911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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i repeat, most of your questions can be answered in the following links...

take the time to educate yourself on a very important matter... if you disagree with any of these claims on the movie, thats fine... at least you know what the assertions are. :mrgreen:

if you think the assertions are correct, then spread the word and help inform the rest of the public!!!!

i can get some other movies about war and how the gov would like to be at war for ages!!!! look at Vietnam for example...

ohh and ps, the :spew:gov doesnt give a shit about their ppl!!!!! and thats no lie.....

These questions are lame and old. I watched most of this stuff months ago with a neutral attitude. I did my own research. Some of the stuff I learned about in college 3 decades ago. I found NOTHING compelling me to believe the stuff in the movies. The movies, appear to be, 10 percent fact and 90 speculation. As I said before, I do not trust the government. But, these movies, especially Gage, are an embarrassment to peoples' intelligence. This so far, looks like an urban myth.
What considered biased in your opinion

biased in my opinion is- and entity that would have motive to sway the results for one reason or another.....:-|

unbiased- basically if their paychecks are not dependent on the results. i would consider them unbiased!!!!! lol you catch my drift?
Those wernt real people..............
hmmm....never recall saying that
just like the conspiracy theroists claim in loosechange that the people killed on the planes wern't real
this is not claimed in the movie, I dont know what movie you saw
and that those last calls the passengers made were faked too.
I have trouble with this part too, but let me ask you this...have you ever tried to make a cell phone call in a plane...it doesnt work, I know from experience
These truthers will stoop to nothing and disgrace the surviving family members of the dead victims
Please explain this to me, how am I disgracing these people, I think the bigger disgrace would just be ingoring all of these unanswered questions
and claim that they don't know there own husband or sons voice, and recorded messages were faked by the government.
this is the part of the movie I have the most trouble with, however, it is possibele to clone someones voice...so it is definitely possible, you just wouldnt like to believe the gov't would do this, thats all
These people don't know the truth, they watched a couple of youtube videoes and now think they are going to be some great hero, for exposing this "great government coverup"
I do not claim to know the truth, like I said before I am not sure if I believe this 100%, I am just presenting the arguments, and I have done a lot more than watch a couple of youtube vidoes thank you very much, what research have you done on the issue, watch fox news or what? I do believe there is a government coverup, and you are totally blind if you think our government isnt lying to us about any of this, plain and simple
..........evrything thing that these morons put out have been throughly debunked multiple times by educated experts who have degrees in these fields
is that so...all of this has been debunked huh? Hmm well I have done a lot of research, and while I have seen some of the arguments against this, there is still a lot of ananswered questions, I mean if they really wanted to put these theories to bed, all they would have to do is show surveillance of the plane hitting the pentagon, but of course they wont do that
.........loosechange was made by a few 18 yr olds in their basement. which source should you believe
Is that so, so all the scientists and engineers they used in there video, all the factual evidence they presented should be ignored because they are 18(or so you claim), and we should listen to fox news because they are old?
These questions are lame and old. I watched most of this stuff months ago with a neutral attitude. I did my own research. Some of the stuff I learned about in college 3 decades ago. I found NOTHING compelling me to believe the stuff in the movies. The movies, appear to be, 10 percent fact and 90 speculation. As I said before, I do not trust the government. But, these movies, especially Gage, are an embarrassment to peoples' intelligence. This so far, looks like an urban myth.

your going to make me dig up all the facts on the movies and post them on this thread so you can disprove them for me....

to me, facts are irrefutable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and entity that would have motive to sway the results for one reason or another.....:-|

basically if their paychecks are not dependent on the results!!!!! lol

So when you can't produce facts you decide it is time to libel people and suggest they are ignorant? How does that add legitimacy to your position?

