Fast Food - A Tutorial


Well-Known Member

thats how it should be

there is no reason to be a dick to some one you dont know for no reason

but people still do it

they feel some how superior on that side of the counter
my daughters mother(shudder) used to get sooo mad because we could be fighting like cats and dogs and when it came my turn in line it was, 'hi how are you today. pump 8 and can i have the reciept, please.' she couldnt believe how i could be fighting with her and then turn around and be nice to a complete stranger. i would tell her straight up, "they didnt piss me off."


but, im not going to lie, two or three times people have been so nice they let me hit the blunt once or twice before they leave

now thats just fucking awesome

go ahead and throw that on the list lol

offer your weed to the person stuck in the shit hole:weed:


Well-Known Member
your post makes no sense, because you dont want to wait the extra time, but extra crispy takes MORE time

that doesnt make sense..

and to you people who say just get another job

whats that unemployment rate again?

99% of places that arent food industry are not hiring....

trust me... a billion applications and i can say its true

ive got mad computer hardware skills but i dont have a piece of paper saying i do, and thats why frys / best buy wouldnt hire me

what i ment was i dont mind waiting the extra time if my fries are actually gonna be extra crispy. I hate when i specifically ask for extra crispy fries, keep in mind my whole order is fries and maybe a drink, multiple times and i dont get it.

Like sometimes i know they arent ognna be extra crispy cause they dont ask me to pull up and wait. they get my order right away which means they didnt listen at all.


Well-Known Member
how about when you unwrap your sandwich and it looks like everything was thrown at the bun/biscuit from across the room? how hard is it too put together a sandwich?

i understand some of this is to blame on the evil timers, but come on.


how about when you unwrap your sandwich and it looks like everything was thrown at the bun/biscuit from across the room? how hard is it too put together a sandwich?

i understand some of this is to blame on the evil timers, but come on.

can you make a sandwich from across the room?

i think not


Well-Known Member
can you make a sandwich from across the room?

i think not
is that how you guys make them? from across the room? im smart enough to know the answer is no, you make them right in front of yourself. then why do i have half a slice of cheese stuck to my wrapper along with half of my bacon? is basic sandwich assembly that complicated?

im not singling you out keenly, its obvious you take some kind of pride in your work. im just trying to point out that both sides of this thing can get frustrating. you dont see how its too hard for someone to be civil and i agree to a point. i dont see how its too hard to get some decent service.


Well-Known Member
Hey Keenly, it sounds like you need a piece of your own advice
dont even be an ass about mistakes, they happen, they happen often, and its part of life

You act like jack in the box never screws up an order, or takes 15 fucking minutes to make 4 tacos, or "forgets" my fries.

Most of your complaints would be erradicated if the employees would do a better job.

If you dont want people to check their food at the window, then maybe you should get their order right the first time? :clap:

Also, you must be a low life asshole to threaten spitting on someones food.
If I caught you doing that, it would be worth you doing it just so I could catch you doing it. Oh man I would have some fun with you :fire:


Hey Keenly, it sounds like you need a piece of your own advice

You act like jack in the box never screws up an order, or takes 15 fucking minutes to make 4 tacos, or "forgets" my fries.

Most of your complaints would be erradicated if the employees would do a better job.

If you dont want people to check their food at the window, then maybe you should get their order right the first time? :clap:

Also, you must be a low life asshole to threaten spitting on someones food.
If I caught you doing that, it would be worth you doing it just so I could catch you doing it. Oh man I would have some fun with you :fire:
i dont work at jack in the box, im fully aware they take forever, but their policy is made to order, which means they make it FRESH for you.....

the store i work at is not full of morons because luckily enough the person in charge of hiring people is not a dumbass

in 1 eight hour shift we see a max of 3-5 people coming back with a problem that was our mistake

no, i take very little pride in my job, i hate it

im just trying to make it faster, because like i said, employees are some how responsible for drive times

and the burger across the room thing was a joke....

there is a point in which the employee's no longer have control over the speed of the transaction, because everything is already done

the rest is all in the consumers hands

in my 4 years in the food industry, i have never spit in / fucked with some ones food

but oh man have i wanted to....

