It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.

Im not trying to be hurtful but the uk has fallen a great way from its heyday and with all due respect we dont want america to do the same
Agreed! It's ironic that we are trying to emulate the U.K. all the while they are trying to be more like us.:-?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results-Albert Einstein
...I believe ALL religions should be fuck'n banned! Anyone who thinks there's some invisible man in the sky that's watch'n everything we say and do, has mental issues....especially those ones whos pray'n on rugs 5 times a day. I'd like to stick a koran up a muslims ass, likewise with bibles and christians.....ummm, amen.
Millions dead, Millions displaced, Billions (if not Trillions) spent/wasted, 2 countries invaded - one mosque. Yep, those Devil Muslims sure are trying to take us over!!

As for the "They're calling it cordoba house!!! OMG!!" ;

Some opponents also criticized its original name, Cordoba, alleging it to be a reference to the Islamic conquest of the Christian city of Córdoba;[23][24] the project's sponsors explained that the name was meant to invoke 8th–11th century Córdoba, which they call a model of peaceful coexistence between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.[25]

Way 2 fail...

Wouldn't kill a few of you to take a look at that link...
If I had it my way..... (being that I'm from NJ/NY) if I had the chance to either stop construction or continue to let them build their little shack..

I would def. stop all construction. It's kinda like they're (the muslims) doing this.. to kinda give us a message. It's almost as if they're saying..

"Haha! We killed many Americans including innocent children.. and now we're going to build a "mosque" to celebrate our "victory".

It's a slap to the face, to the people that lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks.. and its just a slap to the face to all true Americans.

But, then again.. look at who we have for a president! Obama could care fucking less about the citizens of the United States... he's in office so that

he and his family can enjoy the finer things in life. Haven't you people noticed that, just about every time you see the news.. they're talking about

how "Mr. Obama" is out playing a few rounds of golf or his wife is out shopping and buying her daughters winter jackets that cost 4k each.

It's giving the impression to us, normal every day citizens of this beautiful country... that he, Mr. Obama and his ugly ass wife are just in this for

the money (the easy life) and the exposure.

We, the American citizens of this beautiful country.. that we call "The land of the free"... need someone in office as President of the United States of

America.. that actually cares about this country as much as we do.. and someone that will actually make a difference.. instead of worrying about

the latest fashion trends and other shit that doesn't effect us and our country. We need someone as President, that REALLY cares!! and will

actually follow through with their ideas and plans, to make this country even better than it is.. and make improvements where they're actually

and truly needed. Mr. Obama doesn't care though.. he really doesn't.

But, I have a gut feeling that if he keeps fucking up.. and not doing what he says he'll do.. and just keeps making things worse.. I have a feeling that

somewhere out there, there's some crazy ass skinhead... that's just itching to shoot... and doesn't care much for Mr. Obama. Ya dig? ;)

Me myself, I'm Italian/American... I was born here in the USA but, my parents are from Palermo, Italy. So of course, I love this country just as much

as anyone else.. and I just think that we (the USA) would be better off with someone else in office, as President of the United States of America.

Anyhow, that's my opinion.. I'm sure some of you will agree with me and I'm sure that there are people on here that will want to argue with me about my opinion. But, after all.. it is, my opinion. ;)

peace everyone, and have a good weekend!

Millions dead, Millions displaced, Billions (if not Trillions) spent/wasted, 2 countries invaded - one mosque. Yep, those Devil Muslims sure are trying to take us over!!

As for the "They're calling it cordoba house!!! OMG!!" ;

Some opponents also criticized its original name, Cordoba, alleging it to be a reference to the Islamic conquest of the Christian city of Córdoba;[23][24] the project's sponsors explained that the name was meant to invoke 8th–11th century Córdoba, which they call a model of peaceful coexistence between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.[25]

Way 2 fail...

Wouldn't kill a few of you to take a look at that link...

.........dum, dum, dum............DUMB :grin:
Pssst, that "peaceful co-existence" you refer to---only exists so long as you are under dhimmitude.

It's okay to be wrong sometimes Lil P....and it will kill you to insist on being correct on this one.
.........dum, dum, dum............DUMB :grin:
Pssst, that "peaceful co-existence" you refer to---only exists so long as you are under dhimmitude.

It's okay to be wrong sometimes Lil P....and it will kill you to insist on being correct on this one.
He'll never admit he's wrong. They could put a poster of Osama Bin Ladin himself giving the middle finger on the front door to the place and Pad would still insist that they just wanna hold hands and sing kumbaya. lmfao!!!:lol:
.........dum, dum, dum............DUMB :grin:
Pssst, that "peaceful co-existence" you refer to---only exists so long as you are under dhimmitude.

It's okay to be wrong sometimes Lil P....and it will kill you to insist on being correct on this one.

