Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
thats what happens to female regardless of taking roids or not
i tell all women that all they really need to do is situps and running
work on you mid section and cardio


Well-Known Member
ew what the fuck? her tits are all muscular and I be scared to fuck her, I mean, that doesn't even look like a vagina down there. haha, wow. so women should never get ripped.. just tone a little and cardio


Well-Known Member
You guys are tripping. Corey Everson had a show on YEARS ago...I'm thinking you are all very young now. In the "beginning" of this show, she was not so bulky, but extremely well-defined and CUT......there is NOTHING "unsexy" about muscle...bulk, yes. But muscle is VERY sexy on a woman....who are you kidding??? There is nothing upon nothing infeminine for a woman to have arms with defined and cut triceps/biceps, much sexier than "fat." Muscle SCLUPTS your body ......and I used it as a tool.
I think some of you forget that "soft" type you are falling for, may very well work out hard with weights. Not every woman is genetically inclined to develop muscle like the next. Where one is inherently "semi-ripped" naturally, the next works hours on end to acheive. Cory Everson just went OVERBOARD.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
muscle on a women is ugly
muscle ads in the production of testosterone
fat ads in the production of estergene
now im not talking big fat nasty sweaty women
but a women needs to be soft not firm
and any man thats tell you he likes hard women is only going to cheat on you with a nice soft thick ass women
theres nothing like chushen for the pushen

That 5hit

Well-Known Member

i cant go
i'm sorry
if you were my friend and you took me to a party wth nothing but these type of chicks i'll be so fucken mad at you

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ummm, the 2 bookends are on steroids:wall: hello

and the one in the middle is in a contest. you think she looks like that year round? :rolleyes:

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
I'm not sure what all has been covered, but I was toss some of my knowledge out there...
Anybody who is just starting out needs to work up slowly... stretch well and do a little cardio (just 5 mins) before you start lifting to get loose and to get your heart pumping. When you are just starting out, High Reps/Low Weight is your friend. There is no point to start off with close to your max weight with only a couple of reps - 1) you are more prone to injury, 2) your muscles/tendons/ligaments aren't used to working out so you have to move them along slowly. Like I said, stick to high reps and low weight for a couple of weeks. As you start feeling stronger/have more stamina, you can slowly begin to increase your weight and lower the reps (High Reps/Low Weight = Toned; Low Reps/High Weight = Big).

Most people who just start out in the gym will really only workout 5-6 muscles (Bench, Bis, Tris, Abs, Shoulders, Back - the first 3 are the main ones you will see). This shouldn't be encourages because when you perform diff lifts you have a variety of diff muscles working, synergists/agonists/antagonists/etc. Surprisingly, if you want to max your bench press (I only mention this b/c for some reason this workout is the "macho" lift) you need to workout your legs as well. You will never reach your peak if you don't work out your entire body, and cmon who wants to look top-heavy with chicken legs?

Some of the most overlooked workouts, that are probably the best for you are pushups, situps, dips, and pullups. These need to be incorporated into your workouts somehow.

Diet - In order to achieve the results you want, you have to decide what you are going for. If you want to lose weight, you have to burn off more calories than you take in and if you want to gain weight, you have to take in more than you burn off. Simple enough... To gain maximum muscle mass, you should be eating roughly 1g of protein for every pound that you weigh (Ex: I weigh 180, so I try to eat close to 180g of protein everyday). Whey protein, fish, turkey, nuts, fruit, vegetables, chicken, wheat, and milk will become your friends if you want to have the best results, without putting on "bad weight." Also, if you are spending money on an expensive creatine, you are wasting your money. Just go out and buy GNC's Creatine Monohydrate or whatever cheaper alternative you can find. If you buy creatine, you should be taking 3-5g of it everyday. EVERYDAY, even when on rest days.
After you workout, try to take in a decent amount of protein/carbs within 30 mins of working out (afterwards). Also, try not to snack after 8pm, and if you do, make sure it is something healthy.

I'm going to guess that most of what I just said was covered, but I thought I'd toss out some of the basics things I've followed over my years in the gym.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
for the contest. or not lol. I am a dude. Anyway, I have kicked up my lazy ass cardio from 20 minutes a day in top of my basically manual labor to 30 minutes and I have noticed an immediate difference. Funny shit to lose a day later visibly.

My cardio is week but it is 400 calories according to the machine and twice as much as 20 minutes.

I use the elliptical at manual and keep my heart rate at 90 percent or something, around 160. I am in my 30s at 180-190 and 6 1.

I have lost weight it looks but weigh more! Cooll. Muscle again. Feels good.

I can see biceps again in a month of returning to workouts after a year.

I busted my knees doing a 13 week running program book I found at a thrift shop. Lol. WTF was I thinking. It said to run one minute sprints and jog two minutes and I did that. Only on the last page it says not to do that shit over five times in a row or serious injurie! It was too late for me. SO it is only low impact for me now. :(

But I am still working one muscle group a day after taking 2 or three creatine ethyl esters and eating egg whites and vegatbles and chicken and turkey without actual protein shakes. I am gaining great.

Just got to watch it at night what I eat. I am not gay or anything but I want to see some stomach muscle for once. I think chicks dig it! Chicks?

Lol, jk, anyway, I work stomach twice now, doing the machines heavier each week.

I an finally learning about healthcare thanks to gym tv. Crazy shit. hehe.

also that king of queens is still on.


Well-Known Member
In response to: I am not gay or anything but I want to see some stomach muscle for once. I think chicks dig it! Chicks?
I think guys are more in love with their stomach muscles than we are.

I would never end up dating a male body builder....they love their own damn bodies more than a womans, lol.
Watch a man in the gym......he can't take his eyes off the image of himself in the mirror.:roll: