The Pet Rock is more popular than Obamacare

dude, you said libertarians are against birth control, marriage equality, do I need to elaborate more?

You were referring to title II of the civil rights which states we can't discriminate based on x,y,z. It still allows discrimination based on d,e,f. Not an equal law and is based on moral opinions that one discrimination is better/worse than another. It perpetuates the mentality that hatches something called hate crimes, where murdering you because you suck cock is somehow worse than murdering you because somebody stole my parking spot and you looked at me funny.

I know you are all for hate crimes, so I don't expect you to understand that it's wrong to discriminate no matter how it's done, but freedom comes with costs and people suck, and for everyone to be equal under the law, the laws need to be blind to emotion. When you grow up and join society you'll get a better feel for what I'm trying to explain.

so you're against civil rights and hate crimes, too.

you're just one membership in a white supremacy group away from desert dud status now.
I just spoke to one of my co-workers (single, 57), she was beside herself in tears.
She is one of the dropped policy's and went from 365.00 a month with 5k deductible (previous health insurance) to the lowest acceptable tier available (bronze). Now her monthly premium is 900.00 a month with a 6.5k deductible.

Affordable ? Get fucking real.
Fair ? Not even close.

But then again, "Change" was the advertisement that brought this horse into the barn.
The US has always been capitalist but it has not always been so authoritarian as it is becoming, but it has never been socialist.

The USA is capitalist for medium and small sized companies and socialist for large corporations and banks and wall street. i.e. Small and medium sized businesses are allowed to fail due to their own problems, but the large corporations are never allowed to fail no matter how they got there, whether it be through misappropriation, illegalities of even outright fraud to the citizens of this nation.
I just spoke to one of my co-workers (single, 57), she was beside herself in tears.
She is one of the dropped policy's and went from 365.00 a month with 5k deductible (previous health insurance) to the lowest acceptable tier available (bronze). Now her monthly premium is 900.00 a month with a 6.5k deductible.

Affordable ? Get fucking real.
Fair ? Not even close.

But then again, "Change" was the advertisement that brought this horse into the barn.

Is it easier to stay healthy with a home and food , but no insurance? or is it easier to stay healthy with insurance, but no food and nowhere to live?
so you're against civil rights and hate crimes, too.

you're just one membership in a white supremacy group away from desert dud status now.

misrepresentation to make an argument again. Shame you can't argue on your own merits.

I'm all for civil rights. If you had been paying attention you would know that I believe in equal/blind laws, I've said it a few times in this thread alone. I wish Ike would have been able to push it through in the 50's and we could have avoided much of the 60's nonsense.

Yes, i'm against the term hate crimes. I think killing me because it's Monday is just as bad as killing me because I'm a practicing Rastafarian. If a crime is committed out of malicious intent, having a jury try to decide whether my maliciousness was out of racism or general hate is a can of worms I don't think we should open. Was my intent malicious? should be the deciding factor, not what type of maliciousness and is it worse based on x than y. WE are going to disagree on this, I understand, but only because you are wrong ;).
The USA is capitalist for medium and small sized companies and socialist for large corporations and banks and wall street. i.e. Small and medium sized businesses are allowed to fail due to their own problems, but the large corporations are never allowed to fail no matter how they got there, whether it be through misappropriation, illegalities of even outright fraud to the citizens of this nation.

So you are saying the large corporations are not privately owned?

[h=2]cap·i·tal·ism[/h] noun \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\ : a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people and companies
Yet capitalism preserves inequality, no it does more than that, it expands inequity. It was the market that enslaved black people, the gov't just sanctioned it. The gov't didn't do it. I agree that the state should be color blind, but the same inequity that has been around for centuries now is preserved by capitalism. It was a few left wing presidents like Lincoln and FDR who created opportunities for them (and for everyone). Financial help, relief and particularly food and education should be provided for anyone who needs it, not just minorities.

and what will replace capitalism in your Candyland dream world?

or will we all share and share alike?

how will those who live in Molasses Swamp get their much needed sugar crusted fruit chew fix when they live so far from the Gum Drop Mountains?

how will the Sourghum starved citizens of the Peppermint Forest satiate their need for sweet blackstrap, when the Molasses Swamp is so far away?

without an economy of some sort nobody can get anything they cannot produce themselves, thus "Division of Labour" is rejected, and we all go back to hunting gathering and subsistence farming.

offer a solution, or your Candyland is just a childish fantasy

I just spoke to one of my co-workers (single, 57), she was beside herself in tears.
She is one of the dropped policy's and went from 365.00 a month with 5k deductible (previous health insurance) to the lowest acceptable tier available (bronze). Now her monthly premium is 900.00 a month with a 6.5k deductible.

Affordable ? Get fucking real.
Fair ? Not even close.

But then again, "Change" was the advertisement that brought this horse into the barn.

Co worker?
So your company doesnt offer health insurance?
i wouldn't even take a job that didn't offer decent health care in my 20s.

why didn't these 50+ year olds bother to pull themselves up by the bootstraps years ago?

it's not exactly that hard to get a job with decent healthcare anyway.

sounds like a lot of unmotivated, lazy leeches on society just waiting for a government handout to me.
Obviously then your whole story is bullshit

It is not bs, I really do not know what the co. offers - I've been Tricare since retirement & do not bother to delve into the nuances of what the company offers.

Next ?

And I do not recall ever cursing at you - why you mad bro ?
It is not bs, I really do not know what the co. offers - I've been Tricare since retirement & do not bother to delve into the nuances of what the company offers.

Next ?

And I do not recall ever cursing at you - why you mad bro ?
Your story
I just spoke to one of my co-workers (single, 57), she was beside herself in tears.
She is one of the dropped policy's and went from 365.00 a month with 5k deductible (previous health insurance) to the lowest acceptable tier available (bronze). Now her monthly premium is 900.00 a month with a 6.5k deductible.

Affordable ? Get fucking real.
Fair ? Not even close.

But then again, "Change" was the advertisement that brought this horse into the barn.

Employers weren't forced to drop coverage
She went shopping on the exchange becuase her employers offered insurance policy was that bad?
And now she is crying?

That 365 a month was that after what the employer pitched in?
Sorry I will curse upon you again
Your story is bullshit
or her story is bullshit
Your story

Employers weren't forced to drop coverage
She went shopping on the exchange becuase her employers offered insurance policy was that bad?
And now she is crying?

That 365 a month was that after what the employer pitched in?
Sorry I will curse upon you again
Your story is bullshit
or her story is bullshit

She Had Her Own Health Insurance.
She Was Dropped.

That's why she's shopping now.

A cursing apology ?
That wouldn't fly with my momma, and probably not yours either.
So what great company that you work for doesnt offer insurance?
You said she was a Coworker

Whats your name, social and address ?

I live in a small community & don't divulge that info.
The company I work for does have an insurance plan, but I know of it anecdotally as I really don't pay attention to the details - I just hear some of the folks bitch about coverage.

Is it possible for you to have a conversation devoid of condescending and vitriolic snippets ?
Whats your name, social and address ?

I live in a small community & don't divulge that info.
The company I work for does have an insurance plan, but I know of it anecdotally as I really don't pay attention to the details - I just hear some of the folks bitch about coverage.

Is it possible for you to have a conversation devoid of condescending and vitriolic snippets ?

So your companys insurance plan is so expensive and shitty that people have to shop on the exchange?

I mean come on, you work there and you didnt even sign a waiver of insurance or anything?
So your companys insurance plan is so expensive and shitty that people have to shop on the exchange?

I mean come on, you work there and you didnt even sign a waiver of insurance or anything?

I may have, I signed several forms 13 years ago when I started here, and as I already had insurance, probably would have just signed said waiver & dismissed it.

I know you're simply looking for an open chink in my armor - but honestly there isn't one. I'm not smart enough to carry on and embellish a lie, and its too much work.