Alright, I would like to start off by saying that I am Catholic, and I smoke pot. I have not found pot to lower my inhibitions, so I don't see anything wrong with it. Also, relating to religion, I have gone to Catholic school for 10 of my 12 years. I firmly believe in everything the Church teaches (not blindly though), I love the Pope and the Saints, etc.
I have not always been Catholic, but I like several of the previous posters, have always had a feeling of an afterlife/God/supreme being. I believe in Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. I do not believe (and the CC [Catholic Church] does not teach) that non-Catholics/Christians can't go to heaven. Rather, we believe that as long as somebody tries to live a good life based on what he was taught to be right and wrong (whether religion plays into that or not), then he/she will go to Heaven (and maybe make a stop in Purgatory).
Purgatory, is reserved for most of us, who have done wrong, and are sorry. Even though we are sorry, the damage that our sins have caused are still on our souls (a stain if you will), and we need to be purified of those stains before we can go to Heaven. Thus anybody who is in Purgatory will go to Heaven, and has no chance of going to Hell.
Hell is most obviously reserved for those who do not follow the moral code they were taught and/or have come to accept, and do wrong regardless.
Sorry for a long post. I by no means want to sound arrogant. Just two more things:
1. If anybody has any serious questions on Catholicism, what we believe in, or where we stand on moral issues, feel free to PM me.
2. Just a thought to chew on... I got this from Fr. Larry Richards' (maybe some people have heard of him) talk on the Passion "What More Could He Have Done For You?"
"If everybody goes to Heaven when they die, then our God is a cruel God. 'Hey, I'm gonna put all of you on Earth, let
some of you suffer a lot, but it'll all be OK because you will go to Heaven.'" That really struck me.
Fr. Larry has a great website
The Reason For Our Hope Foundation