I am here to attempt to resurrect this thread.
I never post on here, but I just had to after reading all 62 pages of this amazing thread.
I don't know.
I truly believe no one ever will.
I like string theory, you know, the idea of everything being made up of tiny little strings vibrating at different frequencies.
Though I suppose a scientific theory can be somewhat like a belief system...
I keep it simple, I go back to worshipping the sun.
I can see it.
Without it I would die.
And if I pray to it I have the same odds of my prayers getting answered as any other religion. (poorly paraphrasing george carlin)
I remember a bit ago someone talking about the micro/macrocosm.
I actually understood what he meant... I think
The idea is actually fairly simple, and can be summed up by saying the same laws the govern the universe govern something as small as our cells.. atoms.. quarks etc.
And the only way I can see any kind of "god" in there is that god is simply the way nature works. (science)
And, even with science we still have trouble trying to explain certain things.
Which is why those crazy religions are still there.
But I go back to what I said before..
I don't know, no one does.
The possibilities are infinite for the concept of a god or afterlife, our brains cannot comprehend what it might be like.
Then again there is always the possibility that there is nothing.
I don't like people that seem they are certain either way.
You have to think logically.
Lack of proof is not proof for nonexistence.
ie. There is no proof of unicorns... therefore they do not exist
Sorry, logically, it is a fallacy.
If it worked that way, I say there is not constitution.
Because I have never seen it in person, only heard about it.