Tea Party People and weed


Well-Known Member
Refering to the OP, would it make a difference if I had said republicans instead of tea party people? Or am I still off base?


New Member
Referring to you.... :lol: You are the OP.

You would be closer to the mark, but not quite accurate. It's not a strictly party issue, and ppl have many reasons why they don't like weed. Only some of it translates to a particular party.

These things are twisted and spun for VOTES.


Well-Known Member
OK somebody explain to me why he said that starting at 1:39 ...would it not be under lock and key in Kenya...and Cracker is that you at 2:15.????


Well-Known Member
First of all...what is so bad with less government? The government doesn't earn anything...they just steal. They are very much like choppers. They see something they want...and they chop it. Never mind that they did nothing to earn that green...they want it...they chop it. Sure they'll share some of it with poor people...but not all of it. Never all of it.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight you are not a teabagger, but you do believe in them ????
For the nth time, I am not a Teabagger.

I think what they are doing is great.

They have Proggie thongs in wads across the nation.

I agree with some of their positions. Big deal.

Newsflash: I can do that.

I agree with some Republican principles, but I am not a Republican.

Likewise, I agree with some Democratic principles, but in no way would I consider myself a Democrat.

Get it?
So do you think Obama was born in Kenya..???

Oh yeah. Proggies apparently assume all Teabaggers are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted, rednecks.

You know the opposition so well. :lol:

Since you brought it up the operative question is: Do you think Obama was born in Kenya?

As far as I am concerned the jury is still out. I have no opinion either way.

He could have put this matter to rest a long time ago, but he didn't.
Here from the mouth of Teabaggers...Who they listen too
The least you could do before posting a video is to watch it and not just read the title. :dunce:

This video is about the 9-12 Movement. Glenn Beck does head that.

This thread is about Teabaggers.


Well-Known Member
im a tea bagger and proud of it.
in seven months or so the whole damn country is going to turn around.
get ready to be tea bagged


Well-Known Member
For the nth time, I am not a Teabagger.

I think what they are doing is great.

They have Proggie thongs in wads across the nation.

I agree with some of their positions. Big deal.

Newsflash: I can do that.

I agree with some Republican principles, but I am not a Republican.

Likewise, I agree with some Democratic principles, but in no way would I consider myself a Democrat.

Get it?


Oh yeah. Proggies apparently assume all Teabaggers are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted, rednecks.

You know the opposition so well. :lol:

Since you brought it up the operative question is: Do you think Obama was born in Kenya?

As far as I am concerned the jury is still out. I have no opinion either way.

He could have put this matter to rest a long time ago, but he didn't.

The least you could do before posting a video is to watch it and not just read the title. :dunce:

This video is about the 9-12 Movement. Glenn Beck does head that.

This thread is about Teabaggers.
No I do not think Obama was born in Kenya ... no jury is out on that...if it was he would not be POTUS...and yes I think teabaggers believe that he was born in Kenya...
and far as I'm concern looking at what these teabaggers say and do would make me not want to be around them or associate myself with them...Whats so great about what they doing ???? In this country if you have a problem with you elected officials you take it to the ballot box...not threats of murder or murder of ones child and family...

as far as the video...do you not see what "news source" every teabagger qoutes " Fox Noise...wtf you think 9-12 movement on Washington was ????? please don't tell me that you think these two are different...WTF...like I said before the real teaparty movement was with Ron Paul ...this crap that has you fooled is some straight teabagging BS thats nothing but hate, ignorance, bigotry for simple minded people who watch nothing but Fox, Gin Beck, Rush Limbaugh ...and if you think anything different you are lost and might want to give Ron Paul a call...


Well-Known Member
No I do not think Obama was born in Kenya ... no jury is out on that...if it was he would not be POTUS...and yes I think teabaggers believe that he was born in Kenya...
and far as I'm concern looking at what these teabaggers say and do would make me not want to be around them or associate myself with them...Whats so great about what they doing ???? In this country if you have a problem with you elected officials you take it to the ballot box...not threats of murder or murder of ones child and family...
And some people who advocate violence as an agent of change even have the ear of the President. Bill Ayers, anyone?

The ballot box is not the only way to redress grievances against the government. It is one way, but it is nowhere near the only way.

Since the election you have wanted the opposition to STFU. Is that what has you so upset? It must gall you that that the Teabaggers did not sit back meekly and take their lumps. Fat chance. This is The United States of America and the Teabaggers have the First Amendment on their side.

Please don't try to make me believe that you think every Teabagger believes Obama is a Kenyan. That every Teabagger threatens violence on elected officials. That every Teabagger is how you describe them. Because if that is the case, I would have no choice but you write you off as a partisan idiot.