if some one wants to be an ass to a person just trying to do their job then they get whats coming to them

meaning if i knew some one was being a complete asshole just to be an asshole and i saw some one "modifying" the ingredients in their food i would most likely walk away

but if your an average person who comes through and says hey i want this

ill say ok thank you have a good day

quick. easy, service with a smile, not a problem


Well-Known Member
maybe pride was the wrong word. but it seems like your not your average burger-gremlin and might do a better job than most. i could be wrong.


maybe pride was the wrong word. but it seems like your not your average burger-gremlin and might do a better job than most. i could be wrong.
basically this is how i do my job

if it goes in my ear, i put it on the screen

if its on the screen i put it in the bag

if the bag is finished i hand it out along with change etc

have a good day

unfortunately recently its been hard because i have a girl on front counter who you people have described quite well as your typical fast food moron

im pretty sure she does some hardcore drug in the bathroom

took her 2 hours to clean 2 small, 8 foot by 8 foot bathrooms


Well-Known Member
i dont work at jack in the box, im fully aware they take forever, but their policy is made to order, which means they make it FRESH for you.....
I worked at jack in the box years ago when I was in highschool/
Its a marketing scheme. Everything is already prepared, they only assemble it when you order it.

I understand your point of view because I worked there. But seriously man, its not hard to hit "void" "burger"

And no, you dont get punished because a customer said "scratch that burger." Thats a lie.

And also your claim about the timer is false. The timer starts when YOU hit the "total" button. It stops after YOU clear his order, not when he drives away.
The timer is completely dependent upon YOU, not the customer



I worked at jack in the box years ago when I was in highschool/
Its a marketing scheme. Everything is already prepared, they only assemble it when you order it.

I understand your point of view because I worked there. But seriously man, its not hard to hit "void" "burger"

And no, you dont get punished because a customer said "scratch that burger." Thats a lie.

And also your claim about the timer is false. The timer starts when YOU hit the "total" button. It stops after YOU clear his order, not when he drives away.
The timer is completely dependent upon YOU, not the customer

lol both of your last statements or so incorrect its not even funny

i said this in my original post, if my voids are over 2 percent, i get written up

3 write ups and i get fired

i DO get in trouble when people change their minds, or order the wrong thing

like i JUST got done explaining a few seconds ago, there is only so much us as employees can do

i would say to take an order, make it, bag it, cash it out, and hand it out, takes a maximum of 30 seconds for 1 combo (1 combo is an example)

so, if they have their food, and they sit there for an additional 120 seconds looking at all their food admiring its delicousness, thats our fault? .....right

we dont fuck around at this store, which is why its such a high stress environment

recently all the management at this store was threatened with termination if those drive times dont go down

(i thought 80 seconds was fast enough, corporate seems to thimk not)

so its a pincer

customers get mad at us for "rushing" them

managers get mad at us for letting you take your sweet time (no joke, if you say hang on, i wait 15 seconds before i am required to ask if there is any questions)


Well-Known Member
Or simply avoid fast food all together. Home-cooked meals are cheaper and healthier.
yeah, i avoid fast food like the plague. i work hard and expend alot of energy in the process and fast food just doesnt provide the sustanance i need.

i pack lunches full of sliced veggies and fruit. frequently bring a small gas grill to the jobsite for real grilled meat.


Well-Known Member
If the timer penalizes you for customers taking a long time to order, that is not your fault, but it certainly isn't the customers fault either. There is no fucking drive thru etiquette. If the corporation you work for is retarded, its not the customers fault. Misdirected anger. I'm not going to hurry my order because there is a timer.


Well-Known Member
Yea but fast food is convenient, sometimes i dont feel like making anything, i mean come on we are all potheads here and get lazy at times.


Well-Known Member
Yea but fast food is convenient, sometimes i dont feel like making anything, i mean come on we are all potheads here and get lazy at times.
Not all potheads are lazy, thank you very much. I dislike common stoner stereotypes very much.


this is pretty random but

1 being screws up the most

and 10 (or however many) being screws up the least

list the fast food places that screw up the most

for me

its gotta be

1. jack in the box - if i have 8 tacos, ask for sauce, and you give me 3 sauces, thats pretty fail....also got some pretty wimpy tacos sometimes with like 1 dangly little peice of lettuce

2. Micky D's - most of these are small things like pickle on my no pickle burgers...a few times they put 1 or 2 extra fries in my bad so thats pretty sweet