New Member
Should be easy for you to find them on the Black MarketFood stamps are awesome. I would like to get some...
Should be easy for you to find them on the Black MarketFood stamps are awesome. I would like to get some...
Paul Ryan did not contribute into it when he got it as he was a child. He also took financial aid money to attend college that he did not pay into. Why is it OK for him to do that? His father put money into social security but did not live to see it, it doesn't mean his son should get it. It should also be noted that the vast majority of people on Social Security are getting more than they put into it. I have heard estimates at about a rate of $5.00 for every $1.00 they put into it but I would believe it to be more around $3.00 or so. Isn't that theft? Why did Paul Ryan want to cut Social Security and Financial Aid entitlements but he himself took them?Social Security isn't welfare, its an entitlement that you are forced to pay into.Romney Did contribute about 6,000 times more than Biden. I don't think that statement was meant to substitute for Support, but more likely just a factoid. second link discusses the elderly and poverty more than the first link but it talks more on Medicare and Medicaid.How many people starved? Cite source please. Otherwise you just makin shit up again, like 99.999% of all your posts.
Paul Ryan did not contribute into it when he got it as he was a child. He also took financial aid money to attend college that he did not pay into. Why is it OK for him to do that? His father put money into social security but did not live to see it, it doesn't mean his son should get it. It should also be noted that the vast majority of people on Social Security are getting more than they put into it. I have heard estimates at about a rate of $5.00 for every $1.00 they put into it but I would believe it to be more around $3.00 or so. Isn't that theft? Why did Paul Ryan want to cut Social Security and Financial Aid entitlements but he himself took them?
Because Paul Ryan and devotees of Ayn Rand have a mantra that says
"I got mine, FUCK you"
What does that have to do with SS? More misdirection?He gave his money to his church which demands 10% of his net or they downgrade his membership
Well, no, not raw. You have to cook them properly.I didn't like their flavor. cn
Our system is abysmal and wealthy despots come here to get the very best treatment isn't a contradiction? Don't be stupid.
Let me guess? The slow but inevitable destruction of the nuclear family? You will find a nice correlation between single parent homes and welfare use. Everyone is so dumbed down by television and they think life can really be like it is on the screen against the wall. Rampant divorce, single mothers, moral decay etc etc etc The psychologist Carl Yung hypothesized that the violent rise of German fascism and the collectivist state of communist Russia grew only because there are always a certain amount of people in a society with the latent ability to abandon conscience. In other words, there is a certain amount of the population with an inborn potential to be psychopaths or suffer from some sociopathic tendency. These tendencies tend to remain dormant under most situations, but every once in awhile society loses courage and faith and eventually falters to the point where such ailments of the mind are encouraged, and the monsters in millions of people are allowed to come out and play.
WE are the faltering society.
Just feed the people.
Print the money. Borrow it. Re-direct it. I don't really care where they 'appropriate' the funds from. We seem to come up with plenty of money for other things. Feed all that need it.
Hunger in America is Shamefull!
Feed our hungry
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
With the wind or against the wind?
With the wind or against the wind?
St Vincent DepaulWhich charities do you donate your personal service to?
St Vincent Depaul
once a month a meal kitchen
and several times a year church functions
I'm an atheist
Doesnt make the nuns happydoesnt stepping onto holy ground burn you?