Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?


New Member
Regardless we know that the entire satanic philosophy is morally corrupt therefore its 'not a good thing'..Any true philosophy has to be ethically sound or its beyond merely 'batshit insane', even Scientology is ethically sound.
gotta call you on that one brother... they're about as ethical as cheney...


Well-Known Member
Just because a certain religion is obvious crap, doesn't mean it is not accepted as
an acceptable practice.

The same could be said by anyone toward any religion.

Just sayin


New Member
What part of Scientology is unethical? I will admit I don't know enough about it to say so but I only assume that any popular philosophy has to at least seem ethical to a large group of people, this has been my findings and thus why I made such a statement, making it as controversial as possible to prove the point.


New Member
Is why I summarized my thoughts with a picture, I didn't want to be responsible for getting 2 threads locked in less than 6 hours.
If you've had a thread closed because of your comments - just means you're getting through to people...:lol:


Well-Known Member
how come the zionist don't like to talk about the attack on the USS Liberty or the israeli 5th column in washington


New Member
What part of Scientology is unethical? I will admit I don't know enough about it to say so but I only assume that any popular philosophy has to at least seem ethical to a large group of people
i don't to get into a thing about it but - Church Of Scientology Investigated 'South Park' Creators Matt Stone, Trey Parker: Report




Well-Known Member
So I am Jew-ish. Had my bar mitzvah and the rest of the chazareh. I do not support Israeli policy. I don't believe in the religious state - ANY religious state. And I believe their treatment of the Palestinian people is horrendous.

Goyim is not a derogatory term. I am not a Yiddush linguist so I have no fucking idea what its origins are. But in use it only means a non-Jew and one good thing about us - we don't have any issue with those of other faiths. We don't proselytize. And you ain't gonna burn in hell for being goyim.

The holocaust happened. It is moronic to believe otherwise and I knew too many fucking people who lived through concentration camps to give even an ounce of debate respect to anyone who denies it. I don't know about that currency but I bet it was from the Warsaw Ghetto or some bullshit the Nazis did to make things not look bad to the Red Cross.

The 1967 war was already under way when the USS Liberty was attacked.

Mossad didn't do Boston. I don't believe our gov did either. I don't put unimaginable shit past either, but to me this one wouldn't make sense. The last thing Obama needs or wants is a war. If he did, he would have done so prior to the election. We don't vote people out when the shit is hitting the fan.

My guess is domestic. Sadly my hope is domestic as well. Maybe a lone nutjob. Maybe a Mcveigh type. Maybe something new. that Erin Burnett outfront chick on Cnn tried to imply Anarchists (bs only because her hubbie is a major wall st banker).

But please stop with the anti-semitism. The Israeli gov sucks. Netanyahu is an asshole. And there is way more dissent in Israel than AIPAC lets our media show. But Jews are just a religious group like any other. I never got a conspiracy manual at Hebrew school. When you suggest crap like that the Holocaust didn't happen, you open the doors for whomever may be next. Better to focus on why the Armenian holocaust doesn't get equal attention in the history books and how pathetic it is that Israel doesn't acknowledge it and empathize.

"Fight terrorists wherever they be found... Then why'd we never bomb Tim McVeigh's hometown? You can see what you want on propaganda television, but all violence is terrorism" - Michael Franti


Well-Known Member
how come the zionist don't like to talk about the attack on the USS Liberty or the israeli 5th column in washington
I'd speculate they don't feel justifying something that happened that's older than your parents when there's no real argument that can be had in that respect as compared to what the thread is about.


New Member
i don't to get into a thing about it but - Church Of Scientology Investigated 'South Park' Creators Matt Stone, Trey Parker: Report


As I wrote, just because its batshit insane doesn't make it unethical, My understanding is yes that its batshit insane, but where is the immorality? So if your going to 'call me out' on it, then yes you have to 'get into it' and let me know why I am wrong.


New Member
As I wrote, just because its batshit insane doesn't make it unethical, My understanding is yes that its batshit insane, but where is the immorality? So if your going to 'call me out' on it, then yes you have to 'get into it' and let me know why I am wrong.
MONEY MONEY MONEY... If they truly wanted to help people rid themselves of "parasitic aliens" it would be free.

Have a read of this book if you get the chance... You'll see unethical.


New Member
MONEY MONEY MONEY... If they truly wanted to help people rid themselves of "parasitic aliens" it would be free.

Have a read of this book if you get the chance... You'll see unethical.
Furthermore, when a "religious" organisation needs a "intelligence" like dept. that deals in the black arts, you know you're way past ethical.


New Member
MONEY MONEY MONEY... If they truly wanted to help people rid themselves of "parasitic aliens" it would be free.

Have a read of this book if you get the chance... You'll see unethical.
I am talking about the philosophy and not the organization, the philosophy has to be ethical or so many people wouldn't join the cult, the same rule applies with every religion with the exception of Satanism which precisely worships immorality and small cults that hardly anyone follows like Jim Jones or something. Does the philosophy actually say these things? (please be specific and I would be glad to concede that I was wrong and Scientology as a philosophy is morally corrupt)

It's important to make this distinction between the philosophy and the organization in the statement I made because I was specially addressing the question "we know that Catholicism is evil so does that make satanism right?" (paraphrasing that question cause I am too lazy to scroll back) Yes we know that the Catholic church is is unethical but the christian religious philosophy is clearly not unethical. If it were then few would be christian.


Well-Known Member
I am not a Zionist and I'm not afraid to discuss the Liberty, nor will I excuse it. But you want to pull some shit out from 45 years ago to explain something today??? Or did you not bother to read my post? And I suppose you think Mossad did 9/11 with that whole bridge theory. Maybe my dad's meeting in NYC that day was moved away from the WTC because he's a kike? Or we could discuss the US in Latin America during Reagan. Or Russia in Chechnya. Or Castro's legacy.

Governments do bad things and I try to be a disciple of history to judge today. Israel does not equal Jews!!! Israel is a government. Judaism is a religion. Not all Jews support their policies.

So maybe you don't mean me because I don't meet the Zionist standard of identity. I love the suggestion that they should have given the Jews Germany after WWII rather than fucking with Palestine. But when people come out with anti-semitic shit, try to justify it with a skewed understanding of an old event that is no secret, and then proceed to question the validity of the holocaust, you are showing your true colors and they come in the shape of a swastika. You will take any theory that pins shit on Jews and believe it. If the Sandy Hook fuckwad had been Jewish you'd have said he was an agent of Mossad.

Believe what you want, it is your right. But admit to what you are!