WOW, Religion Of Peace


Well-Known Member
I was raised catholic, went to a cristian school until around 13, and have gained value from some things but too much was disturbing in any one of those books to be a follower of any catholic or cristian faith. If jesus was anything he was non judgemental, supportive, helpful, turned the other cheek at all times, helped sinners happily didn't condemn any of them including athiests or homosexuals or prostitutes or cripples or people with all manner of diseases including std's any person period he loved and helped anything less is not crist minded that's the opposite of christ minded. Btw Jesus was jewish and never changed from that, he also never asked for cristianity to be created or catholisism. Man made that up. Jesus studied from all the scriptures including buddhist and hindu and ancient sandskrit and egyptian and basically anything he could find value in and much of his work in fact the majority of his work is competely hidden from you by the vatican. The bible just gives you a version of him which kings and rulers wanted the peasants and slaves to have and nothing more and contains more of their agenda than christs.

I would post a youtube link but someone here must be on a dial up modem and just links freak them out so I won't, but how about you google "christ studied in india" and notice there are over 11,000,000 hits. If you followed what he studied and (THIS IS IMPORTANT) ***used your conscience to guide you in what he learned and what he took from all he studied by thinking about the kind of man he was and what he would and wouldn't agree with in all these books***then you could actually get somewhere.

If you don't believe the bible is chock full of man's words, and much of what jesus knew and taught is left out, if you think it's the literal word of god I challenge you to explain Romans 13.

jeff f

New Member
I was raised catholic, went to a cristian school until around 13, and have gained value from some things but too much was disturbing in any one of those books to be a follower of any catholic or cristian faith. If jesus was anything he was non judgemental, supportive, helpful, turned the other cheek at all times, helped sinners happily didn't condemn any of them including athiests or homosexuals or prostitutes or cripples or people with all manner of diseases including std's any person period he loved and helped anything less is not crist minded that's the opposite of christ minded. Btw Jesus was jewish and never changed from that, he also never asked for cristianity to be created or catholisism. Man made that up. Jesus studied from all the scriptures including buddhist and hindu and ancient sandskrit and egyptian and basically anything he could find value in and much of his work in fact the majority of his work is competely hidden from you by the vatican. The bible just gives you a version of him which kings and rulers wanted the peasants and slaves to have and nothing more and contains more of their agenda than christs.

I would post a youtube link but someone here must be on a dial up modem and just links freak them out so I won't, but how about you google "christ studied in india" and notice there are over 11,000,000 hits. If you followed what he studied and (THIS IS IMPORTANT) ***used your conscience to guide you in what he learned and what he took from all he studied by thinking about the kind of man he was and what he would and wouldn't agree with in all these books***then you could actually get somewhere.

If you don't believe the bible is chock full of man's words, and much of what jesus knew and taught is left out, if you think it's the literal word of god I challenge you to explain Romans 13.
did your priest ever ask you to strap on a bomb and go into a shopping mall? didnt think so.

reality is, there are a lot of clerics, or whatever they are called, preaching that to their children from the pulpit.

did i say ALL CLERICS? nope.

did i say MOST CLERICS? nope

did i say A LOT? yep i did.

why dont you educate yourself as to the trash they are teaching their kids in muslim schools across the middle east. the garbage about jews bieng the devil and pigs and women being second class citizens.

after that, then maybe you will stop preaching this total bullshit about "all other religions are just as bad". no other religion preaches those things but islam. no other religion is sending their children into restaurants with bombs strapped to their chest.

deal with it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't see the difference between what Muslims teach about women and Jews and what Christians teach about LGBT's. Want to talk about women's rights being stripped from them across the nation by the whacko religious right or what's going on to middle class America, the poor and the elderly by these so-called God fearing Christian politicians?

You need to look to the beam in your eye before you start bitching and bleating about the rest of the world.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.”

jeff f

New Member
I don't see the difference between what Muslims teach about women and Jews and what Christians teach about LGBT's. Want to talk about women's rights being stripped from them across the nation by the whacko religious right or what's going on to middle class America, the poor and the elderly by these so-called God fearing Christian politicians?

You need to look to the beam in your eye before you start bitching and bleating about the rest of the world.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.”
so you dont see the difference between a preacher that preaches that lgbt is against the teachings of the bible, and a cleric that says we should stone our daughters to death if they disobey their father?

really? says a lot about you.


You're deluded, dude. Sorry... but that means that 'the bible' is a bit fucked up on that point, anyways.

I mean, you realize that a homosexual person can't just force themselves to be attracted to a person of the opposite sex right? A girl that likes girls, just doesn't like boys. Do you get it? Or is it just the male on male version of homosexuality that you find perverted?

