Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

nope those are the trippy nope not laying off...but am not paranoid...its the other p word...prepared

Preparation comes in many forms, and it's good to see that you are. As for things related to it being caused by the US.. what purpose would this specific incident serve, and why would they try to limit their damage scope - using what are -known- to be pressure cookers of 1 specific model type, also known to originate from the Middle East?
My vote is for MOSSAD... But those 5th grade school teachers aren't 100% innocent either.

MOSSAD wants the USA to fight yet another war for them... They won't stop until the get what they want - no matter how many innocent people they murder.
Folks, this is the same government that ran medical experiments on its own citizens. You don't think they could do something like this? Have an open mind is all I'm saying.

The government ran medical experiments on then marginal people it thought no one would ever care about.

Eyewitness testimony is most reliable in aggregate immediately after something occurs. For example, on 9/11 most people reported seeing commercial airliners fly into the World Trade Center; a few people reported something else (different planes, no windows, etc.). Conspiracy junkies throw themselves on these minor inconsistencies erroneously believing there must be some kernel of truth to them. When the media stops reporting or doesn't repeat a claim, it's proof of a cover up! In reality, it was junk to begin with that got discarded because it was inaccurate and irrelevant.

As part of a class I took, a large group of people witnessed a surprising event. Afterward, we had to identify a person from a lineup, write a description of the person, and recount what had happened. The majority of people chose the wrong picture from the lineup, and the descriptions/recountings had drastic differences. Just imagine when hundreds or thousands of people witness something.
I dont really worry as to the news nor the nutso's...i am prepared and if and when they come to me the fight is at the ready as well as self sufficiency...hell just the weather can drastically affect everything instantly so can feed and fend for me and mine regardless...I do not care what the "theys" do until it is done to me then I will handle it or die...but I won't die alone
My vote is for MOSSAD... But those 5th grade school teachers aren't 100% innocent either.

MOSSAD wants the USA to fight yet another war for them... They won't stop until the get what they want - no matter how many innocent people they murder.
DEM DAMNED JOOS... They shoulda let Hitler win right?
im pretty sure glenn beck is just batshit crazy.

Rush believes what he says, you may disagree, you may even say he too is crazy, but please, lets reserve the phrase "Crazy As A Shit-House Rat" for those who have truely earned it, Alex Jones, Troofers, and yes, Glenn Beck.

But not birchers... oh no....
Israel bombed the USS Liberty. In that attack, they killed 34 Navy Crew members. The purpose was a false flag attack to put the blame on Egypt and coax the USA into the Six-Day War.

I don't put anything past these zionist. To them, non-Jews are known as "goyim".... That means "cattle".
Israel bombed the USS Liberty. In that attack, they killed 34 Navy Crew members. The purpose was a false flag attack to put the blame on Egypt and coax the USA into the Six-Day War.

I don't put anything past these zionist. To them, non-Jews are known as "goyim".... That means "cattle".


i agree dood...chill
This is the typical example of the Zionist "argument". Any one that talks bad against the "chosen ones" is obviously a Nazi... LOL... Their playbook hasn't changed for 70 years... So transparent :P


The heil you say? What about sitting in mein kampfy chair?

Here, we go again... Prove to me those were Jews and not part of the 250,000 German POWs starved to death after WWII.

But here is a picture for you... Currency from "concentration camps"... Now why did the Nazis allow jews that were going to be slaughtered money in the "concentration camps"? Please enlighten me.

This is the typical example of the Zionist "argument". Any one that talks bad against the "chosen ones" is obviously a Nazi... LOL... Their playbook hasn't changed for 70 years... So transparent :P
are you so ignorant that my sig is oblivious to you?
Here, we go again... Prove to me those were Jews and not part of the 250,000 German POWs starved to death after WWII.

But here is a picture for you... Currency from "concentration camps"... Now why did the Nazis allow jews that were going to be slaughtered money in the "concentration camps"? Please enlighten me.

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Kite High is trying to play on members emotions... All this because one person had the nerve to say MOSSAD created a false flag operation. Kite High has no intelligent argument so out comes the race card. Oh voy!
But not birchers... oh no....

why dont you explain to me what you think the John Birch Society believes....

i would be fascinated to hear your EXPERT opinion.

if you actually know a single bircher or have even read one of their pamphlets i would be stunned. but by all means, share with us all your wisdom, unless youre simply regurgitating the mindless ad hominems of bucky.

nah... you wouldnt do that, not a veteran of the Australian Army's elite catering corps.
