Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
I just thought you should know.......sporting the nazi symbol isn't helping your cause.............nitro..
I hope it offends you. I hope it offends anyone who supports the massacre of the Palestinian people. I regret if it offends the average Jewish person, but they need to understand that the Zionist state is not the same as Judaism, it has usurped Judaism into a political cause.


Well-Known Member
You had me until this one.

Israelis AND Palestinians have a right to be there. Both have a legitimate claim to the land. Neither can be asked to simply leave.

2 States=Only Hope. Unless you call for the destruction of one side by the other. In which case we all lose.
The Israeli people sure, the murderous regime no. The spreading colonial force needs to become something else.


Well-Known Member
You had me until this one.

Israelis AND Palestinians have a right to be there. Both have a legitimate claim to the land. Neither can be asked to simply leave.

2 States=Only Hope. Unless you call for the destruction of one side by the other. In which case we all lose.
I call for regime change.


Well-Known Member
It hurts to hear how the sovereignty of a nation is based on theft of land. Same can be said of the USSA. I agree though that since we've "played on it" that the only solution is to allow for the continued existence of both people, or better yet, for them to become one people. That is really what is going on, a civil war. Humanity is indeed still in it's infancy. At the very least, truth should be known and the USSA ought to stop financially supporting the massacre.

I believe that if the Palestinian authority were sovereign over the whole of Palestine, that Jews would not be oppressed. Then the west would not have a military power in the mid east.


Active Member
I believe that if the Palestinian authority were sovereign over the whole of Palestine, that Jews would not be oppressed. Then the west would not have a military power in the mid east.


I'm all for hoping for the best in humanity, but lets be realistic.

2 states, 2 governments, no international acceptance for either side violating a cease fire.

The Palestinian government needs to be recognized in the global community, and then it must live up the standards of that community.


Well-Known Member
It's now 93-3 to the Israelis...yeah, they're just "defending themselves".

Apparently some Israelis from southern cities are sitting outside on deck-chairs watching the explosions going off in Gaza and cheering...this was from an Israeli reporter in Israel.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But I have a question though Kynes,

Since the "according to the Torah" is your reason why Israel is justified in it's occupation of another people, does the Torah even support Zionism?

Explain "right of conquest" again for me please.
still having trouble with the big sentences arent you.

the torah's information AS PREVIOUSLY STATED is:

israel was created by the conquest of territory held by the Philistine civilization. later the land of israel was conquered by the assyrian and baylonian empires. the assyrians and babylonians installed a puppet monarchy and held that teritory as a province of their empires untilll...

we finally enter the region of reliable history,
with the roman conquest of israel, which they later renamed Judea, and later after several jewish uprisings, they renamed it Palestine, and made it a military occupation zone untill rome fell and the area became subject to the persian empire, and eventually the ottoman empire before the British Empire took it by force in ww1.

so, the torah's information on this subject is limited to HISTORICAL DATA on the founding of the nation of israel, not it's religious justifications.

your strawman is still not any good. try putting more effort into it next time.

Conquest is the nature of all societies.

Ur of the Chaldees, purported to be the First City, First Nation and First Kingdom on earth was founded by somebody saying "We are The Chaldeans. This place is called Ur. We live here. If you wish to dispute that we will fight you."
every nation since has been founded on the same principle, "Because i said so! Wanna Fight About It?" those nations which win the fight swallow up the nations that lose, and losing is prima facia evidence that the losing nation was invalid from the start.

what part of this is so hard for you to grasp?

throughout history if two nations go to war the borders between them MOVE based on who wins. sometimes entire peoples are swallowed up by their conquerors, and sometimes those empires fall apart from within, and new nations are born, or old one resurface based on social groups, traditions and yes, even religions.

issues of conquest and sovereignty are settled in the juris martia, not by debates in coffee houses. only silly foppish Whigs and psuedo-intellectual marxists believe anything else.


Active Member
still having trouble with the big sentences arent you.

the torah's information AS PREVIOUSLY STATED is:

israel was created by the conquest of territory held by the Philistine civilization. later the land of israel was conquered by the assyrian and baylonian empires. the assyrians and babylonians installed a puppet monarchy and held that teritory as a province of their empires untilll...

we finally enter the region of reliable history,
with the roman conquest of israel, which they later renamed Judea, and later after several jewish uprisings, they renamed it Palestine, and made it a military occupation zone untill rome fell and the area became subject to the persian empire, and eventually the ottoman empire before the British Empire took it by force in ww1.

so, the torah's information on this subject is limited to HISTORICAL DATA on the founding of the nation of israel, not it's religious justifications.

your strawman is still not any good. try putting more effort into it next time.

Conquest is the nature of all societies.

Ur of the Chaldees, purported to be the First City, First Nation and First Kingdom on earth was founded by somebody saying "We are The Chaldeans. This place is called Ur. We live here. If you wish to dispute that we will fight you."
every nation since has been founded on the same principle, "Because i said so! Wanna Fight About It?" those nations which win the fight swallow up the nations that lose, and losing is prima facia evidence that the losing nation was invalid from the start.

what part of this is so hard for you to grasp?

throughout history if two nations go to war the borders between them MOVE based on who wins. sometimes entire peoples are swallowed up by their conquerors, and sometimes those empires fall apart from within, and new nations are born, or old one resurface based on social groups, traditions and yes, even religions.

issues of conquest and sovereignty are settled in the juris martia, not by debates in coffee houses. only silly foppish Whigs and psuedo-intellectual marxists believe anything else.

Answer these 3 questions for me if you would please.

1) Do you support the United States adopting a set of laws that adhere more to a Biblical point of reference?

2) If China were to come and invade California successfully, then claim it as their own, would you recognize that claim because it was "in China's interest" to take it and part of the geopolitical evolution-throuh-conquest you mentioned? Or would you be one of the people calling for some Red Dawn-style action, even though that would be going against part of that concept of Nation's bettering their position through occupation you were speaking of..

3) The deathtoll stands at 94-3, with the Palestinians obviously comprising the larger toll. 24 confirmed civilian casualties in the last 48 hrs. Do you still really believe Israel is defending itself? If so, that says all I need to hear. Because if you can look at those numbers and still think this is not an offensive you must be on drugs.


Active Member
It's now 93-3 to the Israelis...yeah, they're just "defending themselves".
Israel's Iron Dome is intercepting 90% of the rockets that pose a threat. If it were not for their missile defense system, those numbers likely could be more even.