Instead of name-calling, reexamine the facts. I have left many out there for you to look at. Go ahead, see if what I have said is truthful?
These questions are lame and old. I watched most of this stuff months ago with a neutral attitude. I did my own research. Some of the stuff I learned about in college 3 decades ago. I found NOTHING compelling me to believe the stuff in the movies. The movies, appear to be, 10 percent fact and 90 speculation. As I said before, I do not trust the government. But, these movies, especially Gage, are an embarrassment to peoples' intelligence. This so far, looks like an urban myth.
lame and old huh....so we should just forget about all this stuff huh....so the government mightve covered some things up....who cares no big deal right. I dont know about you, but Ive recieved no evidence compelling me to believe muslims extremist in caves half way around the world did it, so I guess it juss depends on whether or not you believe the bullshit the government is feeding you
So when you can't produce facts you decide it is time to libel people and suggest they are ignorant? How does that add legitimacy to your position?

Instead of name-calling, reexamine the facts. I have left many out there for you to look at. Go ahead, see if what I have said is truthful?
exactlty what facts have you presented huh? prove to me osama bin laden did it....and bush knew nothing about it
your going to make me dig up all the facts on the movies and post them on this thread so you can disprove them for me....

to me, facts are irrefutable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me again, where did those steel girders in the Pentagon go to?
Why did the pilots fly above the asbestos insulation lines in the Towers?
Why did the disappearing plane evidence match 20 year old test data that is in the public domain?

There are several huge errors in these films. So why should I pay much attention to the rest of the stuff? Believe what you choose. When you discover real evidence, post it.
exactlty what facts have you presented huh? prove to me osama bin laden did it....and bush knew nothing about it

Prove a negative? Are you serious? I can no more prove what Bush knew or did not know on that day, than I could prove your whereabouts on that day.

Your question is childish.
Tell me again, where did those steel girders in the Pentagon go to?
Why did the pilots fly above the asbestos insulation lines in the Towers?
Why did the disappearing plane evidence match 20 year old test data that is in the public domain?

There are several huge errors in these films. So why should I pay much attention to the rest of the stuff? Believe what you choose. When you discover real evidence, post it.
Who sad anything about steel girders in the pentagon, who said anything about asbestos insulation in the towers, didappering plane match 20 year old test data,....?
Prove a negative? Are you serious? I can no more prove what Bush knew or did not know on that day, than I could prove your whereabouts on that day.

Your question is childish.
how is asking you to prove bin laden did it asking you to prove a negative? How is that childish, you dont make any sense, it sounds to me like you are getting angry
how is asking you to prove bin laden did it asking you to prove a negative? How is that childish, you dont make any sense, it sounds to me like you are getting angry

hm36rown... said:
prove to me osama bin laden did it....and bush knew nothing about it

You need to read what you write. You need to watch your blessid movies carefully. Your need to read some of the countlees blogs about "this evidence".

I answered the most commonly discussed topics.
Tell me again, where did those steel girders in the Pentagon go to?
Why did the pilots fly above the asbestos insulation lines in the Towers?
Why did the disappearing plane evidence match 20 year old test data that is in the public domain?

There are several huge errors in these films. So why should I pay much attention to the rest of the stuff? Believe what you choose. When you discover real evidence, post it.

ok, im too tired and warn out to watch the movies and write down all the factual evidence right now as i have been up over 20 hours.... dont ask..

but for a couple quickies.........

whats up with the molten metal weeks after the downfall of the WTC's? we know the melting point of steel and the max temps of jet fuel.... and basically it doesnt add up...

whats up with the WTC being the first ever metal structural building to pancake and collapse due to "fire"?

lmao, whats up with building number 7 that demolished perfectly as if it was planned, FROM A SMALL FIRE?????????!!!!!!!!!!

why would the firefighters lie on the day of 911 and say that they had friends(if not their selves) that had to go to reconstructive surgery because of the blasts in the basements throwing them into walls and such????

theres so many whys. actually i think the gov was dumb asses to go and do something of this enormity and expect to get away with it!!!

why would bush grant himself immunity to his prior actions while being in office?

i will make a complete list for you in the near future...!!!!!!


ohh and there are many more examples of pieces that dont fit into the gov terrorists puzzle... ..... i was actually going to recite some more facts from the movies that i have watched. i believe that you have not watched my linked vids through and through otherwise you wouldn't be debating this with me.
prove to me osama bin laden did it....and bush knew nothing about it

You need to read what you write. You need to watch your blessid movies carefully. Your need to read some of the countlees blogs about "this evidence".