Now, as a heterosexual male, I find myself particularly fascinated with the vaginas of females who I find to be attractive... and other parts of them as well, of course; but sometimes I just really enjoy looking at vaginas. As far as I am concerned this is normal, and they assured me from a young age that it was but to be quite honest with you I don't even really understand why it is that I like what it is in particular that I do like about vaginas, et al... do you see what I am saying? A heterosexual female, for whatever underlying physiological reason, is attracted to male genitals; but a homosexual female doesn't want anything to do with a mans penis and a homosexual male just plain doesn't like vaginas. Can you ponder this for a moment?

It is inherently difficult for me to understand completely as well; but I can only assume that a homosexual man feels the same way about other men they are attracted to as I do other females that I like... and their vaginas. I hope this helps you out a little bit.


Well-Known Member
so you dont see the difference between a preacher that preaches that lgbt is against the teachings of the bible, and a cleric that says we should stone our daughters to death if they disobey their father?

really? says a lot about you.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him

He that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.

If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known ... thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die.

If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

Any city that doesn't "receive" the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

wow, so fucking peaaceful.


Well-Known Member
Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

As the hijackers boarded the airplanes on Sept. 11, 2001, they had a lot on their minds. And if they were following instructions, one of those things was the Quran.

In preparation for the suicide attack, their handlers had told them to meditate on two chapters of the Quran in which God tells Muslims to "cast terror into the hearts of unbelievers."

"Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them," Allah instructs the Prophet Muhammad (Quran, 9:5). He continues: "Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites! ... Hell shall be their home, an evil fate."

When Osama bin Laden declared war on the West in 1996, he cited the Quran's command to "strike off" the heads of unbelievers. More recently, U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan lectured his colleagues about jihad, or "holy war," and the Quran's exhortation to fight unbelievers and bring them low. Hasan is accused of killing 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, last year.

Given this violent legacy, religion historian Philip Jenkins decided to compare the brutality quotient of the Quran and the Bible.

Defense Vs. Total Annihilation

"Much to my surprise, the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible," Jenkins says.

Jenkins is a professor at Penn State University and author of two books dealing with the issue: the recently published Jesus Wars, and Dark Passages , which has not been published but is already drawing controversy.

Violence in the Quran, he and others say, is largely a defense against attack.
"By the standards of the time, which is the 7th century A.D., the laws of war that are laid down by the Quran are actually reasonably humane," he says. "Then we turn to the Bible, and we actually find something that is for many people a real surprise. There is a specific kind of warfare laid down in the Bible which we can only call genocide."

It is called herem, and it means total annihilation. Consider the Book of 1 Samuel, when God instructs King Saul to attack the Amalekites: "And utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them," God says through the prophet Samuel. "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."
When Saul failed to do that, God took away his kingdom.

"In other words," Jenkins says, "Saul has committed a dreadful sin by failing to complete genocide. And that passage echoes through Christian history. It is often used, for example, in American stories of the confrontation with Indians — not just is it legitimate to kill Indians, but you are violating God's law if you do not."

Jenkins notes that the history of Christianity is strewn with herem. During the Crusades in the Middle Ages, the Catholic popes declared the Muslims Amalekites. In the great religious wars in the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries, Protestants and Catholics each believed the other side were the Amalekites and should be utterly destroyed.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
so you dont see the difference between a preacher that preaches that lgbt is against the teachings of the bible, and a cleric that says we should stone our daughters to death if they disobey their father?

really? says a lot about you.
When their rhetoric gives the green light to bash an kill LGBT's then yes, I am comparing and YES it does say a lot about me. Keep typing. The more you type the more you reveal the white sheet underneath.


Well-Known Member
did your priest ever ask you to strap on a bomb and go into a shopping mall? didnt think so.

reality is, there are a lot of clerics, or whatever they are called, preaching that to their children from the pulpit.

did i say ALL CLERICS? nope.

did i say MOST CLERICS? nope

did i say A LOT? yep i did.

why dont you educate yourself as to the trash they are teaching their kids in muslim schools across the middle east. the garbage about jews bieng the devil and pigs and women being second class citizens.

after that, then maybe you will stop preaching this total bullshit about "all other religions are just as bad". no other religion preaches those things but islam. no other religion is sending their children into restaurants with bombs strapped to their chest.

deal with it.
Jeff it's the same damn thing dude, just different shades of grey because we are slightly above the burning witches at the stake point in our understanding of the world. Perhaps you and a mob of your christian friends wouldn't stone gays to death any longer, but that's what the bible tells you to do and you still trust your bible, and are completely blind to the control it has over you and how it is manipulating your mind and your own thoughts. WHAT WOULD JESUS THINK OF THE HATE AND INTOLERANCE IN YOUR BIBLE? HE WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IT THERE, NOR WOULD HE CONDONE IT OR ACCEPT IT.

