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  1. theloadeddragon

    Banned wagon

    nah... I just see that your greed has led you there... please dont take statements to a specific situation and allocate them to be about general issues... lost everything... nah, not at all. I have gained so much since "then" ..... gotta loose some to win some. Overall I am happy with my...
  2. theloadeddragon

    Banned wagon

    well yah know... in the end I realised I dont care, its not a big deal... karmas a bitch (Im getting mine too)... and overall your a nice guy and Im cool with you... especially without the Mod power :)
  3. theloadeddragon

    Banned wagon

    ^^^^^^^ I got banned for standing up to that guy ^^^^^^ catching him up in his hypocracy and exposing double talking lies.... was pathetic really (on RIU's part) all he had to do was admit to what was plainly evident in his own posting..... how hard was it to come to terms and eventually admit...
  4. theloadeddragon

    The OFFICIAL gay stoner THREAD…

    i think the closest I come to gayness is wishing that women would get over their own pussies and be more logical.... thas about it.... I hate gender..... issues... equality is equality... but on both sides we want special treatment ;)
  5. theloadeddragon

    you're here, and I'm there

    hmmm... I have lived in the largest of cities... large cities, small cities... small towns... East Coast, West Coast... deep south... by the great lakes... in the desert, in the mountains... I have lived in appartments, mansions, large and small houses... been homeless and slept in the streets...
  6. theloadeddragon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    something familiars about fumble
  7. theloadeddragon

    i wonder.... sitting here toking a bowl....

    Some OG Kush for me this morning... some mellow thought and a nice come down ending with a burst of sustained energy :) Sounds familiar! She always loved the ganja.... admittedly though, Im cutting down quite a bit. Just this bowl this morning, then nothing till its just me and my kids are...
  8. theloadeddragon

    i wonder.... sitting here toking a bowl....

    Im sitting here toking a bowl.... wondering: I weighed my meal tonight as I put the portions on my plate. 1.7 lb's of pork (including sauce), 3/4 lb pasta (including sauce) 1/4 lb or cream corn. I ate it all accept what my kids snatched away in little bites.... was YUM :) apple pie, pop...
  9. theloadeddragon

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Everyone is created equal... I have been chewing on this for a while... Are all lizards and apes created equal?
  10. theloadeddragon

    i wonder.... sitting here toking a bowl....

    my scars are starting to form... at least its not an open wound anymore. Im smiling these days... lavenstar showed up randomly and..... Christmas came and went... kept the drama and didnt get involved... she was sent packing by our daughter. The shocking power of that is still lingering. Its...
  11. theloadeddragon


    beautiful :). Dig the hair.
  12. theloadeddragon

    i wonder.... sitting here toking a bowl....

    lol... just cuz it doesnt make sense to you haha. Well, the nearest strip club is 2 hours away and it sucks. Besides Im friends with former strippers from there and they live just a couple miles down the road. Physical lust and sex is not love... maybe for some, not me.... for me there is a...
  13. theloadeddragon

    1000w 4x4 tent multi-strain perpetual grow

    lookin good there :) lil hungry maybe? ;)
  14. theloadeddragon

    i wonder.... sitting here toking a bowl....

    thanks slowbus.... Im doing my best! fucking Christmas man... crazy. Sitting here toking a bowl wondering.... "what the fuck is going on? What exactly am I doing? Why? To what end? Why cant my life be my own.... I want to be loved, or left alone!"
  15. theloadeddragon

    are all my pics gone?

    in the first page of my 2010 outdoor thread there should be pics... my pics are still gone, no idea whats going on and havent heard anything about it from site.
  16. theloadeddragon

    nAh, I dont know what happened to them at all bro. Wish I knew.

    nAh, I dont know what happened to them at all bro. Wish I knew.
  17. theloadeddragon

    2012 aussie outdoor

    tie them down and SCROG them to keep them shorter ;).... are those from seed? If so have they been sexed?
  18. theloadeddragon

    Did you know

    Uranus Saturn Earth and fill your Venus with Mercury
  19. theloadeddragon

    Where are you hiding your...

    Im hiding my weed in All the weed jars and bags in the world... ;)
  20. theloadeddragon

    Where Do You Reside?

    its 28 degrees where Im at in cali right night, winter came in over night a couple nights ago. I go back and forth on whether or not I want to go to Alaska to visit....