Won't Anything Satisfy The Right?...


Well-Known Member

local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting..

do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.
Delay not retract. They are still getting booted. This was not a fix really.

edit: are you really stooping to bucks level? People can't be against the ACA unless they're racist?
Delay not retract. They are still getting booted. This was not a fix really.

oh you mean "extend"?..policies are negotiated on a year-to-year basis..individual as well as business unless previously negotiated..that is why open enrollment occurs from oct 1st to december 15th..by september they have all the actuarial stuff in place to increase the premiums for the following year..

local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting..

do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.

Translation: Duh, Obama fixed everything with his speech, like, didn't those stupid racist republicans listen to it.
Do they get to keep the policies after next year or will they be completely gone in a year?

They will be gone. The people who have them will have to get through the exchange. That is not getting to keep your plan, period.
He fixed nothing. Only delayed the inevitable.
Do they get to keep the policies after next year or will they be completely gone in a year?

They will be gone. The people who have them will have to get through the exchange. That is not getting to keep your plan, period.
He fixed nothing. Only delayed the inevitable.

listen to me: policies are issued every year..whether you keep the same or not..they have a very definitive begining and end date, 1/1-12/31.

local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting..

do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.

so, they were angry because The One is black?

they blamed his blackness for his incompetence and cupidity?

did they even MENTION he was black?

why do you assume his blackness was the thing they "Can't Handle" when it could well be his FAILURE is the thing they "Cant Handle"?

the left is notoriously forgiving of it's own when they SUCK (thats why you hear the term "Fail Upwards").
even Moonbeam Brown got another turn on the merry-go-round and another shot at the political Brass Ring despite a catastrophic failure as governor the last time, failing MISERABLY as mayor of Oakland, and basically never doing anything but fuck up whenever he holds political office.

will no amount of failure satisfy the left's demand for Fuckups and Clowns in high office?
so, they were angry because The One is black?

they blamed his blackness for his incompetence and cupidity?

did they even MENTION he was black?

why do you assume his blackness was the thing they "Can't Handle" when it could well be his FAILURE is the thing they "Cant Handle"?

the left is notoriously forgiving of it's own when they SUCK (thats why you hear the term "Fail Upwards").
even Moonbeam Brown got another turn on the merry-go-round and another shot at the political Brass Ring despite a catastrophic failure as governor the last time, failing MISERABLY as mayor of Oakland, and basically never doing anything but fuck up whenever he holds political office.

will no amount of failure satisfy the left's demand for Fuckups and Clowns in high office?

the ACA is here to stay an no amount of naysaying is going to change that..just take it as a "you never know who's listening"..in biz you need to be middle of the road..no bumber stickers..no political or religious talk..you are basically asking for "no-sales" or loss of customer base..

local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting..

do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.

He did NOT miscommunicate, he LIED.
He is not "working with insurance companies", he basically tossed them the "hot potato, hot potato" so he can lay the blame on someone else.

I could care less if he was green with six arms, a LIAR is a LIAR and not to be trusted again for a single second. Period.
The President isn't a Patriot and deserves no patriotic salutation. He's actually the opposite of a Patriot. And a liar is a liar. If he was a Native American, his name would be Big Sitting Liar.
the ACA is here to stay an no amount of naysaying is going to change that..just take it as a "you never know who's listening"..in biz you need to be middle of the road..no bumber stickers..no political or religious talk..you are basically asking for "no-sales" or loss of customer base..

so no, they didnt say anything about his being black. they oppose a political policy which MANY people oppose, but you support, so you call them racist and swear never to enter that establishment again.

good for you.

unless it's because that pizza joint was run by people of the Italian persuasion , and you are opposing them because you hate those damned dirty Guineas...

why do you hate dagos?

is that why you are boycotting Mario games?

man, i had no idea you were so bigoted against wops!
i find it unpatriotic that people wish a sitting president ill will..

Bush endured far more withering, acerbic, mean spirited criticism than does Obama, and with far more grace.

local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting..

do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.

If it were possible for you to remove all bias and step back and take a look you would see...

People reacted the exact same way to Bush and he was white....

To most normal Americans, the race card is well played out and just makes the person using it look bad.

You were probably one of the people in the bar (if you were old enough) raising your voice about what Bush was doing and had others agreeing with you just as loudly. Now that someone else is doing it.....

I saw someone quote George Carlin the other day...

Notice how the people driving slower than you are idiots, those driving faster are maniacs?

You are only seeing the side you want to see. It is the same way for everyone else.
Student protests Common Core. (public education's socialist agenda):

so, they were angry because The One is black?

they blamed his blackness for his incompetence and cupidity?

did they even MENTION he was black?

why do you assume his blackness was the thing they "Can't Handle" when it could well be his FAILURE is the thing they "Cant Handle"?

the left is notoriously forgiving of it's own when they SUCK (thats why you hear the term "Fail Upwards").
even Moonbeam Brown got another turn on the merry-go-round and another shot at the political Brass Ring despite a catastrophic failure as governor the last time, failing MISERABLY as mayor of Oakland, and basically never doing anything but fuck up whenever he holds political office.

will no amount of failure satisfy the left's demand for Fuckups and Clowns in high office?

btw..i didn't mention "can't handle"..not sure where that came from:grin:
so, they were angry because The One is black?

they blamed his blackness for his incompetence and cupidity?

did they even MENTION he was black?

why do you assume his blackness was the thing they "Can't Handle" when it could well be his FAILURE is the thing they "Cant Handle"?

the left is notoriously forgiving of it's own when they SUCK (thats why you hear the term "Fail Upwards").
even Moonbeam Brown got another turn on the merry-go-round and another shot at the political Brass Ring despite a catastrophic failure as governor the last time, failing MISERABLY as mayor of Oakland, and basically never doing anything but fuck up whenever he holds political office.

will no amount of failure satisfy the left's demand for Fuckups and Clowns in high office?

My plan is less than $2 per day. No subsidy. Know why? I'm in an industry that cares, nothing to do with government. But now I risk my spouse losing the policy. Bwanacur meddling has increased overhead, so if a spouse has access to even the most shit employer insurance, it's, "ha ha!" This situation never happened until The One started his hate orgy on the behalf of selfish lazy bitches like Sky.