Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

The CIA doesn't have a charter to operate in the United States

My view.. charter or not, the CIA exists, and will continue on per status quo. That said, am happy to see the CIA fully function as they have been - that goes back to my previous statement/view which is: Terrorists/those who commit treason have no rights, and if it takes waterboarding and electrocution to gather intel that's valid and matches SIGINT - one less potential 9/11 or similar on our hands.
My view.. charter or not, the CIA exists, and will continue on per status quo. That said, am happy to see the CIA fully function as they have been - that goes back to my previous statement/view which is: Terrorists/those who commit treason have no rights, and if it takes waterboarding and electrocution to gather intel that's valid and matches SIGINT - one less potential 9/11 or similar on our hands.

If the CIA wants info on you they just farm it out to Britain or Australia. No charter violated there if an ally just happens to have info on you.
If the CIA wants info on you they just farm it out to Britain or Australia. No charter violated there if an ally just happens to have info on you.

Agreed, but there's times where extraction team or clandestine set just don't have time to go half way around the world.. and for that, they do it themselves and then pop off a drone.
If the CIA wants info on you they just farm it out to Britain or Australia. No charter violated there if an ally just happens to have info on you.

No, they just ask the NSA. They're tapped into your communications backbone. They don't farm that out to regularly not something that can now all be done remotely and by computer.

That little work around on a charter violation is generally only used after the fact.
My view.. charter or not, the CIA exists, and will continue on per status quo. That said, am happy to see the CIA fully function as they have been - that goes back to my previous statement/view which is: Terrorists/those who commit treason have no rights, and if it takes waterboarding and electrocution to gather intel that's valid and matches SIGINT - one less potential 9/11 or similar on our hands.

In an interesting twist: the CIA's nation building is the major reason that Iran hates us. Look up "operaion ajax" sometime. Afterward, you will be less surprised by following military actions.
In an interesting twist: the CIA's nation building is the major reason that Iran hates us. Look up "operaion ajax" sometime. Afterward, you will be less surprised by following military actions.

There is no doubt WE tinker big time with other societies for our self interest in self-rule. It really does help to see both sides and not take sides. Iran will never forgive us, nor Cuba, etc.
Just more photon batting, or in vernacular, you have not said shit, yet. I'm still listening for your point.
No point to be made Doer, it was just an observation on the thread and how most want to persuade others into thinking the same as them about an issue such as this. It's more personal attacks then discussion or debate.
My forum friend, I am only trying to understand what you saw as rhetorical.. But, more interesting , by far are your views on rhetoric itself.

various uses
history of
main forms

But, if you mean the constant backbiting is rhetorically repetitive and boring, well, I agree with that, whole heartedly.
My forum friend, I am only trying to understand what you saw as rhetorical.. But, more interesting , by far are your views on rhetoric itself.

various uses
history of
main forms

But, if you mean the constant backbiting is rhetorically repetitive and boring, well, I agree with that, whole heartedly.
Yes. Basically I see people "colouring" the facts in order to suit their argument.

From my understanding, rhetoric is the art of conversation and I see very little of that at times.
Yes, and a few of us can discuss the art and science of rhetorical devise...I think there are 7 (?) classical approaches.

And we see every single kind of false argument there is. I tire of pointing it out..the ad homims, strawmen, base sophisters, etc but the itch to fight and not discuss, I just have to ignore.

So people can't speak without shaking a fist under your nose. I hardly call that debate and certainly not discussion.