It's just a waste of your time posting replies to me Babs. I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago.

He'll never admit he's wrong. They could put a poster of Osama Bin Ladin himself giving the middle finger on the front door to the place and Pad would still insist that they just wanna hold hands and sing kumbaya. lmfao!!!:lol:

You honestly disappoint me, man. I've lost a lot of respect for you recently.

Like I said, you guys are right, they're obviously trying to take us all over by building this mosque. Invasion of Middle Eastern values and traditions in a traditionally Christian nation right before our eyes!

And the herd mentality continues... :clap:
I don't have a strong opinion on this topic, but I have to wonder how many Muslims, who hate Osama and want to live in America peacefully, also lost loved ones on 911 or how many also died on 911 in the Towers and planes. I have worked in Dearborn MI. many times ( large Muslim population ) and the people I had a chance to meet love this country and would love more than anything to see the Guilty hung. These people had partys for the Saddam hangging and support us in our fight on terrorism. I don't think a building of worship of any one faith should be built, I think a building for all faiths to go pay respect,worship, perform sacrifices, and do whatever it is they do should be built for everyone to share. Kinda like a religous buffet. Then we can all live happily ever after.
You honestly disappoint me, man. I've lost a lot of respect for you recently.

Like I said, you guys are right, they're obviously trying to take us all over by building this mosque. Invasion of Middle Eastern values and traditions in a traditionally Christian nation right before our eyes!

And the herd mentality continues... :clap:
I'm not really sure why???:-? I'm just injecting a little humor into the situation. Oh well. Some people can take a joke and others.................well, others take themselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously sometimes. :-|

I don't think this mosque is an attempt to take over America. I do believe it is a huge 'fuck you' to this country and everyone in it. Why do they have to put it here? Why spend $100 million? This insanity is what's killing this country! Ahhhhhhhhh! I can't take it!:o
somewhere out there, there's some crazy ass skinhead... that's just itching to shoot... and doesn't care much for Mr. Obama. Ya dig? ;)

I'm no crazy skinhead, but if I get a terminal illness anytime soon, him and quite a few others are on my list, Pelosi being number 2.

This thread reminds me of the reason why I want humanity wiped out... we're no good, some of us may be (those that stay to themselves and only cause harm out of necessity) but most of us aren't, myself included.

Hopefully, in the future they will realize the mistake of religion and flush it out of their minds, or... if there is a "supreme being", it will at least show itself and guide humanity into one single religion instead of all the bickering and quarreling for 1000's of years OVER religion.

Doc111, I had a good laugh at the Padawan comment, bravo sir! :D
I'm no crazy skinhead, but if I get a terminal illness anytime soon, him and quite a few others are on my list, Pelosi being number 2.

This thread reminds me of the reason why I want humanity wiped out... we're no good, some of us may be (those that stay to themselves and only cause harm out of necessity) but most of us aren't, myself included.

Hopefully, in the future they will realize the mistake of religion and flush it out of their minds, or... if there is a "supreme being", it will at least show itself and guide humanity into one single religion instead of all the bickering and quarreling for 1000's of years OVER religion.

Doc111, I had a good laugh at the Padawan comment, bravo sir! :D
Thanks. I don't think he cared too much for it. Ya can't please everybody I guess.:cry:
If obama gets killed he will be martered and we will have to look at his face for the next 50 years
I support America

Again you think your better then everyone because your an American..

Really Big P your the kind of person that makes me ashamed to be a human being..

Your a disgrace to all people of the world.. We will never have peace in this world because we have people like you.. Thanks alot!
No are they fuck, they are going to be worshiping and praying and that is it. How is it funded? By people that want to go to the Mosque donating money, simple.

.....and by the feds as well.
Our tax dollars being utilized to bring this insanity to fruition.
..thank you Mr. President.

i'm certain they will be the ONLY place of worship ever to get federal funding. clearly, no christian, catholic, jewish, or other place of worship has ever received a single penny of federal dollars :roll:

i'm also certain that no religious institution ever received federal funds before Obama became president, either. clearly that was a federal program which he instituted and is solely responsible for :roll:

if you want to debate, at least do it honestly.
If I had it my way...I would def. stop all construction. It's kinda like the muslims are doing this.. to kinda give us a message. It's almost as if they're saying.."Haha! We killed many Americans including innocent children.. and now we're going to build a "mosque" to celebrate our "victory".

I have a gut feeling that if he (Obama/ keeps fucking up.. and not doing what he says he'll do.. and just keeps making things worse.. I have a feeling that somewhere out there, there's some crazy ass skinhead... that's just itching to shoot... and doesn't care much for Mr. Obama. Ya dig? ;)

let me see if i understand this condemn all Muslims as terrorists....and then go on to hint at terrorism to assassinate the president?

go slap yourself in the face now. repeatedly.