Well-Known Member
dude, you said libertarians are against birth control, marriage equality, do I need to elaborate more?
You were referring to title II of the civil rights which states we can't discriminate based on x,y,z. It still allows discrimination based on d,e,f. Not an equal law and is based on moral opinions that one discrimination is better/worse than another. It perpetuates the mentality that hatches something called hate crimes, where murdering you because you suck cock is somehow worse than murdering you because somebody stole my parking spot and you looked at me funny.
I know you are all for hate crimes, so I don't expect you to understand that it's wrong to discriminate no matter how it's done, but freedom comes with costs and people suck, and for everyone to be equal under the law, the laws need to be blind to emotion. When you grow up and join society you'll get a better feel for what I'm trying to explain.
so you're against civil rights and hate crimes, too.
you're just one membership in a white supremacy group away from desert dud status now.