One of the key aspects of the Teabaggers the Douchebaggers can't seem to grasp is the innate independence of the Teabaggers.

Organizing them into one cohesive movement would be like herding cats.
as far as the video...do you not see what "news source" every teabagger qoutes " Fox Noise...wtf you think 9-12 movement on Washington was ????? please don't tell me that you think these two are different...WTF...like I said before the real teaparty movement was with Ron Paul ...this crap that has you fooled is some straight teabagging BS thats nothing but hate, ignorance, bigotry for simple minded people who watch nothing but Fox, Gin Beck, Rush Limbaugh ...and if you think anything different you are lost and might want to give Ron Paul a call...
You want me to trust you that you know who these people are, but you are unable to keep any of them straight. You happly lump them all together.

The 9/12 movement is one thing. The Teabagger movement is quite another. Is there some overlap? Almost certainly. But to equate the two movements simply because it fits nicely into your predetermined conclusion is lazy thinking. You wouldn't happen to be a climate researcher would you? :lol:

What I'm getting from you is that anybody who actively opposes Obama is a Teabagger. Is that about the size of it?

As far as I know, Ron Paul has nothing to do with any Teabagger organization and he never has.

Sarah Palin is a Teabagger. She headlined a conference sponsored by one of the Teabagger orgaizations.

There are many, you know. But to you, they are all the same, I reckon.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul Tea Party Movement is not the same as Teabagger movement that we see today...is Palin a teabagger...no...she just using the teabaggers...does she tea bag ..hmmmm not sure never seen her do it...See most teabaggers are followers, uneducated, angry, hateful..etc..etc... Now some people might join in not really understanding that they joining a hateful teabagging movement, but going to a rally would let you know just what this teabagging movement is about..now the choice is yours if you keep with it or not, but like I said before "birds of a feather"

and Tea Party ..and Teabagging is not the same....not the Tea Party movement that Ron Paul create..

Man o' the green

Active Member
Ron Paul Tea Party Movement is not the same as Teabagger movement that we see today...is Palin a teabagger...no...she just using the teabaggers...does she tea bag ..hmmmm not sure never seen her do it...See most teabaggers are followers, uneducated, angry, hateful..etc..etc... Now some people might join in not really understanding that they joining a hateful teabagging movement, but going to a rally would let you know just what this teabagging movement is about..now the choice is yours if you keep with it or not, but like I said before "birds of a feather"

and Tea Party ..and Teabagging is not the same....not the Tea Party movement that Ron Paul create..
Please, this is just generalization.
People sympathize with this movement because of it's values, not because of a few "uneducated, angry, hateful" people.
Even if it were as you say, true freedom means allowing for the "uneducated, angry, hateful" peoples' opinion and right to speak, assemble, and vote.
Your statement has an implied superiority. Liberty and choice is for every man.


New Member
Get used to the tea party ppl.... Obama is producing them in droves now.

The country will not stand for the govt. takeover of health care.

It's not what the people want.

The Democrats have crowned themselves. We all know what this country thinks of crowns.

Can there be a more inept & corrupt party than the Democrats now? The Republicans have never been a shining beacon they like to portray themselves as, but the Democrats have now made them look absolutely saintly by comparison.

That big ZERO on the health care vote will end up destroying the Dem's..... they will lash out as they are already doing (guilt?), but they have no one to blame but THEMSELVES.


Well-Known Member
You know I generally like all who distrust government to atleast SOME extent. Blind and trusting followers are far more scary to me than a buch of middle aged and older white people who are sick of being taxed to death. 70% of the nation is white...why shouldn't we be heard? Bout f'in time actually...we've been quiet for far too long imo.


New Member
I welcome the tea party folks in politics. We could always use more parties, as much as I abhor the message coming from this one. And in any case, they will only sap votes from the right. Not that I am a democrat, but my views often align with theirs. Go look at the numbers if you don't believe me, but if a tea party candidate gets 10-12% of the vote, 60-90% of those will be votes that might have gone to right leaning candidates otherwise.


New Member
You must not be paying attention. the tea party ppl see only one enemy, and it isn't the republicans.

It's a movement, and it is growing at a quickening pace.


New Member
You must not be paying attention...the shit they rail against is witnessed in BOTH parties.


Of course, I forgot....you are the guy who cites a poll that ays 45% of doctors will quit if health care reform passes, and then continue to support the poll after I point out its flawed methodology. It must be nice to live in a world where you are immune from anything that disagrees with your lean....