what he is saying anything other than one person just saying something, even if it is well put together and sounds good. But again it is not about him, it is about Trump's pushing of this topic. That is what makes it suspicious.

Before I get invested into listening to anything like that, I take the time to learn who the person is and why I care what they have to say. And this guy is talking about a drug, the only reason is being mentioned is because Trump mentioned it, right? So I have to ask the question, was this something he was studying prior? If he didn't start posting this stuff until after Trump mentioned it, then he is just hopping to pushing Dear Leader's stock prices.

So is this religious university that this guy's entire education and professional career has been attached to, have been studying this drug, or has he been working on it, or did he start it right after the drug gets pushed. What are his other video history about? Just random 'lesson plans' kind of stuff or is it drug studies in infectious diseases or something?

And once I don't see a super credible source, I know that I don't know enough about doctor'ing to know if what he is making sound good is bullshit or not to trust what I 'feel' when watching what it 'seems' like they are explaining.
I am not 'on this guy' because he mentioned it. I was just looking at who the guy is. I have no clue why he was doing it, is this a drug he has been testing on for a while and just knows a lot about it? If it is, Trump could have easily had his troll army pump up this guys popularity by linking it around the internet and getting a shout out from Dear Leader.

Why would they do that, if not to make this one drug the main story? Because it is a story that is distracting. Because regardless you force logical conclusion of "I hope it is the case, but there is no way of knowing yet if this one thing is only a story because Trump made it about the need/hope/faith in being one of his cult, and if several other medications can treat symptoms" into being a dick that not giving 'hope' in the time of a pandemic that we could all use a little ray of hope.

I strongly disagree and feel it is perfectly logical to ask the question of who the person is and what makes what he is saying anything other than one person just saying something, even if it is well put together and sounds good. But again it is not about him, it is about Trump's pushing of this topic. That is what makes it suspicious.

Before I get invested into listening to anything like that, I take the time to learn who the person is and why I care what they have to say. And this guy is talking about a drug, the only reason is being mentioned is because Trump mentioned it, right? So I have to ask the question, was this something he was studying prior? If he didn't start posting this stuff until after Trump mentioned it, then he is just hopping to pushing Dear Leader's stock prices.

So is this religious university that this guy's entire education and professional career has been attached to, have been studying this drug, or has he been working on it, or did he start it right after the drug gets pushed. What are his other video history about? Just random 'lesson plans' kind of stuff or is it drug studies in infectious diseases or something?

And once I don't see a super credible source, I know that I don't know enough about doctor'ing to know if what he is making sound good is bullshit or not to trust what I 'feel' when watching what it 'seems' like they are explaining.
I don't see a shred of credible evidence in any of your posts, you never even watched the video, post evidence when you have it, people are presumed innocent until proven otherwise in my world. Its all inference and guilt by association you've said nothing new, but inferred a lot.

You are experiencing aversion, a basic feeling that first happens in your body and is a precursor to a more a complex emotion, your logical mind works under the influence of emotion to rationalize your basic subconscious aversion. You associate this person with Trump subconsciously and it is a causing aversion. Your not logical, none of us are, emotion not only distorts our perception of reality, it prioritizes our thinking processes too. Trumpers aren't the only ones who are delusional, we all are, it's a normal part of psychological functioning, I witnessed some of this on Buggy's troll thread, he had em frothing at the mouth. I made 4 posts to that thread one to spam it and the other two posts were to shit on buggy, the last post was to advise shutting it down.
I don't see a shred of credible evidence in any of your posts

So you don't find the AP news credible?

you never even watched the video, post evidence when you have it, people are presumed innocent until proven otherwise in my world. Its all inference and guilt by association you'v
I never even brought up what is in the video outside of him talking about a drug that the President is talking about. You never even bothered to answer any of the questions I posed. You just attack. Why?

You are experiencing aversion, a basic feeling that first happens in your body and is a precursor to a more a complex emotion, your logical mind works under the influence of emotion to rationalize your basic subconscious aversion. You associate this person with Trump subconsciously and it is a causing aversion. Your not logical, none of us are, emotion not only distorts our perception of reality, it prioritizes our thinking processes too. Trumpers aren't the only ones who are delusional, we all are, it's a normal part of psychological functioning, I witnessed some of this on Buggy's troll thread, he had em frothing at the mouth. I made 4 posts to that thread one to spam it and the other two posts were to shit on buggy, the last post was to advise shutting it down.
lol ok.
So you don't find the AP news credible?

I never even brought up what is in the video outside of him talking about a drug that the President is talking about. You never even bothered to answer any of the questions I posed. You just attack. Why?

lol ok.
Because I'm tiring of this meaningless dialog Hannimal, I'm sorry if I appear short tempered, I'm not even angry, but I am experiencing other emotions.
I'm not going to answer any of those questions, I could write a page or two but why bother. Provide evidence that this guy is, more than a doctor who is running a medical education site with his partners. I'm standing for this man's honor and I'll defend him for as long as I believe him to be an innocent man. Provide the evidence to change my mind or just leave it alone.

Seventh day adventist don't believe in blood transfusions and refuse them for themselves and their children to the point of death (I know this from personal experience too). The medical school at Loma Linda doesn't appear to be under religious influence, they do blood transfusions as does this guy. Perhaps they do some preacher training, like Harvard and Oxford, most universities do theology too.
Chris Hayes On What A Swift Response Means In A Pandemic | All In | MSNBC
We should be careful not to jump to conclusions from the data we have. But it still appears clear that early action matters. Aired on 04/09/2020
Because I'm tiring of this meaningless dialog Hannimal, I'm sorry if I appear short tempered, I'm not even angry, but I am experiencing other emotions.
I'm not going to answer any of those questions, I could write a page or two but why bother. Provide evidence that this guy is, more than a doctor who is running a medical education site with his partners. I'm standing for this man's honor and I'll defend him for as long as I believe him to be an innocent man. Provide the evidence to change my mind or just leave it alone.

Seventh day adventist don't believe in blood transfusions and refuse them for themselves and their children to the point of death (I know this from personal experience too). The medical school at Loma Linda doesn't appear to be under religious influence, they do blood transfusions as does this guy. Perhaps they do some preacher training, like Harvard and Oxford, most universities do theology too.
What would be the point of writing a couple pages to answer a question that would take 3 minutes of a quick search?

One of the questions was, what else was posted on this drug prior to the President bringing them up, I don't know where it leads, but if you care enough about this topic, isn't at least worth checking who we are listening to?

I have no idea if the guy is legit or not, because I am not a doctor. How many doctors go to all levels of their education and then practice medicine at that same place? It kind of makes it impossible to know much at all about the guy.

I am however wondering why it mattered enough to you that you started to look at this one possibility of something that might or may not end up working for a virus we still understand very little about, and with no real data.