please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
I never have bad feelings I said last night..I care for my fellow man..even you..and sorry for the harsh shit I said,but put me to the verbal pepsi challenge and I can preform like just hate hate..feel me..
I still stick with what I said tho..I know more white assholes than all other assholes combines..fucking white
Ahh man its alright. we all say n do things that are in the heat of the moment when upset. I know ALOT of old white men and women that are down right HATEFUL so I will give ya that LOL.


Well-Known Member
For grandfather..worst white man phrase was 'when I was young and you wanted to kill a nigger,you wrapped him in chains,threw him in the river,and said he drowned trying to steal your chains..'
Now that a statement your 10 year old should hear?..
Fucking white people..


Well-Known Member
Dutch..'i need to re-improve my shit!!' line in the clip..richard is my hero!
Truly another comedian before his time.

1. Bill Hicks
2. Richard Pryor
3. Dave Chappelle

I know the first 2 are a given, but I truly think Chappelle was a man ahead of his time too.


Well-Known Member
It is a shame he did "Half-Baked" made him a lot of fans and money but it is not the direction he should have gone. But that is the trick, isn't it? Pryor had to do years of 'white man' comedy before he could break out and become himself. Chapel had to do half baked ....irony.... but I totally agree.. Chapel is a artist


Well-Known Member
Wow..I'm so high on acid right an awesome morn...possibly omlettes? visions kinda hazey...shit needs to clear up...


Well-Known Member
Wow..I'm so high on acid right an awesome morn...possibly omlettes? visions kinda hazey...shit needs to clear up...
make some omlettes! I do breakfast big every morning .... I think it is very important that no matter how drunk you are/were, how high, or how many nights you have been up... breakfast is essential


Active Member
Yes, I used that word to describe the people polluting their communities, the youth and the future of this city. They do not care about life, nor do they value it. They only care about the $$$, the hustle. I am FAR from racist. I have black friends, being I live in the city I live around alot of blacks. ALOT of them do not fall into that category. However the ones that do, yes. They are exactly that! Now alot of my black friends feel the same way. They dont like seeing the streets unsafe, polluted and a war zone. I would think this is perfectly reasonable. Its not racist, its common sense. These people I refer to give the city a bad name, they give good urban people a bad name.....
i agree and disagree with a lot you are saying. i hope we can be more civil with each other as well. i dont think akron is as bad as you are saying it is, there have been MAJOR improvements in the last 15 years and its much much nicer than it used to be. there will always be bad types that deal hard drugs in the inner city, of course that wont go away, but its not nearly as bad with the gang and mafia types as it used to be. i know you remember worse times here just like i do.

anyway im at work i cant get too deep into anything right now but i will come and go as i get the chances


Active Member
I would love to know how you procure drugs without the use of dealers. Buying seeds is supporting a drug dealer. Buying cacti cuttings is supporting drug dealers. Even if a friend gifts you a clone they are still technically a drug dealer. Even growing everything your own, at some point you supported a drug dealer.

And if you pay taxes your money has gone to far, far worse things than drug dealing. Though also that.

to avoid conflict, i will start by saying to jj05 that im not trying to start shit, just answering a question that was never answered.

DutchKillsRambo - he trades his homegrown to other dealers for acid and what not. IMO that is still suppporting a "dealer"

jj05 from many things you have said and posted you just kind of come off as a hypocrite. it seems like you really feel you need to prove to everyone that you have this strong moral fiber, but i dont think anyone really cares one way or the other.

i apologize again for calling you a cop, some things you had said just really really put me off. i suspect that you are not, but i also dont know that we would get along face to face like you say. either way can we agree to leave the past behind us and leave the negativity out of HS?



Well-Known Member
Yes but there are plenty of ways to describe what you don't like without using a word that is pretty much guaranteed to cause an angry reaction.


Well-Known Member
Yes but there are plenty of ways to describe what you don't like without using a word that is pretty much guaranteed to cause an angry reaction.
And even besides that, he doesn't like "drug dealers"....... Human civilization revolves around drugs haha

But I don't dislike anybody, ever. I've never been like that. I just disagree with some opinions.


Well-Known Member
And even besides that, he doesn't like "drug dealers"....... Human civilization revolves around drugs haha

But I don't dislike anybody, ever. I've never been like that. I just disagree with some opinions.
Many of my closest friends are current or former drug dealers. While the fast money attracts many unsavory characters there are some decent people in the business.


Well-Known Member
Many of my closest friends are current or former drug dealers. While the fast money attracts many unsavory characters there are some decent people in the business.
fuckin A there are unsavory characters everywhere though... lol...shit the asshole that sold me some goo this morning at the pot dispensary...that dude is a unsavory fuck , no one likes him


Well-Known Member
this fucking guy is rude to everyone who goes in there. really short with people and just arrogant ...I order my shit today and he is short and rude as usual... his scale had weed on it, like two little nugs(about two bowls) a bowl or so of shake. instead of bagging that little bit of weed or rejaring it....he fucking blows it on to the dirty floor like it was dust. HOw fucking arogant is that? That was at least a gram of bud blown onto the floor was probably some outdoor but looked fine to me