I answered the most commonly discussed topics.
By that I was saying if you could prove bin laden actually did master mind it, that that would mean the conspiracy theories are all false and I would take your side that bush had nothing to do with it, which is indeed your side, am I right? I even put a couple periods in there to help you distinguish see, "prove to me osama bin laden did it" dot dot dot dot"and bush had nothing to do with it", i wasnt telling you to prove bush had nothing to do with it. Of course we arent here to argue about grammar, or the semantics of sentece structure especially since we're on a fuckin internet forum, anyway I will go over the thread and your so called answers and get back to you on that afterwards...I just wanted to address that first
ok, im too tired and warn out to watch the movies and write down all the factual evidence right now as i have been up over 20 hours.... dont ask..

but for a couple quickies.........

whats up with the molten metal weeks after the downfall of the WTC's? we know the melting point of steel and the max temps of jet fuel.... and basically it doesnt add up...

whats up with the WTC being the first ever metal structural building to pancake and collapse due to "fire"?

lmao, whats up with building number 7 that demolished perfectly as if it was planned, FROM A SMALL FIRE?????????!!!!!!!!!!

why would the firefighters lie on the day of 911 and say that they had friends(if not their selves) that had to go to reconstructive surgery because of the blasts in the basements throwing them into walls and such????

theres so many whys. actually i think the gov was dumb asses to go and do something of this enormity and expect to get away with it!!!

why would bush grant himself immunity to his prior actions while being in office?

i will make a complete list for you in the near future...!!!!!!


ohh and there are many more examples of pieces that dont fit into the gov terrorists puzzle... ..... i was actually going to recite some more facts from the movies that i have watched. i believe that you have not watched my linked vids through and through otherwise you wouldn't be debating this with me.

I don't claim to understand all the questions you have ask. In fact, most of what you say is very interesting and reasonable. It is the huge amounts of silly shit that people regurgitate that I think is stupid. I addressed some of the main silly stuff in these posts.

Fire behavior is not well understood. Watch the movie Backdraft. All of the techno stuff in there is real. I have personally seen a stairwell in a downtown Chicago hotel that had melted marble from a fire. The hotel was encouraged to keep it in place as a testament to what we do not know about fire. Because there was no logical way fire could have melted marble, yet it did so.

So asking legitimate questions is to be encouraged. People that say stupid shit should be discouraged.
I don't claim to understand all the questions you have ask. In fact, most of what you say is very interesting and reasonable. It is the huge amounts of silly shit that people regurgitate that I think is stupid. I addressed some of the main silly stuff in these posts.

Fire behavior is not well understood. Watch the movie Backdraft. All of the techno stuff in there is real. I have personally seen a stairwell in a downtown Chicago hotel that had melted marble from a fire. The hotel was encouraged to keep it in place as a testament to what we do not know about fire. Because there was no logical way fire could have melted marble, yet it did so.

So asking legitimate questions is to be encouraged. People that say stupid shit should be discouraged.
so then you would agree there is a lot to be answered. Like I said, I dont believe everything the movie says...but I do know things are being covered up and we are being lied too and blatantly ignored by the bush administration.
God Dam that looks just like Bin Laden are you kidding me lol

that guys looks a lot chubbier than bin laden. i can see a difference:mrgreen:

plus he was using the wrong hand to write with!!!!!

furthermore, why would the video be of such poor quality when bin laden is allegedly filthy rich and had the "brains, money, resources, etc etc, to set up 911"? i would think they could afford and find a means to getting a higher resolution vid camera in this day and age.....

just something to think about! :blsmoke: