This is basically an uploading of content website right? Doctor is posting about this topic. I took to look at it today, and it is hilarious.
Ive tried to be be very polite. Civil discourse is not being censored by anyone I have seen. If people are going too far, just ignore them. But you should take the time to not be so uncivil when you get worked up too, because it causes you to not be able to think right. I try to not get as invested in things that I really don't have any reasonable way to have learned enough about the subject that the 10,000 of thousands of people that are in those fields understand to know if they are bullshitting us or not.
Ok, so let's check this guy out, because at the end of the day what we know about him is he is posting videos on his own website about this virus and brings up the same drugs Dear Leader is pushing:
So from your post I get the dudes name to google.
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I accidentally found this guys too on a earlier search with just the same last name. Weird how close he looks like the other guy and has the same websites and university in his account, but could just be same family.
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Anyways, looking at the University they got their education from:
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Nice, looks like a cool campus. But turns out they are a religious university that firmly believes that we are currently living in end times (so who really cares about global warming and pollution issues, am I right), but also believe that Democrats murder children (really almost the worst possible thing anyone could do in this world is hurt children, so what is a little tax evasion and selling out the country to foreign dictators with that as the alternative).
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For real Trump even made fun of Ben Carson for being one. Funny how everything ties back to Trump.