If I had it my way..... (being that I'm from NJ/NY) if I had the chance to either stop construction or continue to let them build their little shack..
I would def. stop all construction. It's kinda like they're (the muslims) doing this.. to kinda give us a message. It's almost as if they're saying..
"Haha! We killed many Americans including innocent children.. and now we're going to build a "mosque" to celebrate our "victory".
It's a slap to the face, to the people that lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks.. and its just a slap to the face to all true Americans.
But, then again.. look at who we have for a president! Obama could care fucking less about the citizens of the United States... he's in office so that
he and his family can enjoy the finer things in life. Haven't you people noticed that, just about every time you see the news.. they're talking about
how "Mr. Obama" is out playing a few rounds of golf or his wife is out shopping and buying her daughters winter jackets that cost 4k each.
It's giving the impression to us, normal every day citizens of this beautiful country... that he, Mr. Obama and his ugly ass wife are just in this for
the money (the easy life) and the exposure.
We, the American citizens of this beautiful country.. that we call "The land of the free"... need someone in office as President of the United States of
America.. that actually cares about this country as much as we do.. and someone that will actually make a difference.. instead of worrying about
the latest fashion trends and other shit that doesn't effect us and our country. We need someone as President, that REALLY cares!! and will
actually follow through with their ideas and plans, to make this country even better than it is.. and make improvements where they're actually
and truly needed. Mr. Obama doesn't care though.. he really doesn't.
But, I have a gut feeling that if he keeps fucking up.. and not doing what he says he'll do.. and just keeps making things worse.. I have a feeling that
somewhere out there, there's some crazy ass skinhead... that's just itching to shoot... and doesn't care much for Mr. Obama. Ya dig?
Me myself, I'm Italian/American... I was born here in the USA but, my parents are from Palermo, Italy. So of course, I love this country just as much
as anyone else.. and I just think that we (the USA) would be better off with someone else in office, as President of the United States of America.
Anyhow, that's my opinion.. I'm sure some of you will agree with me and I'm sure that there are people on here that will want to argue with me about my opinion. But, after all.. it is,
my opinion. 
peace everyone, and have a good weekend!