Go reread everything I said here:
I was raised catholic, went to a cristian school until around 13, and have gained value from some things but too much was disturbing in any one of those books to be a follower of any catholic or cristian faith. If jesus was anything he was non judgemental, supportive, helpful, turned the other cheek at all times, helped sinners happily didn't condemn any of them including athiests or homosexuals or prostitutes or cripples or people with all manner of diseases including std's any person period he loved and helped anything less is not crist minded that's the opposite of christ minded. Btw Jesus was jewish and never changed from that, he also never asked for cristianity to be created or catholisism. Man made that up. Jesus studied from all the scriptures including buddhist and hindu and ancient sandskrit and egyptian and basically anything he could find value in and much of his work in fact the majority of his work is competely hidden from you by the vatican. The bible just gives you a version of him which kings and rulers wanted the peasants and slaves to have and nothing more and contains more of their agenda than christs.

I would post a youtube link but someone here must be on a dial up modem and just links freak them out so I won't, but how about you google "christ studied in india" and notice there are over 11,000,000 hits. If you followed what he studied and (THIS IS IMPORTANT) ***used your conscience to guide you in what he learned and what he took from all he studied by thinking about the kind of man he was and what he would and wouldn't agree with in all these books***then you could actually get somewhere.

If you don't believe the bible is chock full of man's words, and much of what jesus knew and taught is left out, if you think it's the literal word of god I challenge you to explain Romans 13.


Active Member
Jeff why don't you STFU and educate yourself. There is over 1 BILLION Muslims so to even think for a minute that a lot of Muslims clerics say to suicide bomb, blah blah is bullshit. Suicide is a huge sin in Islam and so is killing innocent people meaning you go straight to hell no exceptions. Maybe you should not believe the propaganda your media shovels in your face.
Also do you know what your foreign policy is like putting countries in to debt they can't pay off forcing them to sell of THEIR resources to huge corporations if they don't take the loans they resort to throwing democratically elected people out of power to put dictators in power if that fails they resort to assassination if that fails again then comes war. Go on Youtube and search for 'Confessions of an economic hitman' and search for 'secrets of CIA'. Maybe then you will wake up and realise why the whole middle east is pissed of at your 'elected' government officials. Don't believe me? hear it from the 'terrorist' mouth then faggot

jeff f

New Member
Jeff it's the same damn thing dude, just different shades of grey because we are slightly above the burning witches at the stake point in our understanding of the world. Perhaps you and a mob of your christian friends wouldn't stone gays to death any longer, but that's what the bible tells you to do and you still trust your bible, and are completely blind to the control it has over you and how it is manipulating your mind and your own thoughts. WHAT WOULD JESUS THINK OF THE HATE AND INTOLERANCE IN YOUR BIBLE? HE WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IT THERE, NOR WOULD HE CONDONE IT OR ACCEPT IT.

Go reread everything I said here:
I was raised catholic, went to a cristian school until around 13, and have gained value from some things but too much was disturbing in any one of those books to be a follower of any catholic or cristian faith. If jesus was anything he was non judgemental, supportive, helpful, turned the other cheek at all times, helped sinners happily didn't condemn any of them including athiests or homosexuals or prostitutes or cripples or people with all manner of diseases including std's any person period he loved and helped anything less is not crist minded that's the opposite of christ minded. Btw Jesus was jewish and never changed from that, he also never asked for cristianity to be created or catholisism. Man made that up. Jesus studied from all the scriptures including buddhist and hindu and ancient sandskrit and egyptian and basically anything he could find value in and much of his work in fact the majority of his work is competely hidden from you by the vatican. The bible just gives you a version of him which kings and rulers wanted the peasants and slaves to have and nothing more and contains more of their agenda than christs.

I would post a youtube link but someone here must be on a dial up modem and just links freak them out so I won't, but how about you google "christ studied in india" and notice there are over 11,000,000 hits. If you followed what he studied and (THIS IS IMPORTANT) ***used your conscience to guide you in what he learned and what he took from all he studied by thinking about the kind of man he was and what he would and wouldn't agree with in all these books***then you could actually get somewhere.

