Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I tried running one of these in my microwave

But it too ended up exploding because I let it run for too long
I dont see a problem entertaining and debating ideas/opinions.

No one can say with 100% certainty what happened for sure, so why not discuss
all potential scenarios.

OK, as long as understand that we have no idea what are potential scenarios. Some radio dumbass calls False Flag, like they know what they are talking about.

So, we can discuss fantasy, is all.
Who was it said never to let a good tragedy go to waste.

Its not a conspiracy, the Govt has just mastered the doctrine of the above.
Don't forget that there is other news that might be ignored. A lot is happening now, conspiracy or not, it is a good time to push for things that the general public will probably not condone. It's is horrible and a distraction.
Meh maybe I'm bias being from Boston, I want to laugh at that but at the same time my sister was there and a first responder so I would be crawling through my computer to get at you had she been hurt
OK, as long as understand that we have no idea what are potential scenarios. Some radio dumbass calls False Flag, like they know what they are talking about.

So, we can discuss fantasy, is all.

At this point we could discuss anything, like Lance did it because they wouldn't let him ride in the
marathon. :)

As ridiculous as some ideas are, there is no evidence to point in any direction.
The perpetrator will turn out to be a middle aged white guy pissed off about his parking spot being taken every year on the 3rd Monday in April. He'll have a cadre of weapons and ammo and be a loaner that everyone "knew" would crack one day. False Flag my ass
Anyone watched Harodrim (spl)?

Some killer after bin ladin for years kidnaps him then they end up having a tea party and his dad comes in and uses some brainwashing thing to make him kill osama.


I think it was this guy:
At this point we could discuss anything, like Lance did it because they wouldn't let him ride in the
marathon. :)

As ridiculous as some ideas are, there is no evidence to point in any direction.

Yo mama? Space Aliens? Elvis?
In less time it takes to smoke a joint, I've noted that the possible suspects are indeed a varied bunch, from a non issue average disgruntled joe to the government and of course the ever present "them". Maybe some due diligence is required before slinging hash.
It's lazy thinking to say "the govt" did anything. Who, what, where when, how? Navy Seals, FBi, CIA, NSA, Directorate 4?
Not sure why, at the time of the incident, there was "bomb squad training" being conducted. Not making accusations, just observations.

