Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

TRhe CRS has declared this thread worthless, and has withdrawn the report because it was written by a left wing partisan hack.
That's what happens to the meat you and your kids eat.Why hide how it's made?Why not be proud of what you do with your kids?I don't let them watch me have sex,so why would I eat what I won't show them?Liberals tell us what we should do,but don't yourself.

silly wabbit. i learned where meat comes from at age 7 or 8. when gramps first taught me to kill and skin critters for the pot. we raised chickens ad (sorry) rabbits all my life, hunted, killed skinned butchered and ate wild creatures both banal and majestic, and i been fishin since i was still crapping my diapers, and ill continue fishing till i return to crapping my diapers. 'tis the circle of life.

the sources on the bottom of the graphs reveals the most likely problem with this study.


capital gains are not counted as "income" when the number needs to be small, but sur the fuck ARE income when the number has to be large.

most of the hyper-rich do not get "paid" and do not have "income" like the average joe on the street. they have "wealth" and "wealth" is much harder to measure.

in the 40's 50's and 60's top MARGINAL rates were huge, but capital gains and other taxes were collected differently with more loopholes, more tax dodges and fewer methods to bring down the hammer.

in my personal view, the key statistic is not personal income tax rates (especially on people who do not pay income taxes per se), but the overal % of taxation collected by the government as compared to the economy as a whole.

on THAT graph you see the drain the tax man has placed on economic actions reducing the total funds available for private sector investment and eventual taxation.


the savvy observer will notice the close correlation between the various booms and busts to the bite the federal govt takes out of our asses each fiscal year.

the question now becomes, does higher taxation cause the booms, or does it cause the busts?

i for one suspect it causes the busts.

edit: heres an interesting link that indicates BOTH sides may in fact be full of shit.

The points that you illustrated make me favor a consumption tax to address the wealth disparity issues in this country in place of an income tax. Like you said, the uber wealthy don't punch timeclocks to pay the rent. With a consumption tax (aka "Fair Tax") if you buy groceries... perhaps no tax or just a little... if you buy yachts and $250,000 purses then you pay dearly...
If you earn money you pay $0 income tax on it. Earn all you want, stimulate the economy... that goes for everyone from waiters to Coproate CEOs. The government tab will no longer be picked up on the front end... right out of your earnings. The government will collect their due as the money is spent...
You skinned animals alive so they stood there in shock at wtf happened? How about kill so many dolphins the sea is red with their blood? Picked up chickens with a vaccum cleaner that uses a vibrating comb to dump them unfeathered and alive in bags?
You skinned animals alive so they stood there in shock at wtf happened? How about kill so many dolphins the sea is red with their blood? Picked up chickens with a vaccum cleaner that uses a vibrating comb to dump them unfeathered and alive in bags?

no, but my uncle made me train aido draws, chiburi and resheathe when a chicken was needed for the pot. if i didnt kill it clean, i had to gut it and pluck it myself. and thats wimmins work.
Awe where your wittle feelings hurt when you ran to the Mod and had them get rid of my avatar?

Hey... I noticed your avatar pic was gone. Well, i dunno anything about the backstory of this post, but that was one ugly fangtooth bitch you used to be sporting. How about a hotter chick next time?
Hey... I noticed your avatar pic was gone. Well, i dunno anything about the backstory of this post, but that was one ugly fangtooth bitch you used to be sporting. How about a hotter chick next time?

That fang tooth bitch is none other than Ann Romney
That fang tooth bitch is none other than Ann Romney

its a digitally maniupulated image of ann romney. actually its a cheap and ineffective smear.

the left picked that trick up after pics of nancy pelosi were altered to make her look even more like a sleestak back in 2009.

its a digitally maniupulated image of ann romney. actually its a cheap and ineffective smear.

the left picked that trick up after pics of nancy pelosi were altered to make her look even more like a sleestak back in 2009.


You are one of those. "Stop blaming Bush" but you cannot spit Pelosi's name out of your mouth. Moron.
"The "trickle-down" theory: The principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals. —William Blum
"According to John Kenneth Galbraith, the (Trickle Down) theory dates back to the 1890s when it was called horse and sparrow theory -- i.e., if you feed horses enough oats, it will pass through their digestive systems and their droppings will provide enough leftover oats to feed the sparrows."

Well the Republicans are certainly feeding their sparrows now aren't they? They troll here like the faggot FreedomWorks.
Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.

How much money did Obama launder into Seal Team Six, and how much was spent on his partaking in the Thai sex slave industry?
Not as much as Romney spent on hiding the fact he is committing incest with his sister. I talked to a guy who said he had helped doctor up the marriage certificate for them. We still have not seen his tax returns because they will show that he is donating money to folks with some ties to document forgers and is into some weird unnatural sex and has ties to Mexican cartels through his father. We also know that he has invested large sums of money in Iran and China as well as Russia. I still want to see his birth certificate to verify his sex as I don't believe that Mitt Romney is a male but a female masquerading as a male and that is why he is wearing "mom" jeans all the time and unfamiliar with hardware and sports.

The things we don't know about him could be dangerous for all of us and threaten the very fabric of our nations freedom itself.
Reports are only retracted for good reason, not simply because Republicans don't like what they see.
This one is going to turn around and bite you in the ass.
What was the good reason? Please point out the factual inaccuracies you claim are in the report and explain why they are inaccurate.
What was the good reason? Please point out the factual inaccuracies you claim are in the report and explain why they are inaccurate.

this rteport was froim a congressional agency that typically does NOT publish their reports. their reports are usually reserved for the congress, not every dipshit with a blog and an aluminium foil hat.

this "study" may have been found inaccurate, may have been determined to be biased, slanted or otherwise counterproductive, or it could simply be the report was never intended to be published, but the democrats leaked it through their various outlets like the taxpayer funded senate blog the OP cited.

even the blog post (taxpayer funded you might note) was full of vitriol and made unfounded statements about the retraction being the result of "PROBABLY REPUBLICAN SENATORS APPLYING PRESSURE!!ZOMG!!"

this report has all the probative value of the claims by "Randi Rhoades" that Bush y Cheney indulged in wild orgies in the whitehouse with underage boys smuggled in from the far east before they were snuffed at the climax of the party. she's seen the pictures! she's not saying it's true, she's just saying it's Out There....
So vitriolic to say trickle down failed and show evidence of how and why. Oh my!

How do you explain the enormous gap in wealth from the early '70's to now between the upper classes and the lower classes?

It would seem the real redistribution of wealth that's been going on is through corporate tax policy. The top earners have enjoyed over 300% increase in gains on wealth while everyone elses has been relatively stagnant.