Search results

  1. Ledhed

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    Marijuana has a distinctly different shade of green to it than most other plants, that's how helicopters find the outdoor grows, not from plant heat.The FLIR is used to detect heat emanating from indoor grow operations and is usually used to detect the larger grows as the heat from them is a LOT...
  2. Ledhed

    will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

    You still have a few weeks on that IMO. You said yourself it's still showing new growth, the leaves aren't browning and drying like they do when a plant nears the end of it's life cycle. No color to the trichs, white hairs still, that plant still has 2-4 weeks left to reach it's potential. Tell...
  3. Ledhed

    Big Buddah cheese 44 days flower - chop soon

    Tons of white hairs on those plants still, you've got a while to go yet. I'd say at least 3-4 weeks still, and it looks like they're still growing. WHEN it's done it looks like you'll definitely have some nice smoke though. Nice grow, but I'd wait, no use chopping before they're actually done.
  4. Ledhed

    Light/Seedling Problem

    Sounds like you're using an incandescent bulb as opposed to a CFL or other type, hence the higher temp.
  5. Ledhed

    Room Setup with Pictures and Sprout issues

    Help on what? you didn't ask a question or seek advice on anything. Looks like a nice setup, but no idea why a few of those babies are turning yellow. Not sure if I'd have 2 inches of sand either, but probably not a bad idea.
  6. Ledhed

    Shit! Drug Test!

    Herbal Clean works great. You can take it an hour before the test and be good, and it lasts for about six hours. Being that it's not a probation/parole test or anything else to do with legal problems, the person/people giving or administering the test cannot watch you.
  7. Ledhed

    Dry, Brittle Bud

    Time to jar them. The moisture will come back a bit during the curing process. You don't want them too wet when you jar them otherwise you'll have mold. The point of drying them is to get the majority of moisture out before they go into jars. As the previous poster stated, the moisture that's...
  8. Ledhed

    Made bubble hash today

    Looks pretty tasty, nice job.
  9. Ledhed

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    That's not great at all, the poor plant is stretching terribly. Get your lights closer if you're using CFL's, and it looks like you are. Also get rid of the tin foil, that will only cause hot spots if it does anything at all. Try painting the area white, or even get some poster board on the...
  10. Ledhed

    Please Help..

    It's not the temperature so much as it the humidity in your grow area. It can be hot as hell or really chilly and mold won't grow, unless it is exceedingly humid. Best bet is to get a fan or two blowing in there, or a dehumidifier. Hate to say it, but the moldy bits are shot.
  11. Ledhed

    Growing inside questions...?

    Read, read, and read some more. There is a lot of very useful info on this site, browse, search, and just read threads. You will gain a lot of very useful knowledge that way.
  12. Ledhed

    Big noob here need help

    RIU is where you are,,,,, RollItUp. Get rid of the aluminum foil in the grow area, it will only cause problems in the future.
  13. Ledhed

    maturing male in dark??

    Why are you saving a male?
  14. Ledhed

    Does this look right to you?

    Nice hermie.
  15. Ledhed

    Are there any MM recipients from Michigan here?

    There's a clinic in Southfield that will walk you through the process. All the info is available on here or you can just google MMJ in Michigan and get loads of the correct info to get started. The Doctor can only recommend MMJ for you, then an application is submitted to the state to see if...
  16. Ledhed

    Is it time to harvest?

    Absolutely gorgeous girls! Well done.
  17. Ledhed

    ***The Botany of Desire***{{{Movie}}}

    Saw it the other night on my local PBS channel. Pretty cool show altogether. Learned a lot about apples that I never knew before.
  18. Ledhed

    drug test in 7 days! help

    Great stuff, I've used it for probation and jobs, never failed. Best part is, a lot of tests check for masking agents, this stuff doesn't show up as a blocker or diluting agent. It's about 25-30 dollars a bottle where I am, but well worth it IMO. I've smoked (albeit stupidly) as close as three...
  19. Ledhed

    Another Question

    Are you referring to visqueen?