If you don't believe the bible is chock full of man's words, and much of what jesus knew and taught is left out, if you think it's the literal word of god I challenge you to explain Romans 13.

are bible doesnt tell us to do that. chrisianity is based on the new testement. old testement is basically for early jews. but thats neither here nor there. the fact is that muslims still stone there daughters. and not just a couple nut jobs. any sharia law place allows it. from what i understand, thats 1/3 of all muslims or about 300 million people.

i have a problem with that. cant believe that people on the left who pretend to care about human rights arent more enraged. just look how enraged you libs get if someone says you cant have an abortion, you go nuts. but stoning your teenage daughter, you dont have a problem with that.

jeff f

New Member
Jeff why don't you STFU and educate yourself. There is over 1 BILLION Muslims so to even think for a minute that a lot of Muslims clerics say to suicide bomb, blah blah is bullshit. Suicide is a huge sin in Islam and so is killing innocent people meaning you go straight to hell no exceptions. Maybe you should not believe the propaganda your media shovels in your face.
Also do you know what your foreign policy is like putting countries in to debt they can't pay off forcing them to sell of THEIR resources to huge corporations if they don't take the loans they resort to throwing democratically elected people out of power to put dictators in power if that fails they resort to assassination if that fails again then comes war. Go on Youtube and search for 'Confessions of an economic hitman' and search for 'secrets of CIA'. Maybe then you will wake up and realise why the whole middle east is pissed of at your 'elected' government officials. Don't believe me? hear it from the 'terrorist' mouth then faggot
so there are no more mercy killings or honor killings in islam? maybe you should go to saudi or turkey and go to chop chop square you could watch it there first hand every friday night....but you are right, what do i know

whats wrong with faggots? oh, i see you are a bigot. nice job queer


Well-Known Member
Jeff, you still don't get it. Nobody is saying any religion is perfect, nobody is defending extremist views of any religion, are you not listening or are you mentally challenged?

"whats wrong with faggots? oh, i see you are a bigot. nice job queer"

Jesus himself may actually loose his temper with you, and kick you right in the balls at the rate of progress you are making. If not that, certainly you'll have to be reincarnated as a tapeworm in the bowels of a gay man and live in sperm every night, or something really nasty in your mind like that. Whatever your worst fear is, it's about to come true.
Rest assured that it won't be pretty for people like you.


Well-Known Member
i think born of another land you would make an exemplary extremist muslim Jeff

xenophobia = check
bigotry = check
blind faith = check
seething hatred = check
irrationality = check
religious intolerance = check
conservative tenancies = check

do you ever secretly yell Alla Akbar when you think no one can hear you???


Well-Known Member
i was just razzin ya bro. i consider myself a hippie. born in 63 but had an aunt 10 years older that really took me under her wing. hippie is a very peaceful ideal. i dont think it played out to well for us but i am a "live and let live" person all the way, unless you try to kill me or my countrymen. then all bets are off.
Who was this guy I just quoted?
Was this guy abducted by a ufo and anally probed without being loved up first, and turned into the hateful monster we see now or are you honest to god delusional? You're about as close to a very peaceful live and let live hippy as I am to being Nikolai Tesla.


Active Member
so there are no more mercy killings or honor killings in islam? maybe you should go to saudi or turkey and go to chop chop square you could watch it there first hand every friday night....but you are right, what do i know

whats wrong with faggots? oh, i see you are a bigot. nice job queer
First thing honour killings are a CULTURAL thing not a religious one. Second thing who the fuck do you think backs the Saudi government???? Certainly not the Muslim people because the Muslims want them out of power because they are a corrupt government who have nothing to do with Islam. But its YOUR government who keep them in power because they continue to give you lot oil and invest billions in your country. What religion are you Jeff? and you might aswell give up now because i will demolish anything you have to say

jeff f

New Member
First thing honour killings are a CULTURAL thing not a religious one. Second thing who the fuck do you think backs the Saudi government???? Certainly not the Muslim people because the Muslims want them out of power because they are a corrupt government who have nothing to do with Islam. But its YOUR government who keep them in power because they continue to give you lot oil and invest billions in your country. What religion are you Jeff? and you might aswell give up now because i will demolish anything you have to say
nice culture them there muslims have then...

i thought it was funny yyou called me faggot. but i am the intolerant one?


Active Member
nice culture them there muslims have then...

i thought it was funny yyou called me faggot. but i am the intolerant one?
Lool nice culture your government has in bombing defenseless children
and is that your only response come on mate thought you could give me a decent debate then that only took a few points to kill you off.

jeff f

New Member
Lool nice culture your government has in bombing defenseless children
and is that your only response come on mate thought you could give me a decent debate then that only took a few points to kill you off.
mate? that means that your country was involved in the wars. hence you bombed defenseless children. you are juvenile

for the mature people know that nobody targets defenseless children except the religion of peace.